PLEASE post dalek with a chainsaw from parting of the ways. I REALLY need it. Please. edition
- previously (there wasnt dalek with chainsaw from parting of the ways)
PLEASE post dalek with a chainsaw from parting of the ways. I REALLY need it. Please. edition
- previously (there wasnt dalek with chainsaw from parting of the ways)
Other urls found in this thread:
This should have been the no pizza edition.
Thanks, lym!
that's a buzzsaw not a chainsaw
What's /who/ with you
also guess /who/ wants to die
reminder that cookies
Who wants to have a 12th Doctor marathon?
of book?????? yeah
Diamond Dogs
Plague City
The Shining Man
/who/ is in stasis.
Doctor Who is dead.
>no patch in dota 2
>no news on s11
Something has gone very wrong with time...
Are these in order of highest quality?
Deep Time was fine
Big Bang Generation was Reset button tier
>steven wrote the best ones
Limping my way through The Web Planet. It's just so unimaginably dull.
you cant criticize the classic series here, milleniall
no, it's a pizza cutter
>thread dead so try shitposting to revive it
He got a haircut.
They're filming the saving gallifrey scence from the 50th
>they're filming the saving Gallifrey scene
I thought that was just a rumor.
It's neither, it's a fannish wish.
Don't get me wrong, there's a solid concept here and some interesting moments, not to mention the production values seem incredibly high for the Hartnell years, but Jesus the pacing so god awful.
This is a scene from Thin Ice, the third episode of Series 10 of the revived edition of the science-fiction show Doctor Who. The majority of people on this board have already seen this episode multiple times.
Imagine posting this more than once thinking /who/, comprised of people who actually watch the show, isn't completely immune to it by now.
u should not watch ALONG posting right?
(you) adrenalin spikes
Here's some Hinchcliffe for you.
>class was announced 2 years ago
r.i.p. spinoffs
since the doctor falls served very well as capaldis swan song, would making it a 3 doctor episode (atleast partially) really ruin it? i always wanted a 12/11 episode so maybe im biased but i think moff could pull it off
i mean making the christmas special a 3 doctor episode
So when are we getting a Big Finish first 3 Doctors meetup boxset with David Bradley, Frazer Hines and Tim Treolar?
making a spin off with no regulars, great idea bbc
I don't get it.
and Nick Briggs as 9th
What we have now - the current Doctor meets the original - is a nice, straightforward concept with some symmetry to it. Making it a 3 Doctor episode would turn it into a clusterfuck.
the original but not the first, because THE OTHER and the MORBIUS FACES
Okay, thanks for that completely redundant contribution.
Don't forget Geoffrey Bayldon and that one kid from Listen.
It'd actually be kinda interesting if there was a whole boxset that was other people performing the first Doctor that specifically utilizes that as a plot point
you forgot
Gordon Tipple
that is the master before Roberts
What does being the Master before Roberts have to do with the First Doctor?
timey wimey shenanigans
too clomplex
I unironically have no idea what this means.
you cannot pay attention properly with internet openend ON, because you get adrenalin/endorfine spikes on IM and the (you)
You are given the reins to make a spin-off show? the catch it has to be for adults, and it still has to be about the Doctor abeit a un numbered future incarnation. The show still can make use of the Tardis, but no former Aliens or people that appeared before can appear save for new humans and new time lords, what do you make the plotline about? you have to come up with a new threat/story specific to this unnumbered future Doctor.
Found out that Death Note Netflix movie that everybody laughed at and forgot about after a month cost $40 million. That's enough to fund two seasons of Doctor Who.
easy, produce the EDAs with Mcgann vs Faction Paradox
From TARDISposting:
Basic bitch - Edgy "All New Who is shit" classics fan edition
Favourite Doctor - Paul McGann "because Big Finish."
Favourite companion - Ian Chesterfield, Jamie, or the Brig. Pretty much ignore all women companions from 1963 until but not including Ace.
Favourite episode - The Daleks' Master Plan
Least hated New Who episode - Dalek
Least Favorite Doctor - Tennant because "he was smug" and Tumblr fangirls, even though Capaldi has Tumblr fangirls aswell.
Least favourite companion - Rose. Not even Clara.
Least favourite episode - New Earth for some reason, but basically anything from series 2.
"Big Finish are making the only good Who now, it really improved the Sixth Doctor by basically just changing his character because it was shit in the first place."
"You need to painfully sit through all the missing Hartnell & Troughton episodes that are just telesnaps and bad quality audio to call yourself a fan."
"David Tennant was the worst Doctor even though McGann in the movie is basically the same and we worship McGann."
"RTD ruined Doctor Who because the companions had families and lives, like a normal person would."
"45 minutes isn't long enough to tell a proper story, you need 10 parts of 25 minutes where nothing happens for 7 of them."
I literally don't see the problem with this, this is pure patrician taste
favourite track of music from each series GO!
s1 toxic
s3 here come the drums
best of all series
You're a Colin fan, but are you a "literally draw ahip fanart of yourself and colin" Colin fan?
>here come the drums
Based, I love that one
post cybermen you fucks
i don't know if this is more or less reprehensible than lym and goth girl art
Damn, I adore that.
>Best friend literally mutilates your companions body turning them into a crazed cyborg with no arse.
>Don't even get angry at them
Travel with the doctor, ye nope.
I can if I just watch the episodes and then respond to your inane comments. Ironically, you're the only one giving me (You)s.
>"You need to painfully sit through all the missing Hartnell & Troughton episodes that are just telesnaps and bad quality audio to call yourself a fan."
tfw I actually unironically believe this.
first post since ban for posting jenna nudes the other day
Me too, user especially since it's the best era of the show
The Doctor has transcended being angry at the Masters, because he knows it just gives them satisfaction.
until another writer comes up
what is with the writers obsession with making them bff anyway
you know any of the classic series doctors wouldn't have put up with that shit
Since we've had nuwho episodes with both classic cybermen, and classic daleks, do you think we will ever reach the level of fanwankery of having a Mondasian Cybermen vs Skaronian Dalek episode?
Ecceleston is Kino
Tennant is Kino
Matt Smith Sucks
Capaldi is sorta decent.
Every western weeaboo at Netflix needs to be shot so they stop butchering anime/manga properties.
You are Garbage
Well, to be fair getting mad at Missy would be silly since she already did it, in a past regeneration that was significantly crazier than her
No, but it'd be fucking awesome.
Swap Tennant and Capaldi and that's perfect
>what is with the writers obsession with making them bff anyway
Well, user, have you ever watched the Delgado serials?
I would be interested to see a story with the Cybermen and the Daleks that doesn't devolve into "8-year-old's figure adventures pew pew" shit. Imagine if you only had one Cyberman and one Dalek in a situation where they had to actually interact.
are you sure? it looks kind of like he's just slicked his hair back
I mean, the Dalek would still probably kill the Cyberman immediately.
For some reason that made me imagine an odd couple style sitcom about a Dalek and a Cyberman being roommates
And now I have a new idea for Shit Trips
>S1: The Lone Dalek
>S2: Madame de Pompadour / Song for Ten
>S3: The Runaway Bride / This is Gallifrey / The Stowaway
>S4: Song of Freedom
>S4 Specials: Lithuania / Four Knocks / Vale Decem
>S5: A Lonely Decision
>Christmas Carol: Everything Has To End Sometime
>S6: Tell Me Who You Are
>Widow: Friendship
>S7A: Goodbye Pond
>Snowmen: Whose Enigma
>S7B: The Long Song/Infinite Potential
>Day: This Time There's Three Of Us / Song for Four / Home
>Time: Never Tell Me The Rules
>S8: Fear
>Last Christmas: Every Christmas is Last Christmas
>S9: The Doctor's speech from the Zygon episode music / Face the Raven music
>Husbands: The Singing Towers of Darillium
>Mysterio: dunno
>S10: Bill's Theme / the music when the Doctor is blowing up Cybermen + the aftermath
That would be a kino Briggs Short Trip. A Dalek and a Cybermen are locked in a room, disarmed and nearly out of power, and they discuss their ideologies to each other. And at the end of the story, they've both managed to recharge their energy and shoot at each other, but it's left up to the listener's interpretation as to who wins.
Contrive a plot where the Dalek's best option for survival is to exploit the Cyberman's resources and mobility until further notice, easy.
The idea of a Dalek and a Cyberman making small talk with each other is way funnier than it has any right to be
For real though, being a cyberman doesn't sound that bad
like that Q vs Spock audio book