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Wasn't the 'anti-semetic' article they're referring to written by a jew for a jew publication?
but it was a jewish man that wrote that article
Yeah there is no way someone like say Lyor Cohen would ever behave that way.
>hollywood and television make mention of his behavior, naming him specifically, for years
>his company stops making money
>suddenly he's demonized
There's burden of proof to be presented if this isn't stereotypically Jewish behavior.
Has literally nothing to do with money brainlet.
Patently wrong. I work with a Jew and not only does he look like the happy merchant, he literally rubs his hands when we count the money after the bar closes every night.
he's a total Weinstein, he covets anything blonde with tits, and if he can't get their attention he'll try and salt the game of anyone who has it.
Not all Jews are smart, or good with money, but they DO all lust after blondes and redheads.This is just yet another yiddle diddle bitch who is mad her own men don;t want to stay with their own women (see: black women).
Here's a hint: if your entire article boils down to just saying "Nuh Uh!" about someone else's article, don't bother publishing it.
>i-it's a coincidence
Why do they always make it a point to say "not all X" when something like this happens, yet are so quick to demonize whites with things like the Vegas shooting?
>but they DO all lust after blondes and redhead
Everyone does. White women make the world go around.
Not money dummy. His enemies came into power. Weinstein is a cappo.
Honest answer is that for all of their idiocies, liberals/SJWs/leftists aren't a hivemind and it isn't the same people making these statements.
Oh Sup Forums, when will you stop being RIGHT?
>the enemies of a jewish producer are making more money now
Weird logic you're utilizing.
Yeah that or the press is completely corrupt.
Fuck off.
Money isn't real at that level you utter brainlet.
It's 100% political.
>jewish people get offended by anti-semitism
woah dood teh redpillz r too strong i want off this ried
>Arresting a thug and serial rapist is 'anti-Semitic' in the first place
That's bullshit. The people who say "fuck white people" after a minority is shot by police are the same who say "not all muslims" when one blows themself up or shoots into a crowd of people.
Saying he's a """rapist""" because he's Jewish is the anti-semitic part, genius. It also happens to be incredibly retarded given the far higher prevalence of this behavior in non-Jews. What's your IQ?
I stopped believing this when you said you had a job
How come if "rape" is a Jewish stereotype so few Jews are actually charged with it it? Hispanics, whites, and blacks represent far more rape arrests even proportional to their population (blacks are most disproportionate). Does every cop in the US magically know to not arrest Jews? My uncle's a cop and he never even mentioned this special rule that seems important.
>My uncle's a fag
>Weinstein is a cappo.
It's capo, but correct. And that's the real story. The rape is a symptom not the disease.
I suspect he was about to be indicted before the 'press' decided to get ahead of the story and try to frame it in a way to cause the least damage.
>Saying he's a """rapist""" because he's Jewish is the anti-semitic part,
did literally anyone say that?
Saying Hollywood is centrally controlled is what they really don't want getting out.
KEK. Polanski, Woody Allen, Dan Schneider...
What's the jew percentage of the population like 1%.
And I don't think the article is saying that Jews are more likely to be rapists , it's saying they like to torture abuse goys which is true just look at fucking Israel
no evidence dan schneider ever raped anyone
>just look at Israel
The most impressively restrained, humane country on the planet? You're retarded
it's funny cuz it's by a Jewish magazine and written by a Jew who got Jewed out and had to issue an apology for calling out the Jew
Dan Schneider fucked my butt.
Affleck, Spacey, Clinton, Clooney, Roy Price....
>The most impressively restrained, humane country on the planet?
oh my fucking god
The sex trafficking capitals of the world for Caucasian women are in Eastern Europe where almost no Jews live. Rly makes me think
>so few names he runs out and has to slander people with false criminal accusations
when your IQ is so low you accidentally argue for the exact opposite of what you're trying to shill
problem, ahmed?
Hollywood is run prison style on purpose.
yes, you aren't muslim aren't you?
>So few names
shall we continue
>surrounded on all sides by terrorists
>kills only a few thousand in decades while maintaining sovereignty
It's afraid
It's actually the Saudis, telling everyone its the Jews. But beneath that its Satan.
Latest trend by (((media))) is to mention other non-jews people alongside Weinstein when they bring him up.
That fuck John Oliver name-dropped Mel Gibson when discussing Weinstein, thus trying to paint him in the same manner as a serial rapist, and of course Drumpf gets mentioned next to Weinstein all the time.
the_donald was a fucking mistake, it brought in the retards who actually watch and believe Fox News and other propaganda.
you scheisters need some new tricks
themselves because they are lazy kikes. but they lobby for America and its allies to do the dirty work. I say yall should fuck off and prove you have a right to exist and defend your own borders with no american handouts.
I'm 1/8th white, mostly asian. If I were to waifu a white chick would I be uncucking my white ancestors? Or would it be just me being a good goy.
That's why they made up that masturbating into a plant story today.
They want to try to reframe it as a mental illness or an addiction.
Don't be fooled. The sex part is really only the cost of doing business.
Weinstein is a mobster through and through.
Continously stealing land from Palestine, surprised they are mad.
Israel is jews without a hint of restraint, showing themselves as being fascist thieves.
wrong. Trump is a Jew (like most Sup Forums idols)
Sounds like you're triggered because you're trying to push an agenda and facts won't let you
Here's another white Christian that recently flew under your shill radar for sex crimes.
Your shill tactics are stale as fuck.
>these buttmad muslims
LMAO. How's the wifi in the refugee center you shitskin subhumans?
they're not "stealing" anything. The """Palestinians"""" are so fat they are literally EATING their own land
Reminder. Sex crimes is a red herring. Violence against women is a red herring.
The real story is Hollywood is a criminal enterprise made possible by creating that kind of environment.
Nobody cares about your precious mudslimes. Fuck off back to your SJW rally. I hope Trump deports you.
Oh please, I could care one lick for christians or any organised religion, catholic priests are as bad as jews.
Anyway, I'll counter whoever Matt Salling is with (((Anthony Weiner)))
yep. they do the EXACT same thing in the rap industry. except it's homo sex acts.
I'm a white christian Texan.
No you're not. You're a fucking camel fucking, I can smell you from here
>Be non Jew director
>make women fuck you for parts
>they do it gladly and no one ever complains besides his wife
It is Jewy. No one was disgusted by Joss or called it rape. They wanted it.
Almond turned on?
Darkness imprisoning me
All that I see
Absolute horror
I cannot live
I cannot die
Trapped in myself
Body my holding cell
Okay Dan
Do we think someone flipped on him? Who's working with the feds? Lawrence? Carey? Wilson?
>written by a jew for a jew publication
What other options are there?
You may not like it, but this image depicts a true alpha male.
>only arabs dislike Israelis
I've actually interacted with you vapid fucks and you're despicable.
Nice to see Jews have all the thin skinned hysteria as Muslims but with that slick sheen of power over everything they do to destroy your society that makes them extra able to get away with absolutely everything.
Hmm so that's why Bibi was so happy about the outcome of the election
>but it was a jewish man that wrote that article
i thought it was drumpfy two scoops?
The goyim know. Shut it down.
Tablet wrote an article last week about how jewy Weinstein was. They are just doing damage control because they got attacked viciously on twitter and had to apologize
>Better than perhaps any other author, Roth captured the particular anxiety of the Jewish American man in the twentieth century, finally coming into power but, having not grown up with it, unsure of what he’s supposed to do now. All those years craving unattainable Gentiles, but never before the means to entice them.
>It goes without saying that nearly every one of these women—Rose McGowan, Ambra Batillana, Laura Madden, Ashley Judd, etc.—was a Gentile, all the better to feed Weinstein’s revenge-tinged fantasy of having risen above his outer-borough, bridge-and-tunnel Semitic origins
The demise of TWC could lead to a return to studio dominance of the movie industry.
I can't find anything about Katerina Trump being a court jew on google
last night i bond burgered your sister
Please. They're all in it together.
Wait I thought studios dominate the movie industry already?
Jews have bad genetics, they have higher cases of all cancers than any other ethnic group in the world. The reason why so many women have breatscancer is because of ashkenazi genes.
So it goes without saying they also have more sex predator genes as well.
triggered lefty.
Holy shit someone really wrote that?
No such thing as palestine, never has been.
Apparently the theory is that the genes that give them high IQ might also be responsible for the high incidences of genetic diseases almost exclusive to Jews like ty sach and certain cancers
I mean its now going to be even more than they do now, as generally the only time the indy sector, over which the Weinstein's dominated, has influence is during Oscar season.
>In a 2001 interview with the New York Daily News, Love joked that Weinstein wouldn’t have sex with her because she’s “not a shiksa,” a non-Jewish woman.
What did Courtney Love mean by this?
Bullshit. What Courtney Love said was:
>If Harvey Weinstein invites you to a party at the Four Seasons, don't go
>No such thing as palestine, never has been.
All countries except Israel and it's lapdog USA recognize Palestine.
Only reason the UN can't officially declare it a state is because USA use their veto, again because USA is controlled by jews.
>He didn't know