Let's have ourselves a Trailer Park Boys thread
Trailer Park Boys
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fuck off, I got work to do
Frig off cyrus
I can't be the only one who thinks Bubbles ruins an otherwise GOAT show?
[the same greasy song plays on loop]
Put the thing out of it's fucking misery.
Netflix was a mistake. They keep bringing back these shows in zombie form because the retarded fanbase begs for it.
from seasons 2-6 he's ok
1 is pretty different without him being a peacemaker and conscience
thing is without bubbles there wasn't going to be as much ricky
Corey, Trevor, smokes, lets go
it's not on loop, just a 12 bar pattern
don't know if they avoided playing the lyrics because it would cost more
the cast bought the rights from the producers, so even if netflix stops it they'll keep touring and self publishing
>the cast bought the rights from the producers
Didn't know that.
The cast is just as bad, desu. They've been milking it for ages since it's the only thing in their career's of any note. I kinda can't blame them, but still, it's annoying as hell.
fuck off leaf
>tfw Ricky reminds me a lot of my big brother and even somewhat myself
Post best rickyism
Fuck off bobandy
>mfw bubbles is far and away the best character!
fuck, how do you even live bro?
>Mike Clattenburg TPB
>bleak and darkly funny with moments of genuine heart and humor that comes from ridiculous shit happening in an otherwise realistic world
>Netflix TPB
>Dude weed, ah I ripped my nutsack open boys, oh shit there's snoop dogg let's all just act like cunts because it's funny
I still watch it though because I can't stop at this point
the latest season was pretty good thought. I will grant you the two previous ones were pretty shitty.
>a fucking exclamation point in green text
It's time to go back.
Passed with flying fuckin' carpets
I still laugh at it because I'm a pleb but I can definitely tell what's different about it these days
When does it get shitty? I'm on season 6 and I feel like the quality has been going up each season.
never once in my whole life ever been to reddit ever, started on Sup Forums, stayed here. never left
Season 7 is the last season of the original run and it's a bit of a dip in quality, but still pretty good. Perfect place to end it.
Everything after that is the Netflix zombie phase.
the two seasons after the "shed n breakfast/sports bar and gym" season. then the latest season gets good again
whatev gayboi
okay, seriously though, how can you not like bubbles?
bubbles was great before they started letting Mike Smith improvise and go really wacky with it
>Bubbles' glasses are one of a kind and found on the street, If they had broken or gone missing they would not be able to replace them.
Thanks Halifax
Lahey falling drunk over the stairs is my spirit animal.
time for a little drinky poo!
The first time I saw "Look Randy, I'm Mowing the Air!" I literally had to take 5 minutes to stop hyperventilating and not die from laughing so hard
what do you mean?
give me an example of what makes you cringe when seeing bubbles?
Thread theme
>ages 5 to grade 10
Gets me every time.
netflix was a mistake
swearnet was a mistake
hd cameras were a mistake
american normies were a mistake
the entire cast is flanderized all to fuck. i had to turn it off when bubbles became some super genius in the 8th season that assembled an entire industrial still in the park.
I'm not the same person from before but he went from being this really straight-laced oddball to a loveable manchild and now he's this gleeful little mischief goblin constantly doing funny voices and gurning at the camera
Season 4 was the best season.
Real thread theme:
Best episodes? Im down to watch but haven't seen this show in years
S8 and after have definitely lost a lot of the initial charm. I watched a few episodes and hated it, but then went back and tried it again and found them enjoyable.
I think if they had a better editor, they'd have been alright.
And 5 posts in we're already bitching about the new seasons
the say good night to the bad guys special was still showcase and it was pretty good
there's a bit of realism to the show, but with bubbles it's hard to keep the suspension of disbelief
one from each season:
mrs. peterson's dog gets fucked up
never trust a man with no shirt on
closer to the heart
rub n tizzug
jim lahey is a fuckin' drunk and he always will be
high definition piss jugs
jump the cheeseburger
Was I the only one that greatly enjoyed The Drunk and On Drugs Happy Funtime Hour? I rewatch it every now and then whenever I come down from a a trip.
>rub n tizzug
>not Conky
conky was irritating as fuck, the only good bit is when they're at the hospital
fuck conky
Dope now i got my afternoon filled
its better to watch the seasons in order
Conky, Working man, A Dope Trailer Is No Place for a Kitty, The Green Bastard are all great episodes.
Good effort, but poor execution.
I agree with the other guy
Bubbles is hands down the worst character of the three
Trailer Park Boys season 4 legitimately might be the greatest season of television I've ever seen.
>not a Man's Gotta Eat
You must not watch much TV then
RIP Lahey
When he was acting all cute and innocent
It was cool
But it went all wrong in the later seasons when he got all fucking moany and annoying and crying like some bitch at everything
What? No no he's the the best
This show needs to go back to recording the new seasons with the retro vhs feeling to it like the first couple of seasons
Somethint about the low quality of the show made it feel more genuine and /comfy/
Dude it's over. Mr Lahey just died.
The respectful thing to do would be to just end it out of respect. The show wouldn't be the same without him or worse, with a replacement actor playing his role.
This was a major reason why I liked the original movie
The editing and entire feeling of it was major comfy
May be Jim Carey can take up his role
Too pure for this world.