i thought mel was supposed to be based?
I thought mel was supposed to be based?
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He is gonna be the brutal cop. No one and I mean no one is more terrifying and brutal than Mel Gibson.
Just watch Brawl in Cell Block 99 m8
How is this not based?
And give some credit to Frank
its part of his repayment to get off the blacklist.
who you think created this whole mel gibson is a racist mess? motherfuckin black cops
fuckin apes
>90m of Gibson and Vaughn beating sand(niggers) dressed as dirty cops
They gonna play some cop beating negroes, commies and fags for 90 mins straight.
The messege of the film is "don't be a nigger, a fag or a commie or we'll beat your ass"
>police brutality doesn't exist because i'm a meme spouting retard
OP continues his unprecedented streak of faggotry.
Mel isn't based, he portrayed a great man who kicked the Jews out of England as some tyrant while making a cuck like Wallace into a hero. Less said about the patriot the better.
It's simple. They're real human beens, not the edgy memes that retarded frogposters on here make them out to be. Gibson and Vaughn would likely be completely disgusted being in the presence of these people.
Wallace was a hero though. Scotland deserves its independence
They put Mel in a police uniform, give him some booze and film the results.
>in this department, we do it by the book!
>Now turn in your scourge and gun!
maybe they are promoting police brutality
They deserve the Neo-Hadrian Wall (with machine guns now) and being forgotten by mankind.
What I love about Mel are his sick, base instincts. It's like an animal directing a scene.
In Passion of the Christ, just to add insult to injury, the guy on the cross who insults jesus is torn at by a crow.
In Hacksaw Ridge, Mel lovingly depicts soldiers being melted and gibbed by high caliber machine gun fire--like my ultra violent animes.
In Apocalypto, he shows a heart being removed from a chest as if he himself were yanking it from a native's body.
His animalness is aesthetic as fuck.
Lethal weapon 5?
>says Jews are the root of evil
>gets blacklisted
>Weinstein revealed to be serial rapist
Will Hollywood finally apologize?
That raises just one question:
Who is going to play Officer Sugar Tits?
It's more that religion is than one specific group, some are just more successful in different areas and for different reasons.
Fuck the Police
He'll show that police need to be brutal because they deal with animals every day and are constantly put in life or death situations.
>Don't tase me bro!
Let's be real user, the job attracts the kind of people who shouldn't have positions of authority. The kind of guys who end up becoming police were the fat nerd cucks in highschool who got picked on by everyone, and now its THEIR TURN to pick on other people.
There are plenty of officers that are fine upstanding humans, but for ever one of those there are a dozen or more dickheads.
No one doubts that it's a shitty thankless job, but they don't do themselves any favors either.
>omg so dangerous, cops shouldn't be held to any ethical standards
oh my autism, now I want to see the full list.
Police are law enforcement
they as a whole (and a majority) dont give a flying fuck about citizens, they only care about "their" people and fucking over as many people as they can because law. There's rarely any consequences if they fuck up due to the 2-party system, ie, court/DA deals with it later not them.
Law does not equal what is morally right and wrong. The Law just Is, and its created, influenced and funded by the worst kinds of people to roam the earth
to the system you are a number, cattle, sheep, etc. they don't give a shit about you
>Rodney King: Our Story
Now I wanna see a movie about loggers in the Final Destination format.
Gibson and Vaughn are both pretty based. It won't be some bullshit BLM thing.
About police brutality like Dirty Harry perhaps?
>get an independence referendum
>reject independence
>deserve Independence
Lol like I said, bunch of cucks
TRIPS of truth. someone forgot to play Braveheart the day before the referendum.
>The kind of guys who end up becoming police were the fat nerd cucks in highschool who got picked on by everyone, and now its THEIR TURN to pick on other people.
>siding with the normalfags
I don't see the problem here, it's justice
Edgy but the alternative is undesirable
It's edgy but the truth, take if from someone whos been in the system for a while now
every police action movie is about police brutality
A large part of the reason they voted against it was because they couldn't be fucked negotiating their own entry to the Eurozone when most of the stuff they wanted had been devolved to them by the British parliament any way.
Now that Brexit is a thing they want independance so they can stay in the Eurozone.
Shit ain't that complicated, son.
>Police are law enforcement
They're civil servants who take an oath.
I mean who hasnt dropped racist shit while black out drunk ?
I trust Mel to deliver
it's still better than having total anarchy. Evil is borne from free will. Just by existing in our society, you have given up on certain rights so the government protects your other rights. That's the way society works. In a perfect world, we would be governed by machines, beings of perfect logic that aren't prone to human error, vices or corruption
lmao go up to a police officer and tell them they serve you, see what happens
they serve "The People"
If you go to court under criminal charges, its "The People of X State" Vs "You"
"The People" being the fucking government.
They serve the government, not society. They are Law Enforcement and in virtually all aspects of the system are referred to as so
The fact of the matter is that the government has grown to large, out of control, and too integrated with the banks, businesses, MID, Elite, etc.
We need a hard reset or eventually shit is going to hit the fan, i hope you're ready
More leftist bullshit no one will go to see. Just like that immigrant preggo movie with that mick potato nigger bitch this shithole Jacks off to
>want independence by leaving a Union
>give up that independence by joining a union
Scots are more stupid than I thought
Was basically gonna say this.
Also, Vince Vaughn was in Hacksaw Ridge. lol
How is collecting garbage so deadly?
>the government has grown to large
No, corporations have grown too large, ;arg enough to buy out the government. America has become a corporatocracy. This is the exact thing that teddy Roosevelt was trying to avoid. But in the end it doesn't really matter, humans just aren't capable of creating a system that is fair to everyone. We need an impartial third-party of beings that are smarter than us. Can't wait for our AI overlords
Real story: my friend died on a garbage route because a man with brain cancer had a seizure while driving his car and plowed into him 45 mph while my friend was on the back of the truck. Cut him in half.
I didn't actually realise the fatality rate was so high, though. . . .
They're in traffic, half the time with two dudes hanging off the back running around grabbing garbage in the early fucking morning.
Plus those garbage trucks have big ass hydraulics on there, if you got caught up in those doors coming down you'd be fucked before anyone could hit the emergency stop.
His name is Christ
Funny, how people think that God doesn't exist yet will go out of their way to create one
>hard reset
>shit is going to hit the fan
But those both seem pretty similar.
>Also, neither of those are going to happen.
I'm thinkin' some places have a lot higher rates than the national average
>It won't be some bullshit BLM thing.
yeah vaughn clearly dictates the tone of the movie, from wedding crashers, unfinished business to the internship. he clearly isn't in it for the money at all regardless of the script.
The leading cause of workplace fatalities is motor vehicle accidents.
The leading cause of workplace fatalities for women is violence/murder.
The last year I check with the Bureau of Labor Statistics roughly 350 women died in the work place compared to 4,000 men.
It's obviously going to be pro brutality
So slow death of society then?
We can't depend on God anymore. It's a new world, we need new solutions to new problems. Just as God created man, man will create God.
>be garbage man in detroit
>shot for trying to throw away someone's "house"
Mom's spaghetti indeed.
Believers depend on him to end it all, as it is foretold and should
Man will attempt to create God, or more so become Him, but will fail
Christ kid, go read some Nietzsche.
>retards who doesn't know what the movie really is about and who directs it.
fucking oven dodgers i swear.
>be american
>look at a cop Funny
>get executed on The spot
Some people still support american cops for some reason
but when will the Apocalypse begin, could be in a few hours or in ten thousand years. The problems exist now and we can't ignore them in the hopes that some outside force will save us from ourselves. So we must create that outside force ourselves.
We'll create not a God of light but a God of metal and electricity
The difference is that everyone else on that list typically dies from industrial accidents or other environmental hazards. Police officers are the only job on that list where there is a very real chance of someone else intentionally trying to murder you strictly for doing your job.
There is no way bartenders die that often per 100,000 people.
Go fuck yourself you stupid crumpet eating monster toothed shitbag.
More and more believe we are in the beginning of the End times, as do I.
Speak for yourself, you'll try to to make your false god but will never succeed.
Imagine if women did the dangerous jobs, the mortality rate would increase exponentially. Men would be forced to enter an involuntary termination lottery just to appease the feminists' lust for statistical parity.
name one instance of police brutality in recent years that wasn't justified
you say this shit like it's supposed to be a big deal, but I don't see the cops going back to your place and wiping out your family as well while they're at it. you fucking pussies will whine about anything these days
Alcohol can turn people into reckless angry retards, being around them all the time I can see it being risky.
its a comedy
nope, still cars
Define justified
Yeah man because if it doesnt happen to me personally its Not an issue
Lets not be hasty user. I support the police as much as anybody, and yes the vast majority of the time criminals deserve far worse than they get, but in a country of over 300 million people there are bound to be a few cases where police have legitimately gone over the line of acceptable conduct.
If you speak truth, I only hope that Heaven is real and I'm headed there
>Imagine if women did the dangerous jobs
Pretty sure street walker would beat out all those jobs, but that's not the kind of job that follows OSHA guidelines.
Yes, most officers die due to automotive accidents, but it doesn't change the fact that it is the only job on that list where there is considerable risk of being intentionally attacked.
>#18 deadliest job in a place where dozens of thousands of different jobs exist
>not REAL dangerous, guys
If loggers or fishermen could be safer by shooting at things they'd do it, too.
>Glum CUNT
>Smile and blllllooooww me. (because I deserve it.)
>I'm letting you fly now, cunt. Fly away!
>Fucking Jews... The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world… Are you a Jew?
Calm down jock, go eat some haggis.
They were way too rough with Eric Garner given the situation, and they ened up killing the poor guy. He wasn’t trying to resist, he was just trying to breathe. Seems a little excessive to respond to a report of illegal cigarettes with that.
You're kidding, right?
>No, corporations have grown too large, ;arg enough to buy out the government.
The only reason corporations can pay off the government is because the government is too big in the first place. Can't create loopholes if there are no regulations.
>they are just moving Jews to ghettos, what's the big deal? It's not like they are gassing them or anything. Yeah sure, a lot of Jewish businessmen were killed last night but just stop being a pussy...pshhh, they aren't killing their kids too.
This is why we need heavy economy regulation. Free market kiddies still believe in trickle down economics
This doesn't make any sense, you're just parroting memes about "too big" as if you know what that means.
You're not supposed to take the bait user.
I'm not parroting memes, I'm talking about government regulating the market and then being lobbied to regulate in favor of certain businesses influencing fair competition.
he is, the movie is about the brutality of being in the police force where he gets assaulted by blm protesters who kills his partner in the line of duty
>Free market kiddies still believe in trickle down economics
Keep believing that people who make money don't spend it.
the only thing mel gibson hates more than niggers are the pigs
yeah but who those that money go to? To other people that make money.
>in America
Well, maybe they're including data from countries like fucking Guatemala.
To people that offer something in return, that's how the economy works. If you're not making money it's because you have nothing to offer.
yes but the people that make money spend that money buying products from people who are already making money from selling their products. With no market regulations, monopolies from and a handful of rich people who make money off their products buy from each other while the rest scrape by
please god please this