Who else fell for the practical effects meme?
Who else fell for the practical effects meme?
I forgot that terrible shot.
Thats cgi
I can't quite tell why, but Chewie looks more like a dude in a fur suit now than he did in the original trilogy.
fags still think BB8 is pratical effects
>Terrible practical effects and terrible CGI in the same shot
There's literally nothing wrong with this.
Oh wow. I haven't seen the movie, but I'm actually shocked if this is actually in the movie.
Don't have a practical effect and a CGI effect in the same shot
Exactly this
They marketed the REAL SETS PRACTICAL EFFECTS line so hard that they had to make the practical effects egregiously obvious enough for their target audience of cheeto dust reddit 'film buffs' to actually pick up on them
The funny thing is that the film uses as much CGI and greenscreen as every other mainstream blockbuster these days
fucking lost it when the door opened to have a bunch of jedi swinging at nothing
Sure thing pal
what's the problem here?
Yeah I was shitposting but they did make them bad on purpose so it would """feel""" like the original Star Wars. If anyone wants to see cutting edge practical effects, watch Prometheus:
If you've seen it, be honest: how much of those practicals did you think was compositing or CG?
Most of that shit wasn't in the movie, right?
It's the lighting
And then the sequel has a retarded CGI animal sidekick anyways
That porg is practical
But it is
this is rough, wow
i cant believe what im watching
He sure is. 88!
did they really forget to give the vehicle a shadow?
So what IS the deal with progs?
Why are they forcing them on us?
I'm calling a conspiracy because they look like owls and owls are symbols for jew-Illuminati bullshit
You do know that's test footage, right?
Sure thing pal
Why is the vulture hacking away at some piece of metal?
They said that some porgs were practical and some were completely CGI. Depends if they were in the background or not.
You know you're autistic, right?
Sure thing pal
That bird is the key to all of this.
Nope. Everything that involves it moving faster than 5mph is CGI.
>Why are they forcing them on us?
To make parents buy them for their children. That's literally it.
Sure thing pal
>hd cameras were a mistake
does that bird have a wookiepedia page? I want to read it.
Here you go: starwars.wikia.com
This goes into deeper lore territory and why the Jedi are completely dumb.
Even tho the Jedi are basically Supermen.
Rushing a heavily guarded armed room with your short range sword weapon with parring defense capabilities...
They have shields, flash bangs, super speed, some kind of armored heavy?
Nope, just swing away at the lazer shots.
They're fucking useless. They've never been able to make him look as good as he did in the original movies.
Fuck off reddit.
The alienfu at the top deserves to be at the top
Hahaha epic kek my brother. Remember to go and buy all the porg merchandise to trigger liberals! Based shadilay!
nothing is creepier than animatronics
Am I the only one in this thread who thinks OP's video had pretty good effects and looked nice. I don't see anything wrong with it. What exactly is the issue?
Lmao brah i wouldnt buy a mascot for white supremacy
Second on the bottom row is an OT alien though.
They used a puppet for when it moved and removed the rods in post.
Disney shill detected.
The vast majority of the BB-8 scenes were CG'd afaik. The remote control one was barely used at all despite Disney making a huge fucking deal about it being a robot ball
The shot is fine, the shittiest ones are the alien coming out the sand at the start and the nostalgiaporn chess game
It was pathetic, like that pig beast and finn.
Rey gives me a steel pecker.
IDK if those clips actually made it into the movie, but the shit that did is just as bad, and it is a problem.
Is wasn't until Davey Jones in PotC that they got the hang of real actors on set for CG characters. JarJar had a reference guy for the actors to look at but the CG wasn't mocapped. This meant he didn't move like he was in the same place, and his micro-expressions didn't match up with the real actor's micro-expressions.
The audience can pick up on this. They might not be able to say what's wrong, but they'll know it's a shitty effect.
Get some standards.
You can shit on the characrer but jar jar looked fantastic at the time. He doesnt even look that bad now, better than gollum.
Are you saying you wouldn't fuck this?
The bird looks fine, but the speeder is dodgy.
A barren coke addict cunt. No thanks.
t. obese manchild
Fucking this.
To be fair, the shape of that beak seems evolved to break things from the underside.
That thing looked and was awesome
practical effects, in as many situations as possible, are better by far IMO. They have character because they're captured by the camera, not retrofitted in later. They have presence in the space.
Fucking woke the whole house up I laughed so hard.
christ the orange lady was such a bad design
t. Desperate youngfag.
She's very average looking user, good enough to attract guys like you, not good enough to put off other women. Pretty clever of disney actually.
>Impressed by a shitty puppet bird
Yeah, that whole Ki-Adi Mundi thing was unused and the effects probably weren't even completed.
I may have gone a bit far in places.
>that asian alien that just falls over like a log
holy fuck my sides
>them filming it for real the next time means its not shit even though its the same
in the end if you're gonna use practical effects dont use them right in front of cgi it becomes pointless and all the charm practical effects could bring is thrown out theres no point its all our nothing with practical effects nowadays
Fuck this is hillarious
I had no idea that was an animatronic
Sup Forums needs to dub this as soon as possible
what the fuck is this picture? love it but what
Because you're fucking stupid
haha nice. seen a porg nazi tattooo before, probably on reddit or 9gag it was hilarious
fucking epic, love these nazi-shoppies
Threadly reminder that the 'le porgs are nazis xxdd' meme is being pushed by Disney to get alt-righter neckbeards to engage with their brand
Notice how all the edits look like they were done on the same program and by the same person, that they're always the same images, that they're always posted robotically with no discussion or OC to go along with them, and that Hitler photoshops are something only a normie would think is funny or 'typical Sup Forums humour'. The whole thing makes one envisage some bored interns at some random marketing firm with folders of these edits pre-prepared and ready to go
Everything about these movies and the company that makes them is cynical and calculated and it takes absolutely no stretch of the imagination to imagine that Disney would do this. It's an established fact that marketing firms regularly do this for their clients on a multitude of popular internet sites
Fuck off and die you revolting little shills
don't give a flying fuck about who made this, just find it hilarous, the one with sitting in car of that reading newspaper are just great memes.
>It Ain't Me
what heroic user will do it?
The utter state of this board.
A phrase perhaps most often used in jest; but an inaccurate sentiment? Not in the slightest.
The discussion on this board is truly pathetic. Childish. Brainless. Asinine. Vapid. Repetitive. An almost endless list of degrading adjectives applies to what is posted here. Make no mistake, other boards have their low points, but Sup Forums is without a doubt the worst of the popular Sup Forums boards.
Sup Forums, for all its impotent rage and tedium, at least discusses issues of some import. Sup Forums, for all its cringy manchildren, is at least dedicated to niche content. The same goes for Sup Forums, despite its pretentiousness and elitism. These boards are able to move beyond the very surface level of their chosen media. They relish in it in fact. Sup Forums, on the other hand, sees fit to wallow in the mud, consuming almost exclusively the most mainstream, lowest common denominator garbage. Star Wars, Harry Potter, superhero movies, brainless Hollywood blockbusters, and unfunny, tired "memes", all while maintaining an air of elitism, as if their exhaustive knowledge of garbage culture is something to be proud of. Day in, day out, the board does this. The regular browsers have no intent of learning about the medium. Many think pedestrian directors who hover on the edges of the mainstream like Fincher, Anderson and Tarantino are the epitome of experimental film. The remaining few who see fit to move beyond the proverbial kiddy pool have likely decided to delve into the most obscure possible examples of the medium without educating themselves in anything else prior, which is what leads to the laughable commentary on directors such as Brakhage and god forbid, Tarkovsky.
Even when a thread which might break away from this toxic pattern of mental regression comes to the forefront it is either quickly swept under the carpet.
A large percentage of you are mentally hopeless and pathetic human beings. You should all seriously consider suicide. Thanks for reading.
t. cuck
>sweating disney exec.jpg
For once, Sup Forums makes some good pasta. This might just be the biggest accomplishment of your life you fucking delusional schizo faggot
>practical effect
>literally falls flat
Opinion discarded