Why couldn't Matilda quit being a bitch and watch TV with her family?
Why couldn't Matilda quit being a bitch and watch TV with her family?
she was too smart to enjoy such pleb activities
Tv is for plebs
>Mfw people make me watch Rick and Morty
Am I right famalam? XD
Original Poster blown the fuck out.
A scathing condemnation of the entertainment industry
>you will never eat a huge cake made of shit
I think you meant to say sodium chloride mmmmmmmmm
Don't forget blood, sweat, AND tears
This is unironically my favors movie of all time.
>they don't even change the fucking channel during commercials
>watch the same tv show everyday
Literally retarded so yeah she was better than them.
Google pictures of how Mara Wilson turned out, it's quite hilarious
Is she hot now?
I'd fuck
She looks exactly like I would’ve expected. She barely changed at all.
doesnt she hang out with lindsay now
>fucking plebs watching gameshows
>tfw no kino watching patrician family
>just fucking kill me desu
>I wish my brother would stop sniffing my feet while I'm in bed
wich movie is it?
i want to suck those tiddies so bad
>still living at home
lmao at your life
Matilda. I watched it every single day when I was 5 and 6.
I was quoting Matildas thoughts...
Post the one with her bare feet faggot
The movies is literally nothing more than a female power fantasy for the "I am so smart but everyone else is so dumb and they hold me back" crowd.
>tfw I just remembered dad once turned off the light in my room so I would stop reading and go watch TV with him
My grandmother does this and I'm starting to think she's senile because she bitches about how they only play food commercials while complaining about lack of shit on tv because she doesn't change the channel.
The way to imgur is behind you
Damn I wanna fug
Didn't her real mother died while she was working in that movie? Poor kid, having to deal with that shit and Danny DeVito at the same time.
t. Retarded MGTOW
nice boobies baby, how about you and me wanna have some of this babe hmmm>>