/STD/ Star Trek Discovery
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It's DIS sweetheart
This is the only general I've seen where every poster in it emphatically hates the series in question.
Discovery has already surpassed DS9 and TNG
I wonder why.
>Best Captains.
Trips confirm. The sci-fi in Star Trek has never been this good, actual science supports everything that happens.
This picture irks me not only because Mercer's art style is different but also because he's wearing a Trek badge instead of the Orville logo.
When is Discovery gonna have a girl power episode?!
I support this post.
>Commander, tell me about your fucking sexual organs
I felt the cursing was slightly inappropriate, if weirdly fitting
this was some spooky shit
I wonder if the mirror version is straight.
wha-what is happening here? is that keiko?
Why was the captain on the shuttle in the first place
Huh I was so tired by the end of the episode I didn't even notice that
This. I thought I had downloaded an incomplete version of the episode.
i don't mind this at all now. carry on with your general stdfags
great webm its ultra spooky on alot of levels, i did wonder a couple eps back where reflections were shown a few times if the show is going back and forth between the normal universe and the mirror universe because Sarek may have discovered how to manipulate time and space.
wait i looked away during that part because i thought the fags were kissing did that really happen?
its like Voyager at first you hate it but the more you watch it the more you get used to it. Not a bad thing but it is pretty trek like so maybe fitting in that way?
same maybe could kinda be said for TNG but that is more that the writing and storylines tightened up later?
>Sarek may have discovered how to manipulate time and space.
This would make sense since they did name the show "Discovery"
Wasn't he having a face to face with that Commander friend of his?
>no orville general up
TNG was good because of a great cast
this has nothing great , its pure cringe and shoe horned sjw bulshit
>this has nothing great
cant deny it has better CGI though, there are alot of things discovery does better like letting the characters act like real people who maybe never even went to academy free to act as they please and speak as they please, liberation would be a plus too I think.
so let me get this straight :
>Best klingon
>Best technology
>Best aesthetic
>Best captain
>Best guest (hello Rainn Wilson)
>Best admiral
>Best ship
>Best doctor
>Best starbase
Did i forget something ?
bu-but that isnt our fault user.
nuh-no bully plz
It did
see your right Rainn Wilson was awesome. The only problem I had and it nagged at me was it didnt fit STD. His portrayal of the original from TOS was too dead on, it was too good so it kind of seemed out of touch with the STD universe.
But maybe that was the point, given his backstory I guess that could make sense?
>better CGI
Wow I'll drop my pants for this show because it has great CGI. Nothing else has great CGI these days, just STD, whereas everything had it back in the 1980s when TNG was made.
I can't believe anyone still says anything good about CGI. It's just there now, even if you don't hate it you can't praise it because it's just standard.
our generals now have graphics user.... looks like your slipping over there.
>I can't believe anyone still says anything good about CGI. It's just there now, even if you don't hate it you can't praise it because it's just standard.
STD spends over 8million on visual effects per episode almost every shot is tilter or enhanced with effects to make the scene feel alive. Often there is so much going on its impossible to take in everything happening which is part of how advanced the production is.
This can be seen in comparison to Orville, which just like a chinese knockoff looks cheap and uses no effects forcing the audience to see everything on the screen instead of what the director wants them to see by blocking out the rest with visual effects making each frame in essence a work of art on STD akin to Davinci only on hard mode because there are thousands of frames!!!
mostly because of the retarded face
Every frame is so dense. I hate when there are just people standing around talking. They should be shouting hateful words at each other. Anything else is boring!
>spooky shit
yep and very well done. Mirror universe ?
tardigrade is a hell of a drug
>i looked away during that part because i thought the fags
Next time, don't be homophobic, you will be reward.
i refuse to watch one second of that show and to be honest anyone who views it should be in jail because their stealing from star trek. That is what orville is a ripoff, and I hope someday they do start arresting people who watched it since they have no business trying to define what is scifi kino when STD does it a hundred neigh a thousand times better than Orville ever will and thats a fact, you can cash that.
Id rather watch a good rip off then a mutilation of a corpse.
>babby's first mirror scene
>Anything else is boring!
agreed, every scene on STD has movement alot of it, and when there isnt you will notice the camera tilts which tells the viewer to be tense so they feel tense see its an art form. Also keep in mind anytime in STD when people arent running around and talking fast will fill the screen with effects to create the artistic sensation of pacing again this is an art form.
Watching an episode is like being on Mr.Bones wild ride because there is always movement, always something happening, and it never ends not for the whole episode.
>stealing space men on a ship
Go steal it back then. If you stole my phone I'd steal it right back, go steal Star Trek back from the Orville.
So not only do the magic space mushrooms allow teleportation, they also fuck with reality. Not a thing they can't do.
They have to kill the spore engine off or it'll completely break the series, so place your bets. Will the mushrooms start to bleed into realspace and corrupt reality, will they become hostile to intelligent life in realspace and have to be sealed off or destroyed, or just evolve to stop allowing ships through?
see you, tard
I'm wondering why there's a general at all.
Yeah my favourite part is how I feel like I've been on a roller coaster designed by a retardigrade at the end of every episode because of the bright flashing colours and constantly moving and tilted camera. It's a real experience. I love how we never get to see any of the crew's faces except through flashing monitors as well, it's just so deep.
>or just evolve to stop allowing ships through?
what if they send the ship to an alternate dimension? that is a possibility.
Why are people so upset this show is burning its bridges with the old?
the old is outdated and nobody remembers it, this is a fresh start with a great cast, amazing writing and finally some focus on diversity and the struggles of society, thats always been what Star Trek is about.
subspace ain't nothing to fuck with
itt: salty bitching
Not all art is appreciated in its time, we may have to wait until were dead for future generations to discover STD and realize how ground breaking the show is for its time. That is why everyone calls STD a masterpiece because future generations will look back in awe at the wonders we made in the 21st century and yearn for those times once more.
Rainn just has a different idea of what the show is. He's great at giving that kind of theatrical performance that rides the line between good and cheesy like all of the best actors in Trek's history. He probably would've fit right in in one of the older shows but everybody else on STD talks a bit more naturally like people do in real life
oh fuck me. the gays dont even bother me, but i looked away for the same reason.
them sneaky enabling writers.
because its tossing babies out with bathwater and ending up with nothing but shit
lel fucking faggot
stop being so sensitive about everything
hmmm could this be the proof that were looking for that this is in actuality a mirror universe were seeing? the gold is eerily like the gold and sequin like outfits from the mirrorverse?
Yeah honestly I don't know where I could to turn for characters shouting at each other and street fights with stabbing and neck snapping. Hopefully other TV catches up to STD soon because getting my fix only weekly is pretty hard.
why don't you calm the fuck down
do the STD writers know that the mirror universe has nothing to do with literal mirrors?
the show was modeled to net the walking dead audience and later modified to include getting the GoT audience and now that it is has both there is no going back, STD is even going for older scifi fans by using dune references.
Experts are watching to see how big a net STD can cast to capture possibly every scifi audience on the planet making it the most watched show in history. Soon every show will be following in the foot steps of the new trail that STD has blazed boldly going where no scifi series has gone before.
but it's like poetry
What can you expect from people that have literally never seen Trek before?
This little guy was sentient
>can travel through all sapce on a whim
>can survive on the vacuum of space
>immune to the reality breaking collateral effects
He is a few steps from godhood
Sure there is.
this show was made a prequel because it defines going forward what series and or episodes are Canon and which arent since the creators on STD are rewriting trek making it so that trekkies who thought they knew it all have to start all over again.
I blame Fuller and his obsession with Alice
at least I get to enjoy Sarcastic-user slowly going insane in real time.
when i see the op image in the catalog I know what thread it is without clicking or searching anything, your orville threads are lame and noone knows what those images are really making it tough for you guys to find.
why not make some /Orville/ images for the catalog?
dont forget in the last episode they said Elon Musk that means Elon Musk is canon now when will he get his Memory Alpha page?
There are usually pretty good thread images. There's one faggot who makes /orville/ generals when no one else has one up and he always uses shit.
I think the 2nd image would have been a fine OP, if he'd just swapped them around. You don't always need the main character's face staring at you in the OP to find the thread, there's a search function for a reason.
The show has way too much Mass Effect Influence for anything else to happen. My prediction:
Space mushrooms are part of one sentient, destructive organism, and the fungus will start mentally controlling members of the crew. The Illusive Ma—I mean Captain will be controlled in the end, and the humans and klingons will work together to kill the organism, removing the mushroom drive forever. Possibly the Rachni—I mean Tardigrade will return to help.
Notice in the opening credits? The giant flower reaching out to the Discovery? I bet that is a representation of the fungal bloom we will see, even though it looks like a regular flower.
ahhhhhhhh gotcha. yea that can happen maybe their new to it? looking through catalog just saying its tough to even tell what the image is or if its related to orville.
maybe shots of the characters or ship would work better?
def that second one since its easily recognizable and the color as being associated to orville. good eye, should let that op know so in future is easier for people to find eachother again, sucks when threads migrate and old discussions get left behind.
Mirror... Alice... Mushroom... Don't you see the link ?
We need a Beavis and Butthead version of this.
>humans and klingons will work together to kill the organism,
It would be a so big event, why don't we never heard about it in the next Star Trek ?
It was a Plot Shuttle. Couldn't have abducted him so easily otherwise. Lazy writing strikes again.
>Deep Space K-7
>Rura Penthe
I would have bought it if the Klingons had cloaking technology, but since the series has clearly established that they don't it's total tripe. Especially since they've also established that shuttles have warp drives.
I found it stupid that they said tardagrades can steal dna it was a mistake in the study that they amended
It won't be. Just Voq, his crew, and the remnants of the Discovery.
Starfleet will classify the incident since Section 31 is probably involved, and Voq is working with the secretive/spy House of Klingons.
Unfortunately a great deal of /orville/ generals is just basic low-effort trolling and counter-trolling. As fun as the show is, and as dedicated as the fanbase already is, a consistent quality in the general threads may not be sustainable yet.
Not sure what's worse, a hard-to-find thread with no one in it, or that faggot that's around during the day who makes a new thread at 250 posts. I swear there were three (3) active /orville/ generals for a little while today.
He nailed the character perfectly and was the best thing I've seen so far. The reason he doesn't seem to fit is the same reason everyone is pissed. STD doesn't feel like trek. When we saw Mudd we were reminded a bit how this could have been updated but still held onto the same spirit of Trek. So to me they accidentally outcast their own cast with a callback character.
Is it worth watching even though it's only going to be around one season?
The Orville will get at least two or three.
Stay mad
doesn't make sense for Elon Musk to be in the timeline. By the time he became relevant in our time in the Prime universe they would have already had space travel right? Fuck electric cars.
Nice bait annon
The tardigrade being big is the small/big potions?