No more guns.
What a putz
This is even more jewish than Harvey Weinstein's apology letter.
Spreading her legs as she sits, trying to be like a man. I couldn't make it through 30 seconds of that.
I wonder if Jews discriminate each other based on the value of the metal in their last names. Like if a Goldman would be like
>haha stupid hoe, she’s a SILVERman
>comments and ratings disabled
every fucking time
Anyone have the lyrics? I can't stand to watch the whole video.
he should have put a baby in her to shut her up
Impossible to sit through
Nothing triggers Sup Forums more than a woman with an opinion.
Too late now.
i'm attracted to her...
In Israel Sephardic Jews and Ethiopian Jews get discriminated. You are way more likely to get hired if you have a German or Polish sounding surname.
posting the non-goy version
>why aren't there any good conservative comedians hahaha why but why heh hahaa
>I love America, except I hate all the things that make it unique
Every time.
That just demonstrates a fundamental misunderstanding of the problem of world hunger.
Because dumb opinions are annoying.
Well it's difficult to fuck something once you realize the dramatic extent of its retardation. I'd prefer it to smile and look cute too.
man good thing i never fell for the "conservative" meme. you guys sound like dicks.
“Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.”
I'd like to kick her to death, honestly. she's human garbage.
Nothing triggers leftists than a woman who doesn't share leftists opinions.
oy veyyyyy
I used to suffer from this, but her looks are going and the way she carries herself is repulsive. You'll come around eventually too, user. Don't worry.
Wait until you graduate and enter the real world. Liberalism is great, when you're living off someone else's money.
why do idiotic comedians feel its necessary to lecture their educated functioning audience
>Liberalism is great, when you're living off someone else's money
You mean like an inheritance? You're right, let's tax estates 100%.
>what detroit needs is more government money
>non-goy version
How do jews always win?
>ratings and comments disabled
Honestly sounds like Jewish behavior
Why can't libs make their propaganda less cringy? It would help them a little bit.
i wish i could live off someone elses money then i wouldnt have to work 40 hours a week lol. and i did graduate into the "real world". whats your point?
God, she has the worst, most shrill singing voice I've ever heard. How can anyone stand to listen to this?
>lets take the rest of the money we already taxed
Liberalism sounds great until you realize it fucks everyone over. The majority of people that had their assets taken with the estate tax were family farmers that had almost all their money tied up in land and expensive equipment. When they couldn't pay the tax on it they were forced to sell their farms, many of which had been family owned for a century, to huge farming companies.
...uh, I mean, fuck the rich! Tax the 1%! Free shit! Free shit! Let them in!
this is the funniest libtard policy since it'd fuck over poor people a thousands times worse than the rich
comedians are le dark tortured souls who are low key geniuses xD
Explain it then, Sup Forumstard.
I love how liberals are still shitting on flyover and rust belt states even in their own videos, stupid fucks are going to lose Minnesota in 2020 at this rate.
Can you just you me you piece of shit? I am making a valid point that no side has a monopoly on bad comedy not that Trump needs to be your overlord. If the thread was about Rush Limbaugh dancing in a field we would be mocking their beliefs.
Being a liberal is like having a really small penis but being compelled to wave it around everywhere and saying look at me and small penis to everyone and then getting angry when people point it out.
If Conservatives were being obnoxious like liberals we would gladly mock them too but they literally do nothing but comment on the batshit crazy and annoying things they do.
Its not a offense to YOU. You can be liberal all you want.
Jew Confronts "Dirty Goyim"
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>like/dislike bar disabled
lmao KIKED
When will she get her own tv show?
I can sing better than this bitch and I’m a man with an untrained voice. I thought women were supposed to have good singing voices!
In that opening monologue he only called for gun control for automatic rifles, which were used in that attack though.
Fuckin saved
No they weren't you retard.
>why are jews and black always acing so oppressed? oh btw fuck jews and niggers I hate them
wouldn't most of the 1.2 billion Catholics object to that?
also who would buy a country
woah! got her
I love how even after it's undeniably obvious flyover and rest belt hicks elected a tragically underqualified clown they still cling to him because he's a moron just like them.
>ratings and comments disabled
Imagine how frustrating it must be to be a Jew in 2017.
Why does the caller sound 110% jewish? Really makes me think.
She loves america, huh?
Didn't she call for an armed coup on election night or shortly after the inauguration?
Wow, you can really hear the concern in Ms. Mobystein's voice!
>>lets take the rest of the money we already taxed
Lol what? That's like arguing no one should ever get taxed since the money has been taxed in some way before.
>Liberalism sounds great until you realize it fucks everyone over
You and have fallen for propaganda. The estate tax affects estates above $5.45 million - hardly family farmers - and only 0.2% of all people pay any estate tax. By definition, anyone affected would still have *at least* $5.45 million.
No, it's conservatives that fuck over everyone, lowering the minimum wage, stripping healthcare from millions, cutting taxes for the rich and leaving the burden to the middle class and poor.
>he's doing what the people who voted for him wanted and not what I wanted Hillary to do so he's a clown ;(
She's probably just from new york
sure thing JIDF
>why are whites always acting so oppressed? oh btw fuck white people I hate them
oh you poor naive soul
>being a minimum wage cuck
lmao fuck off bernout
all of Sup Forums shitposting summed up in one paragraph t b h
Is anything she said wrong?
Get this kike off my board.
>Sings some ripoff song from the 80s slightly changing the lyrics
>Pauses every 15 seconds to start preaching liberal drivel
Haha I love liberal humor!
>implying he's doing anything besides shitpost on Twitter because that's all he knows how to do
where to cop
Yes, I see the statistics she cites pop up in NYC Jewish women's facebook groups all the time.
wasn't disabled yesterday
what do you think Israel would be worth? why not just sell Israel?
Semi-automatic rifles then.
Hope you foot heals soon.
>it's a liberals don't know what impact supreme court appointments and tax reform have on a nation episode
Bitch try me. I'll fuck you up. I outdo the best the Jews have to offer every fucking day of the week.
>he only wants to ban 90% of the rifles in the country! Why are conservatives so upset about it?
Move to Canada if you think it's such a problem. Let there be one country were people actually have fucking rights.
>supreme court appointment
Any "achievement" from that is laid at McConnel's feet for stalling out Obama and then nuking the filibuster. Trump did nothing except literally what is constitutionally required of the president. Of course, now he's not even doing that, having missed the deadline to execute the Russian (hmm, surely just a coincidence) sanctions, so he's straight up deciding to betray the oath of office.
>Tax reform
That should go about as well as the ACA repeal went.
>having missed the deadline to execute the Russian (hmm, surely just a coincidence) sanctions
Hi Hillary, some of us don't want another Cold War here.
>degenerate anti-Anglo/American Jew
Fuck her.
They threatened to move to Canada if Trump won and nobody did.
lol at your salt
Canada has guns too
>implying anglos aren't just as bad as jews
He didn't say ban though, he wants to make it harder for spree killers to get ahold of them. Which would involve things like closing the gunshow loophole and making it harder for people with a history of mental illness to get ahold of them.
Also I'm not American, I was just correcting that strawman.
We don't want another Cold War, we want another Korean War, and hell let's escalate tensions with Iran while we're at it because the world doesn't think we're dumb enough.
Funny, no arguments, no denials, no refutations, just ad homs. Almost as if it's NOT a coincidence.