>"He'll never budge on LGBT rights, he wants them all to hang."
>jokingly asked guests in the White House "Did Mike make you pray?"
Wtf drumpf
>"He'll never budge on LGBT rights, he wants them all to hang."
>jokingly asked guests in the White House "Did Mike make you pray?"
Wtf drumpf
It's okay for Trump to belittle others, but it's not okay for others to crack jokes about Trump.
>Pence was to overturn roe vs wade
Why? It's an effective crime fighting tool
That isn't a good thing?
Did Trump openly loathe LGBT people before?
No he literally doesn't care and just played it up for votes
Trump picked up Pence to appeal to the Christian base of republican voters. It was a masterful move on his part and helped secure him victory.
You fags and rick and morty bugmen better hope to God you don't get your wish when it comes to impeachment and ouster of the POTUS.
Then you'll have Pence to deal with.
>it's just a joke (as long as you adhere to my political beliefs)
>I love my mary jane :3
no one really gives a shit about fags. They are such a tiny minority that they don't matter.
I used to really like that kike.
No I want him in a fucking oven.
They don't realize how ultra conservative Pence really is. If Trump somehow got removed from office, Pence would be able to get his ultra christian agenda going because the Republican establishment love him unlike Trump.
this is now an Electric Pence thread.
If trump were to actually get impeached I doubt pence would not also go down with him
inb4 404!
I don't think it would work that way. Then again, we've yet to have a full impeachment.
Hey retard what TV show/Movie is this from?
That's not how impeachment works retard
>i have no idea how the government works isn't it just supposed to do whatever i want?
yeah no