Actual question. Is there a liberal meme that isn't complete shit/forced?
Liberal Memes
Li-Li-Literary 2016!!!
of course not.
weak as shit. and they keep forcing them.
>It isn't catching on? try harder!!
Drumpf really triggers you that much?
Not since Sup Forums was more left leaning like a decade ago
Sup Forums is to memes like the planet arrakis is to spice..
Remember in 2008 when Sup Forums kiddies would always post this poorly photoshopped Obama image?
See, the post after mine basically proves my point. Once Obama turned out to be a YUGE faggot, the memery started to dry up.. once the SJW wars began, things changed and any and all remaining oldfags got redpilled
i just remember moot posting it in a sticky when he won
I remember watching the episode of LWT when he did the Drumpf bit. I probably smirked at it at the time, it seeming more harmless than anything else.
But then I had a vision, a vision of trumps victory and and little john oliver sitting in a corner. And it made me realize how weak, how half-assed of a meme it really was, and how pathetic the backing of it was
Even as a confirmed libtard, I can see how fucking gay this shit looks
Yes user, I remember when I was an enormous faggot.
So have you taken any redpills yet?
Remember when you were safe?
Remember no ISIS?
Remember Chewbacca?
>redpill means right wing
They've always been try-hard faggots who can't meme without forcing it. They've never been that good at meming since they can't even make fun of themselves. Anyone who's not a lefty has enough self-awareness to be able to make fun of themselves.
Fucking southpark is extremely forced too. It's been forced for a long time. Now it's the epitome of forced memes.
>Anyone who's not a lefty has enough self-awareness to be able to make fun of themselves.
this is really it. you need some self-awareness to be a master of memery. modern liberals have none.
It's interesting, conservative comedians aren't funny but conservative memes are. Liberal comedians are funny but liberal memes suck
Liberally comedians are only funny because they make fun of how pathetic they are (see Louis CK, Amy Schumer, etc)
An alpha like Joe Rogan (despite being a manlet) has trouble being funny because we all know hes more jacked, and fucks hotter women than all of us.
Joe Rogan is a bigger liberal than most comedians. He's a crazy ass anti-government conspiracy theorist.
True, but he's not an sjw cuck. He's willing to have right leaning people (milo, gavin) on his podcast without trying to sandbag them.
Even without Obama it's still just a funny little image
Because liberals feel like they HAVE to spread memes in order to control culture. While we do it for the sheer fun of shitposting.
Conservatives being bible thumping tards comes true enough to be a justified joke, so it kinda works even if its not accurate.
Pick none
It's because of the rise of anti-humor as a vehicle. Cringe humor lead to anti-humor, and now there are certain venues that are in ironic-anti-humor.
So now, liberals have no idea how to actually criticize themselves on any deeper level than "lol I like to bike around and listen to The Arcade Fire", whereas conservatives full-on know their weaknesses and problems, and not just embrace them, but enjoy them. And since anti-comedy is focused on the misgivings and shortcomings of the comedian, liberals can't get into it.
This, their memes are not spontaneous and it shows, a fresh natural product is always better
>Liberal comedians are funny
Since when
>liberal comedians are funny because I agree with them
>conservative comedians aren't funny because they hurt my fee fees
Give an example of a single funny conservative comedian.
Donald Trump
Gavin McInnes
Good one.
Adam Carolla... Liberals and SJWs are offended by rape jokes.
"I urge all our listeners to masturbate. Right now. Because it takes the wind right out of the sex drive. We don't want rapists going into society half-cocked and ready to go. If they masturbate, they'll say, "Uhh... I think I'll rape tomorrow instead."
absolutely this. Also, the very existence of anonymous, short lived and ferocious Sup Forums is primemeordial soup for really hot memes, whereas libs have only pathetic platforms such as twitter, which is not conducive to the evolution of memes
OP here. On that note, is it possible to be a red-pilled liberal? Closest I can think is Sargon of Akkad, but he's off one some things.
Ron White.
Well, the term red pill comes from the Wachowski brothers who turned into sisters so I doubt they are hard core conservatives. Plus they filled their movies with magic knee-grows.
Ron white is hilarious, but im from the south, so biased....
I think what we are driving at in this thread is that PC is a liberal creation and is the antithesis of funny. Liberal comedians have to be funny and PC and it's like being handicapped in a race. (Is handicapped a non-PC word?)
Poking fun at PC is where the comedy gold is. Tipping over sacred cows. Libs can't handle the bantz.
All of your memes are liberal memes.
Gere were some actual funny trudeau memes but they were usually made by conservative Canadians trying to hide their pain by shitposting as liberals
Where the red pill falls on the political spectrum depends entirely on the time and situation of the country. There was a point where liberals were red pilled and conservatives were the blue.
At the current time though there is no way to be liberal and red pilled
so if it turns out that Trump sucks this place will become /leftypol/?
Sam Hyde
I'm not sure I understand how his great-great grandfather anglicizing their name when they first came to america is the same as john leibowitz changing his name to stewart for television to fool all the goys
I think conservative people generally don't take the risks associated with becoming an artist/performer. That's why you don't see a lot of them, we're too practical. I would have loved to go into music, but I chose a much more practical field to be sure I could support myself and still do music stuff as a hobby.
Not really.
A lot of their memes are just re-purposed conservative memes anyway.
Bingo, it's super idealistic to think you're going to make it in the arts. For many it's just a phase. Parental pressure to "grow up and get a real job" can also be a factor.
The thing is, I love Sam and everything he does, I followed his channel for years, but he's not that funny.
His insights are often interesting and make me giggle from time to time, but I don't think I actually ever laughed as hard as with mainstream comedians.
His comedy is supposed to make you question yourself and things that happen around you, and sometimes it's some absurdist shit in Tim and Eric style.
You can see it very strongly on World Peace, I love this show 100%, but I laughed only few times.
Sam is more of a provocateur.
link to interview
>not funny
his mirror videos have made me laugh more than anything over the past few years.
world peace is very different. a few overtly comedic sketches mixed with a lot of thoughtful satire. they going in a different direction.
That's a funny way of saying you just don't get it. Hello, this is one of Sam's assistants. MDE is not mainstream garbage, Adam Sandler product placement propaganda for the plebeians. If you don't get it then maybe it will resonate well with you later or you might like the mainstream stuff more, which is a sign that you are a plebeian. You know, one of the average people.
No, meming requires having a sense of humor
I don't think you can unswallow the red pill.