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Star Trek /Discovery/ General
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What are your thoughts on Ash being Voq? Is it good or bad writing?
soOOOooo early but ok... :D
We're all friends here :)
too predictable for my liking but the younger audience of today probably won't see it coming so it'll work for them
>This is our future
I've got you now Quark you motherfucker!
I put time into making graphics for other anons to use so we can all enjoy them :D
these later ones better than first ones like this one.
I just want to know how they did it
I didn't realize the actor thing, I guess that's what's happening but it feels kinda retarded to get spoiled through credits
if used in future debating on removing the asian and putting in saru since she is ded.
So where are all the Vulkans?
>Voq found a virus that makes Klingons look like humans
>this is how they explain why the TOS Klingons look so human
Ambo-Jitsu, the Fucking Ultimate Evolution of the Motherfucking Martial Arts
>onore onegaishimasu
We already had 2 you will need 3 more to win.
yeah, let's make a hundredth one, maybe this one it'll turn out different
>no /DISCO/
>no /STDIS/
>no /ABBRG/
shit poll
>i have never watched ENT
I'm actually not that guy, just wanted to see for myself and shut him up at the same time.
would explain "you have to give up everything"
why didn't you make one then?
>tfw Roddenberry's facepalming in his grave
There's no guarantee that these polls weren't invaded by Orshills who invade the thread
On Vulcan ships. Spock was the rare exception. Have you ever watched TOS?
whatever, he invents the levodian flu, then
>I assure you, I'm quite fucking fertile.
This. It's all a conspiracy, the jews are rigging the polls.
>Star Trek: Gay Fags
awful episode
Is that [current stardate] Soong?
to be fair he caused many to facepalm in life
Live long and prosper the fuck out.
when i can meme or not meme i will always choose to meme
Nope. What's their problem then? Not man enough to chill with other cultures?
>Oh fucking boy.
That wouldn't fit the time line at all iirc
Do you remember the day you first came aboard this ship? Your mother brought you on the Bridge. You even sat in my chair. I was annoyed. Presumptuous child playing on my ship. But I never forgot how you already knew every control, every display. You behaved as though you belonged on the Bridge. And then later when I decided to make you an acting ensign, I was convinced you could be an outstanding officer. I've never questioned that conviction.
Fuck that.
what are you talking about how much tin foil are you wearing?
Yes... yes... now, where are the fucking games
What is their """science""" behind the spore drive?
>all these classic Trek moments reimagined with swearing
Thank you STD for breaking new ground and allowing future Trek to reach its full potential.
Oh my, why are the bad STD Orville invaders winning again....
So what is the story with her and Daft Punk from the pilot? They aliens, cyborgs, single...
They are basically many of them that are turbo racist (ENT). They also used race specific ships for long distance travelling which wouldn't work with humans onboard (VOY). Learn the lore.
>implying I don't know the epic 2004 facepalm threads
You used the maymays wrong tho. Idiotic ebaumsworldfaggot.
STD: Star Trek for the "I Fucking Love Science" crowd.
microscopic space spores that feed off energy, and come from a sub-atomic fungal network that spans the entire universe and allows a ship to instant-teleport anywhere by using the network of fungus strands
it's not explained how the strands allow FTL travel just because they exist, but oh well, it's fucking science we don't gotta explain shit
>You retards are soooooo not fucking ready for warp drive it's tragic. But it's cute you fucks think that you are.
You're getting desperate op janitor. Don't you have some shit to take care off?
i love thiqq
Funny thing is this is literally what Orville is doing. And the anti-DIS faggots love it.
How and why the fuck did they even Join the Federation then? They might as well beef it out with Klingons for cultural superiority on the own.
Shut the fuck up, you unfunny cunt.
This desu. No idea why they didn't throw quantum entanglement in. I would buy it and it sounds pretty cool.
>biology as quantum mechanics
>tfw no qt cadet to play sonic mania with.
>Good night you fucking Vulcan... ite.
>fucking STD
>And the most fucking damning thing of fucking all? I fucking can fucking deal with fucking it.
>I fucking can fucking deal fucking with fucking it.
>Fucking computer, fucking erase that entire fucking personal log.
all of sci-fi is for the IFLS-crowd. but there are degrees to the retardation
Man as I said, lurk more, watch the shows.
>world war III happens
>humans are fucked
>vulcans see this
>a few year laters humans have warp
>vulcans are still in their slow as ships
>hmpf maybe humans are cool, maybe we should team up. also proximity
forgot to mention the fungal network is sentient and "communicates" with a suitable life form to tell it what path to take, thus allowing navigation
The Eldar called, they want their Webway back.
The Dark Eldar left a message too, they want the Klingons to return the clothes they borrowed.
>NO, can't say "god" in Star Trek, doesn't belong AT ALL
>you can swear though ;)
>implying Rodenberry facepalming was a good joke
You suck.
>Do you think they'll be able to save us?
>If they don't, we're fucked
but they said goddamn
But isn't that actually cool? A single lifeform spanning multiple galaxies? This is exactly was Trek needed, non-humanoid cool stuff.
>"Giant pussy-licking ass-fucker cock shit"
Blame the USA. Those faggots got triggered over stuff like that. Just as they are now turbo-triggerd over black and/or gay people.
Well, at least this is funnier than acronym bitching
you're just saying what they did without explaining it at all, which is what he's asking. which I guess is also why you're so unnecessarily defensive about being asked these questions, having no idea about the answers yourself
Her name is Airiam.
>If we blow up this fucking ship with fucking children onboard, we have no fucking souls! But that's just on me though, after all you're already a fucking soulless ginger subhuman.
the concept could work really well if executed properly. this instance fell pretty short tho
it reminds me of how the abrams movies added trans-warp beaming to use transporters to teleport from earth to the klingon homeworld effortlessly
I'm not watching 50 years worth of outdated media.
So even when they realize having intellectual diversity is key to better technology their "logic" continues to dictate them to segregate themselves? Gay.
Looks like squirrel girl
"Captain Mercer, tell me about your fucking penis"
This is literally one of the major arcs in ENT. I am not gonna spoonfeed people about this shit but it's the gist of it.
Logic is the basis of wisdom, not the goal bro.
>not "alara tell me about your sexual organ"
I just have to say it's incredibly stupid to have characters saying "fucking" on star trek like they're illiterate american teenagers
10 federation credit chips that the spore network will have an immune-system like reaction to the ships abusing the network and make teleportation impossible before the series ends. And Michael will be there to warn us about it.
It's fucking cool science bro.
>ship is a giant fidget spinner
>travel on some fungus STD drive that *fidget spins you behind enemies pshh nothin personel*
>least worst character is literally some fat autist
what did they mean by this?
>Wow, good fucking morning to you too, cunt!
I am working at the radiology departement in a university hospital. Saying xy is cool when it's cool is completely common. Deep learning+fractals+quantum physics is, well, fucking cool. Deal with it brainelt.
Engage the fuck out, you god damn fags
Captain, I sense that it's fucking pissed!
Have you watched ENT at all?
Vulcans had vastly superior tech to humans. So did the Andorians and to lesser extent Tellarites. And they were in a constant state of more or less war with each other.
Then the human underdogs came in, showed the power of diversity, cooperation and shit, and helped them ally together into a permanent federation.