>Dude Bros
>The Grabowskis
>Gorilla Interrupted
>Feeding Frenzy
>Plinkett Reviews
>Half in the Bag
>Best of the Worst
>Quick Cuts
>Jay's vlog
>Space Cop
>Nerd Crew
What's their best? What's their worst? What about future projects or shows?
Other urls found in this thread:
I really like botw but cant really enjoy their other shit.
I do watch half in the bag when its a movie im interested in.
Rest of the shows are misses with me , nerd crew even more than the others.
SexyNerdGirl's Mike lust video>>>>>>>>>>>>anything else
Get some real friends, faggot.
Old pic is old. I'd I'd trade Jack for Jessi.
My two favourite things they've ever done are:
The Long Walk Home
Where's Deathlist?
Both are no longer on the internet for some reason.
The girl from the "What's Your Number" review was so adorable that I'd drink a gallon of her piss just to see where it came from.
>hipster detected
Jessi was shit and unfunny. Every episode she was in got ruined by everyone pandering to her and awkwardly laughing at her non-jokes
>Best of the Worst
>old Plinkett Reviews
>Half in the Bag
>How Not to Make a Movie
>new Plinkett Reviews
>Nerd Crew
>Feeding Frenzy
>The Western Ore Musical
>Space Cop
>Previously Recorded Live
>The Great Space Jam
>Dude Bros
>The Grabowskis
>Gorilla Interrupted
>he doesn't think "Going on 78th street" was their peak.
Casuals like you make me sick
all shit, except for nerd crew
Mike's finger is up her ass
Jay's finger is up Mike's ass
Beard dude has his finger up Jay's ass
And Rich has his finger up his own ass
>feeding frenzy
>above anything that's not space cop
It's pretty awful and Laura Story's filthy fucking mouth and that bad russian accent is the only part of the movie that made me kek.
>look up sexynerdgirl mike on youtube
>she's very plain looking with a lazy eye
>this is Sup Forums's idol
I'd trade Jack for Rich, to be completely honest with you.
Rich is cancer.
Gillian is best girl, but Jessie's ok too, and blows the fuck out of Aidsmoby or beardfat when it comes to BotW lineups.
laura story is too fucking hot desu and im not even into """thicc""" girls
God damn that's tragic
could jay have been any more of a cuck back in the day?
There's good times and there's bad times but mostly bad.....
>Best series
>Best movie
Gorilla interrupted
>Worst series
Nerd Crew
>Worst movie
everything but Space Cop which is decent
Best series is actually Scientist Man you fucking plebs.
That's not a series.
Agreed. He reminds me of all the obnoxious fat autismos is I grew up with. I hate how smugness.
delet this
better than jessi
damm mike was really a chad back then. post more old pics.
what happened to him?
her voice is hot though
that stuff he's holding in the picture
does anyone have the video where mike is awkwardly dancing at a "club" with a bunch of women?
Jessi left due to inappropriate touching by Mike.
>putting the Grabowskis in shit tier
>Jessi left due to inappropriate touching of funds.
how did the rlm guys met and how do you guys have all those pics. have they ever done a bio or some question video?
why are they so fat now?
even jay is starting to develop an extra chin
Commentary tracks
Czech genes
jay was the only one that improved over the years. why and how?
Current version
>bottle of alcohol in hands
what do you think?
they live in wisconsin. all there is to do is drink beer and eat cheese and deep fried stuff.
its just a bulking phase, Jay has already cut and the others will follow soon
rich doesn't look so bad compared to his old self
>that forced smile for a picture with a negress
>the virgin bauman vs the chad stoklasa
someone seriously needs to make that
a fan wanted to take a picture with him at a fast food joint
Why are they so spontaneously funny but so bad at writing comedy? No sketch they have ever done from Half in the Bag to Space Cop has ever made me smile.
so i shoudnt ask for pics
>Plinkett Reviews
>Half in the Bag
>Best of the Worst
>Space Cop
>Nerd Crew
>Dude Bros
>Feeding Frenzy
>Gorilla Interrupted
>The Grabowskis
>Quick Cuts
>Jay's vlog
Damn, Jay and Rich have really changed.
I have that one saved as forced_interracial_smiling.jpg
I know "I heard it on PreRec" is a meme and all, but I actually did hear Rich say that Mike hates when fans randomly approach him in public.
It was some "Milwaukee filmmakers symposium" thing at UWisc, Milwaukee.
What type of stance is Young Rich trying to pull off here?
shrug wave
Deep fried shit is the southern states. Wisconsin is all about butter burgers, cheese, and custard.