Is escapism redpilled?

Life is shitty, so why not just get on welfare and live in your parents basement and spend all your time smoking weed and watching anime? It seems pretty comfy, I mean life has no meaning so you might as well try to get as much enjoyment out of it as you can right?

you are independent but have no power

You call that "enjoyment"? Fucking pathetic. If wasting away, smoking, stuffing your face with hotpockets, and fapping to anime porn is "enjoyment" to you, do the world a favor and kys.

or maybe your escapism is the ultimate bluepill?

>stop liking things I don't like

You can like things someone else doesn't like, but do you really think OP's idea was smart?

...or kill yourself. Don't forget that, you vermin.


I dont know man, socializing and having sex is pretty great, I'm just bad at both.



Escapism is okay and long as it's not excessive or drugs.

can i predict my post? lets find out lol!

Please insert a rusty knife into your jugular.


That's the blue pill, faggot.

It's smarter than being a wageslave

whats a newfag? lol!
by the way my post will be this number! lol!


Nobody with a functioning brain gives a shit about you and your posts. Get lost, you freakish loser.

You're a degenerate piece of shit and you deserve to die.

then how do you know

y tho?

I said I'm bad at them, not that I never did them.

You think this is a debate? Autism at it's finest. What argument am I supposed to be refuting? Riddle me that, you silly bitch.

Escapism is cowardice. It might not look like it, but we're currently at war with the most dangerous enemy evolution has ever devised: the sentient parasite. Or semites.

Refusing to participate is tantamount to dropping your gun in the middle of a battle and refusing to fight despite your officer's commands.

Work enriches the soul, which is good, because the quality of your soul effects the quality of your escapism. A trained professional who jacks off to anime porn in his spare time has a lot more fun doing it than a welfare NEET who jacks off to anime porn all the time.

Ideal situation is to find work that IS escapism. Unfortunately, such jobs are more attractive and therefore lower-paying because the labor supply is larger. Still, if you can make a decent living as an artist, that's your best case scenario. (Spoiler alert: most would-be artists can't.)

>Kill yourself

But user. You know every one dies right? He will eventually, but you dont have to be so mad about it. I mean if your that mad you might even die before user.

Hee HEEE now wouldnt that be ironic.

10 steps ahead of you, brochacho

Nice. That seems like a pretty great way to live life.

So how does being a wageslave help the fight? In fact getting a job and Latin taxes only makes the Jews stronger. The only reason the Jews have power is because us ( the working class ) gives it to them. By withdrawing from society I am doing far more to fight the Jews than anyone on here


"Everyone dies" you say? Riveting. Thanks for bestowing that irrelevant nothingism upon us.

Does anyone else sometimes get the desire to just go outside, pick a direction, start walking and not stop?

So start your own business. Or work for a firm that is at odds with jewish interests (yes they exist). Or invest.

There's many ways to make money.

U rite. U rite.

I agree famiLy.

OP stand up for your people or be erased.

a post like this really brings out allot of blue pilled replies

if morality are laws created by lesser men to bind greater men from achieving more then

then the concept of ambition and accomplishment by society are driven by ____?

What matters at the end of the day is that you have self worth and are content. Happiness is overrated and so is feeling accomplished.

Our democracy is so far past the idea of every citizen having a responsibility or duty to the collective good. Almost twice the number of people vote every 4 years than pay income tax.

The wheel is broken and if you cant enjoy working trying to spin a broken wheel, and you cant enjoy trying to fix it, and are under no socitial obligations to do so, why not enjoy your days.

Because I want to make something of the short life I was given, and not be a nigger

you're also giving yourself into their hands though. If you depend on welfare, you depend on the jew.

>If wasting away, smoking, stuffing your face with hotpockets, and fapping to anime porn is "enjoyment" to you, do the world a favor and kys.

*paying taxes. That's why I can't understand why anyone with a job thinks they are redpilled. Not only are you sacrificing your time and labor to make your Jew boss richer, but you are also paying like 30% of your income to Jews too. In America taxes are literally used for foreign aid to Israel.

Basically have beem doing that since I was discharged. Isnt all it is cracked up to be. I would love a good job above minimum wage, or hell even a welfare check so I could have my own place and buy a new car. Cant do much when student loans ruin your credit and jobs now check your credit. Not like a degree will help get a job anywaya, just be black and apply. You can get a high level government job without a security clearance too.

Cos at the end of the day you make more money. And in our society


Whats more bluepilled than relying on someone else to give you your freedom?

Mindless Joe Rogan cuck

Ass devastated wage cuck detected. Go to bed you don't want to be late for your dead end cubicle job

>defending your right to be a lazy faggot
The feeling of putting in a days work and knowing you earned your money is such a better way of life.

>Joe Rogan
I don't understand the reference, but I doubt your explanation would prove worthwhile.

Yeah, Forrest Gump style.

Cute delusion you've got there. So, anyone who isn't like you, a pathetic tub of shit, achieving nothing in life, is somehow a "wage cuck"? Brilliant coping mechanism. I guess that's one way to convince yourself that your pathetic existence is somehow worth living.

I think escapism might be one of the most bluepilled things in existence, considering what it really means.

spoken like a true freemason.

Tell us more about this "Great work", and how it enriches your soul.

Yeah being a transient seems pretty interesting. Always wanted to go train hopping. I'm probably just romanticising it though, in reality you would constantly be cold, hungry, tired, and scared


Here's my redpill.

In Canada, on welfare (on purpose). Structured my tax liability so I get paid $1/year by my corporation. Corporation owns my house, my car, my clothes, and pays for my food. I'm legally homeless. I sell weed (waiting for legalization and the TPP, so I can register my strain as my intellectual property), and the police don't touch me.

Smoke weed every day, and my corporation makes $500,000/year Net earnings this year, expected to be $3mil after legalization.

I'll be on welfare the rest of my life. feels good, man.

get a job you lazy cunt

Isnt this uhh... fraud

You really haven't thought this through at all have you? So you want to sit in your parents basement and waste your time watching stupid cartoons and smoking weed... because it's comfy? Yeah, it might be "comfy" for 10 years or more, but then what? What happens when your body starts to fail because you haven't been looking after yourself? Are you going to be comfy when you have to spend the rest of your life with severe pain because your body is fucking trashed from lying around smoking weed? What about when your parents die and you have nothing and nobody to help you? Will you be comfy then? Use your fucking brain and think ahead, this shit happens quicker than you think, you can do irreparable damage to yourself if you neglect your body, for the sake of being comfy for a short period of your life you will spend the rest of it in misery, makes no sense at all does it?

I got one. it pays $1/year.

Tax Evasion is illegal. Tax avoidance is *discouraged*.

Learn from Apple/Steve Jobs, user.

Oh yeah, Forgot to mention that Canadians on welfare get *better* healthcare (dental and vision) than the rest of the country. so I have everything I want paid for by my corporation, which takes all the tax liability, and the welfare office only sees "Poor sod that doesn't make more than $1", so I get money from them.

Steve Jobs did the same thing until he croaked. look it up.

Dude work is soul crushing.

Most millionaires in the US are legally homeless. Bet you didn't know that. :)

How are you not a Jew user?

Using your God given life to suck it out of the total sum of existence?

Your self pity is wasted, on something that never deserved it in the first place.

Untrue. Having ultimate power over yourself without regard for others is the only power that matters.

>mfw smoking weed all day makes me better at my job
Get fucked hippie.