Who would you cast in a Rebel Without a Cause remake?
Who would you cast in a Rebel Without a Cause remake?
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what's that in his ear
Ryan Gosling as everyone
this nigga literally lapband'd and smoked himself thin.
apple airpods
Gay new apple headphones, right?
drying semen
Google earpiece with an AI that tells you how to best respond to people mocking your attractiveness relative to Brad Pitt and Leo Decaprio
When did Jonah start smoking?
Is it so Ornella can see he respects Frog culture and make him her husbando?
no matter how hard he tries, he will always be this guy
That's why they made all of those threads! They were crafting an algorithm. We've been had bros.
Wtf happened to him.
A french girl fat shamed him.
His smile: gone
His optimism: gone
>Due to pressure from our consumers, we're releasing an alpha version of "Fleury" 0.21 with limited features. We just need more time.
he's almost there. if he can get that gut a little tighter, draw his face in a little more, he will be ready to take on the french whour.
so THIS is the POWER of jews
Did he have his way with Jonah?
>those covetous jew hands
Even if he will always be eternal fatkid, he's looking good.
>marry, fuck, kill
what does she do?
Were there any guys accusing Harvey of attacking them as well?
He made Jonah squeal like a pig.
You're joking , right? He looks terrible
Is it meth?
With Harvey it's
>rape, rape, rape
What is Leo trying to convey with this expression?
I can't google all that
Joaquin Phoenix, except you don't remake Rebel Without a Cause cause that movie sucks. You remake On the Waterfront. Or Night of the Hunter.
>i want to look like a normie with an ever so slight edge
say no more
That movie sucked ass. James Dean can't act for shit. Overrated, shit movie.
Reddit the Movie of the 1950s.
Remember the time when you weren't aware of Reddit and you didn't claim everything with any popular acclaim was Reddit?
Those were good times. I miss those times.
Cigarettes that he bent and stuck in his ear
>WHAT WUZ WITH THE ENDING????????????????????????
mystery to me why a guy with money like that walks around a filthy city looking miserable go get a waterfront penthouse somewhere and buy a few live in whores/maids
im actually going to buy those because of this pic
thats like the #1 fucking thing that annoys me when at the gym, the headphone wires, and im talking connecting wire between both ears of my bluetooth headphones when doing things like crunches or bench press
don't get those shit apple ones plenty good bluetooth headphones out there
nigger learn some reading comprehension
nigger just get the Jaybird X1-3 or any of its chinese knockoffs. They output the same quality because fucking bluetooth.
youre literally fucking retarded, i cant help you. learn to fucking read, you stupid fucking cunt
Those suck for gym. Fall out easily.
Apple is for suckers.
different guy. You're a dumbass
>wires in the way during bench press
Retard. If your neck is touching the bench you are doing it wrong.
>doing crunches
>he doesn't know it actually shortens your hip flexors making it harder to do a proper squat.
>not just doing stomach vacuums
That's what it looks like.
who said anything about touching my neck to the bench, you fucking retard
if you actually went to the gym and used wireless headphones youd know what im talking about, but you dont, and you aren't.
you're a little cuck who humps a bench press machine for 5 fucking hours doing fuck all and wastes everyone's time
>if you actually went to the gym and used wireless headphones youd know what im talking about, but you dont, and you aren't.
I use first gen bluebuds. Tell me how the wires between the buds will interfere with any proper lifts so I can laugh at you.
>bench press machine
oh boy
Top kek
Go outside and play sports /fit/. Stop just robotically going to the gym.
>implying the trip to the gym doesn't count as outside sport
Anons, you're both pretty
Mini subway sandwiches
>fit cucks pretending to be experts because they suck air for 5 hours humping a bench like child faced little virgins
>his sessions last more than 2 hours
Read the sticky or kys cuck
>he thinks he isnt the dumb nigger im talking about
stop being a little bitch and stop pretending to be an expert
you fags are the worst
airpods are actually bretty good in the overall bluetooth headphone market, but the fit on them is total garbage. Literally just sell me some silicone tips to get them to hang in my ears better, Apple.
Just run the wires under your shirt like this
He is saying to get the fuck away from my friend you dirty kike.
R-ryan from cinemassacre?