Why does Trump want to kill him?

Snowden is literally an American hero and patriot. He sacrificed everything to expose government corruption.

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He was, now he's appeasing (((the powers that be))) in hopes of getting a pardon. Even Assange hinted at this.

He's a Russian spy.

Even if he is I'm fine with it, would you really have all the information about the NSA stay secret?

Thanks for Correcting The Record you freedom-hating faggot.

Being this retarded.

Holy shit it's real. No wonder Putin wants to dump him.

Righto you indoctrinated bootlicker. Spies don't dump their secrets into the public domain. Keep telling yourself that your government can do no wrong.

>to expose government corruption.
he gave away a lot more than that

He also revealed information about our foreign agents. Hes not a patriot. Hes a libcuck

He's kinda hot. He should grow his goatee out more

Trump is a good goy. He serves Israel.

that mole on his neck angers kek

He's a traitor. I hope trump gets cozy with Putin and they extradite that fuck to be executed.

The Russians are everywhere! They're hiding in your closet, they're hiding in your garbage cans, and they're exposing DNC corruption - uh - uh - uh *cough* *hack* *cough* I mean they're illegally hacking DNC servers!


This, he's a faggot who couldn't handle what he got himself into. So he fucked off to Russia like a coward.

the way he presumably escaped to russia is a retarded fairy tale

he is a fuctard that got bored at his NSA it job and started reading the TS files. Didn't understand what he was reading and got scared. Instead of going to the office whos entire job is to figure out if were doing illegal shit he loaded up a breifcase of flash drives, emailed his supervisor letting him know he thinks were doing illegal shit and then immediately fucks off to china without waiting for a response. He is a fucking faggot and everyone hates him here

Death to traitors, even if they had good intentions. Betraying your country and not being willing to pay the price is one of the most cowardly things you could possibly do. Snowden is a faggot and we should set an example with him.


I got a job in the cyber security field right out of college and man has my opinion of him changed. everyone who actually understands what he did also understands that he is just a little shit. he isn't the patron saint of digital privacy. he's a weasel that stole a bunch of sensitive information and then used it to become famous.

fuck wrong link

that gif of a floating pizza really made me think

Who gives a fuck, exposing the biggest government conspiracy in history is far more important tha the lives of some random grunts in the Middle East

Jesus Christ how much of a bootlicker can you be?


If he was/is such a hero, why did he sneak off from the US with Chinese agents who handed him off to his Russian handlers?

Why didn't he face the music here, be acquitted of espionage and really become a hero?

Not really, mostly just illegal spying and corruption.

No he didn't, post proof or shut the fuck up faggot.

Enjoy having the boot crash down on your balls when government surveillance comes to fuck you in the ass.

Our government are the ones who stranded him there. Revoked his passport when he got there so he couldn't leave.

ebin movie script nigger

>Betraying your country
They betrayed us first.

Say you have a contract. A legally binding contract, that you violate repeatedly.

How is somebody betraying YOU for exposing your illegal activities and warning people not to trust you?

All you faggots on here will not be user for long if this shit keeps up, but every time somebody exposes or provides proof, they are ignored.

Have fun next time we get a democrat president.

You goys know there is growing support for repealing the first amendment right?

You are literally giving them the rope they will use to hang you by supporting this shit.

>why did he sneak off from the US with Chinese agents who handed him off to his Russian handlers?

Literally never happened.

I don't know. It's one area I passionately disagree with him on. Frankly, I'm too anti-authoritarian to be supporting Trump, but fuck I'm not.

He never sacrificed, this was his plan all along to be SuperSnowden. He has detailed many times how he gamed the CIA exam by breaking into the HR server and stealing the answers (before he started working for BoozAllen/NSA).

I think he is pretty naive and thought he could come back, and that there would be more public outrage forcing politicians to pardon him. Unfortunately he talked way too much in the media, spelling out details of how he collected and transported insecurely intel all of which is a major life imprisonment at ADX Supermax type offense without even considering the leaking charges

The only way he's coming back is to a show trial for treason or else it sends the signal to other NSA/CIA employees that they can give away state secrets and then flee to Russia unscathed too.

If he leaves Russia and FSB protection then he dies mysteriously in a 'robbery' on the streets of Ecuador, or 'suicide'.

wtf i hate snowden now



>Snowden is literally an American hero and patriot.
fuck off, he is no hero or patriot.
he needs to be hung

How many Guy Fawkes masks do you have?

You know as someone who cares deeply about privacy and stopping mass surveillance I kind of lean toward thinking what he did was a good thing, and that he changed something.

Then I remember people still carry smartphones and installing angry birds and letting it download all their contacts, take their phone number, read their text messages. It's incredible that in the 90s we did away with this bullshit only for it to come back 10x as bad. And since there are so many more normies using tech the companies can just get away with it. It stares these idiots right in the face and they don't care. And if you point it out to them they call you paranoid or say "I have nothing to hide!!"

literally changed nothing

Ultimately his leaks were pretty pointless. The diplomatic cables leaked by wikileaks exposed much more corruption.

WTF is soros paying him to shill?

Then why did he release tons of info on spys and foreign hackers? Seems like there was more to his plan.

He's a low level cuck bitch. While I respect what he did, I think he did it to be famous more than anything. Plus he's such a numale faggot that I don't really care if her lives or dies.

While we're on topic, is Sup Forums going to see the movie? I'm planning on watching today.

I watched the Silk Road documentary and the spin was incredible. Never watching a movie on a current event ever again.

Yeah, I can't wait until Trump drone strikes this faggot.

We live in an age of decay and cult of technology. People would call you a bigot if you're not into it, and if you don't anything good coming out from it.

Let's make it straight. People think it's good because apparently it's solution to everything that contributes to the suffering of the human. And that includes joblessness to the most trivial physical task. And they are willing to give up a huge chunk of privacy for that.

>thinking Angry Birds is bad
It's not even a bad example, you might want to point out Pokémon Go.

reminder Trump hates Snowden too.

Btw this issue is more Nuanced then "He's a Traitor" and "He's a hero"

He is a hero, he exposed shit that at the time was tinfoil hat tier conspiracy.

He is also a traitor. Regardless of how he landed in Russia, point is that's where he's been for the last several years, and anyone who thinks Putin is allowing that out of the kindness of his heart is lying to themselves to save face. He has almost certainly traded secrets away in exchange for his life.

Man should have done the hard thing and stood trial. He would have been sentenced to death, but there are far worse things than dying for your countrymen, and the outrage would have been more pronounced, as opposed to where we are now where frankly, hardly anybody cares.

I was just saying a random app. I don't even look at the google app store anymore because the privacy invasion is so ubiquitous.

The government and government wannabes don't want governemnt corruption exposed. What a surprise.

What did they about my boy Ross?

I hate Snowden now!

People who cared already knew, people who don't continue to ignore. He added nothing of substance to the conversation.

>Seems like there was more to his plan.
So what you're saying is...getting caught...was part of his...!

if i was the commander in chief and a civilian released info that is still jeopardizing to this day, yeah i would execute him if i can.

>hero and patriot

What if he's still working for them, and he was doing his job in telling you what the government couldn't outright admit?
As for leaking shit to other countries who knows. America always seems to find some roundabout overcomplicated way to attack itself for some fucked up reason.
>Can I have the blue pill now please.



Trump works with (((elites))).

I honestly don't like him because he's hiding it takes away the credit I'd give him
If I did what he did I'd accept my fate so it can be another example in the history books of obamas corrupt presidency

>that disgusting fucking neck mole

Jewish Hollywood is making a film glorifying Snowden. It is directed by Oliver Stone, the Jew who made the disinformation film JFK.

That is all you need to know to realize that Snowden isn't a hero.

fuck snowden. He's CIA meant to do domestic damage to the NSA so they can't spy on CIA foreign affairs. Why do you think the CIA let him land in Russie?

okay guys, so is he a bad guy now? i blame CERN; over the last few years racism and sexism have become correct, skepticism and atheism are illogical, and george lincoln rockwell is a better person than mlk. assange is still a goodie though right?