Not having second breakfast

>not having second breakfast

What about elevensies?

>not having afternoon tea

They'll have one in KFC in the next movie

>dinner? supper?

Those are literally the same thing.

Nobody has time to eat when they're paying of their second mortgage.

They are in the modern world, yes. Wasn't always the case.

I bet you don't even eat second breakfast you fucking pleb

the hobbits will take the ring buuuuuuuuddy

>not having your full 7 meals a day

It goes:
2nd Breakfast
Afternoon Tea

Hobbits know how to live the good life. Bit of farming, bit of chatting with your neighbours while smoking your pipe, good and plentiful food. People always go on about Hogwarts being the ideal fictional place to live, but I'd rather live as a decently-wealthy Hobbit in some part of the Shire.

Do you think Merry and Pippin bought into the whole reverse mortgage craze?

They're not the same thing you fucking moron.

Dinner and supper are nowhere near the same thing.
Dinner is between noon & six, whereas supper is a late night meal, if anything, you could say that supper and tea are the same.

this is our second breakfast. what is yours? breaklets musn't respond

>tfw that kind of life is gone and is never coming back

I usually just have 2 coffees

High tea always seemed like a comfy idea.

Do you think Hobbits did their taxes while eating second breakfast or drinking afternoon tea? What was The Shire's tax policy?

then whats your first breakfest?

Thanks Jews

Hobbits were the ideal ancap paradise to a high-trust society based in a common ethnic and cultural background, nobody paid any taxes because everybody could be trusted to use the common goods respectfully

Can we just have one thread without Sup Forums shit?

Why would the Hobbits pay taxes and what for?

live deliciously user

Kill yourself faggot

Wouldst thou like to live...........deliciously?


Can we have one thread without reddit crying anout Sup Forums?

Fucking redditors I swear to God lurk more, Jesus Christ

Woah, this guy must've gotten a small tax refund. Calm down, fella. You'll beat the Jew next time.

I have unironically been on Sup Forums since 2006.

That's basically the point Tolkien was trying to make, wasn't it? Industrialisation bad, nature good.
The closest you'll get now is becoming on of the Amish. Thinking about it, my life would probably have turned out a lot better had I been born Amish.

something like this or just Müsli

>Wouldst thou like the taste of butter? A pretty dress? Wouldst thou like to live deliciously?
Sounds like high tea to me.

There is literally nothing in the Shire that requires taxes to be paid.

I know I'm just trying to commiserate with everyone and fantasize about a comfy life I'll never have
>tfw Amish parents give every child the choice of leaving the village
>tfw many children do leave to see the outside world, but most come back because it's so comfy

Looks like a sandwich you haven't finished making me.


Though because all my workplaces have forced the lunch meme I go:

Home breakfast
Commute/pre work breakfast

t. northern scum

You should go back to your got thread queer.

I'm getting baited right now aren't I. Please tell me I'm just getting post unironically baited by someone playing 4D chess and not that you're actually this fucking clueless on the joke

Seriously, there's nothing for Hobbits to pay taxes for.
I can understand Gondor or something, because they have a standing army, but the shire is just a chill place with no real form of governance.


Tfw no rumspringa

>Tfw the Shire is paradise
>Tfw the ring wraiths are coming
>((((((((((they)))))))) want do destroy the shire
What was Jackson trying to tell us?

just putting all together would be somehow a waste desu
rather just eat cold cuts, cheese and veggies singly and some crispy bread with butter as a garnish

I hear ya, it's an idyllic life, living in the Shire.

>tfw many children do leave to see the outside world, but most come back because it's so comfy
I've often wondered whether that has to do with the children being too shocked by the outside modern world, having no idea about technology and no foothold with any people or jobs, rather than a wish to return to their old life. They get a full year, right? I bet a lot of them return largely because they can't handle the outside world, and would rather return to what they know, what feels safe.

are lotr threads the one good thing has has persisted on this board for over 10 years?

There may be a bit of that going on, but I imagine from the outside looking in the incredible stress and pressure of modern life looks like absolute insanity to them. Because it is.

Christ how fat are you people.

They most likely had a well established barter system where they would trade off livestock and other resources to help fulfill community planning.

They probably only used money when either dealing with outsiders or for savings for the inheritance.

>eating aware makes fat
that's not how it works

No I mean your seven meals a day.

I'm just memeing on you user, though for something like that'd I'd generally go for something like a hard bread or a triscuit to put the cold cuts veggies and cheese on.

damn you, OP. now i want to eat two breakfasts each day. damn you, Sup Forums, you continue to ruin me in so many ways. you've already made me attracted to dogs. pic related is first sexy sexy dog i was attracted to. saw pic and wanted to frenchkiss that sexy sexy snout. i wanted to sex that sexy sexy dog.

Move your ass lazy youngfag

Kill yourself reddit.

it's mostly what rural living people do who work the whole day in agriculture, I usually dont eat more than twice a day except when visiting parents and so on

faggot shit

How the fuck do hobbits eat so much if they're so small and so lazy? If anything, they should eat way less than humans.

Because they're not huge meals.
Having many small meals every day is better for you than having fewer big meals.

a high basal metabolic rate.

What was the tax rate in The Shire?

Smaller creature usually means a higher metabolism. And don't forget a hobbit's serving platter is probably like a saucer to a human.
Plus they're not lazy, just pastoral. They enjoy going out and rooting in the garden and making things grow. Especially when those things can be put in their belly later.

you so mean ;_;

Complete and total fiction

True, the culture shock must be so devastating. I really should look into Amish culture more, it sounds idyllic and interesting, but I think there's more going on than riding horses and farming and going to church. There's always something fucked up about these, for lack of a better word, "sects".

I don't think it ever really existed

They're just people. Supposedly meth is a big problem there.
And I don't really think you can just pick up and convert, they don't mind taking money from the english by selling them things, they don't really want you hanging around.

the mail?

>from the English
Lmao this isn't the 18th century Benjamin Franklin

I hope you and your cunt mother both get cancer

They just pay little Hobbits to run messages for them on a case by case basis.

meanie ;_;

>They're just people.
Of course they are, but history shows that a secluded community like that comes with its own problems. I never even heard there was a meth problem, but there you have an example already.

Also, like I said, I don't know much about them but I am pretty sure you can't just join easily, if it all. You probably need to be born into it, otherwise maybe, maybe they let you in if you meet an Amish girl on her year "outside" and start a relationship (no sex obviously), and convert to their faith. Then she brings you back to the settlement and with the approval of the community you could maybe marry into it. Like I said, I don't know though.

>they don't mind taking money from the english by selling them things, they don't really want you hanging around.
They make a lot of money from all those documentaries, I think. They keep to themselves in general, but they don't seem to mind a camera crew hanging around every few years if it gets them some good money. I mean, it can't be for exposure if they're not "recruiting".

Yeah they're just going to fucking love you dude.

To be fair, that's a nice looking dog, man.

eat galadriel pusy for third breakfast

>hobbit food is disgu-


Shit meme.

Are Americans hobbits?

Fatty Lumpking would kick Shadofax's ass in a race

"english" is what the Amish call any outsider, regardless where they're from

brilliant memeing user
real good stuff

That's kind of adorable. And sorta makes sense seeing as they're living in the 18th century and America wasn't independent for the largest part of it, so outsiders would commonly hail from England

>are lotr threads the one good thing has has persisted on this board for over 10 years?
They've been consistently good since they started, either for actual discussion about the films and the book, deeper discussion into the lore provided by anons who really delved deep in Tolkien's work, and a consistent amount of funny memes. There's something for everyone.
The recent taxation/economy memes are annoying and unfunny, but they'll pass. For the most part, there's very few shitty LotR threads on Sup Forums.

Except for the relatives who swing by to knick your silverware whilst you are hosting a party or proclaimed dead.

It's a solid movie trilogy with an incredible legendarium behind it, excluding relatively recent drivel there is still and forever will be things to discuss during our eternal second breakfast.

wisconsin is the shire of the states, for sure. all short, fat little mole people that hate everything outside of their comfort zone

Theres also the fact that if they decide to leave they are basically dead to their familly

Aren't they all allowed the choice to leave for up to a year and then come back in welcome? I don't think they're forever banned if they choose to see the world.

If they stay in the modern world and adapt, get a job, stay for longer than the year then sure, you're dead to them, but they're probably dead to you as well at that stage.
If you've been living the Amish life for 18 years, then go out into the real world and absolutely love it, you're gonna feel some resentment towards your upbringing neglecting you all the conveniences of modern life.

Shut your fucking mouth user.

>the virgin elf versus the chad ranger

>implying elf is virgin and ranger is not

you naive child

Is that...

Is that mashed potatoes in the shapes of sausages?

looks like sausages in the shape of sausages

>Eating ANYTHING that white that someone else has told you is a "sausage"

Enjoy death.

Chicken sausage perhaps

They look like uncooked sausages which for some reason have been displayed on a plate as if ready for eating.

Speaking of uncooked sausages and the like, how did Merry and Pippin get hold of nice crispy bacon, sausages and ashy tomatoes? I can see Aragorn hunting a pig and stripping it for bacon, but making a sausage requires techniques and materials they wouldn't have with them.