>recent film
>tiresome, samey le synthwave soundtrack
Recent film
Other urls found in this thread:
Name 17 kinos from the past decade that aren't Bladerunner 2049 that had a synth soundtrack
You can thank Drive for doing that
>implying synthshit love isn't entirely rooted in reddit
go tell that to Sup Forums
>It Follows
>Neon Demon
>Tron: Legacy
>Stranger Things
I'd keep going but you've been embarrassed enough already
Sup Forums is reddit, though.
>I'd keep going but you've been embarrassed enough already
Stopped reading there.
Only two of those are kinos, Neon Demon and Tron: Legacy
I'm pretty sure everyone stopped reading there, since its the end of the reply
the whole of Sup Forums is literally r e d d i t
I'll continue
>Cold In July
>Hunt for The Wilderpeople
>The Guest
>You're Next
Everything's reddit apparently.
Making posts is reddit.
English is reddit.
You're reddit. I'd tell you to kill yourself but that's probably reddit too
It Follows is a link with a kino soundtrack you dork.
>recent trailer
>inception BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARG Sound >and one word edits
>film has neon colored poster and synth soundtrack
>praised on Sup Forums like it's the best the thing since sliced bread
>every fucking time
Good shit
*ear shattering fart noise*
>recent lovecraftian horror
>tiresome ear shattering FartWave soundtrack