So wait is it pro or anti waifu?
So wait is it pro or anti waifu?
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it was pro or anti whatever you can make the 5 paragraph long autistic explanation for, that's why it's a good movie
Anti, but kissless virgins will do mental gymnastics to convince themselves that it's pro.
Pro waifu for sure.
wasn't it basically the same thing as Her, where it turns out the AI was talking to millions of other men using the same personality?
anti for sure
It is both, it is neither.
It is cheeto dust
It's open to interpretation
just shit
OMG can you stop shilling your shitty channel.
Whether you think it's pro or anti waifu, this movie sure as shit was not pro roasties.
Not exactly (though I haven't seen Her so I don't know exactly how it worked). Each one is a personal copy, it was implied as much because she could "die", so clearly your own personal copy would develop a unique personality over time because it remembers things and changes based on the relationship. There was a surprisingly large amount of self-initiated actions on the part of the AI that seem to suggest a development of intimacy.
I think it's more supposed to be about this being the main character's only avenue for love, because he's both a social outcast as a replicant and, as far as he knows, can't really bring life into creation. This movie focused much more on themes from the source material than the original did, and the inability to bring life was being replaced with artificial creations meant to fill a void. In DADoES, they had things like the mood organs, Mercerism, robotic animals. I don't know whether or not you can say it "supported" these things, but more that it's what people will bring into their life when they're stuck with that void.
fuck off you fucking manchild
Begging you to take a shotgun and blast your head off.
Joi convinced him he was special. She was just following programming, and he actually wasn't.
She enabled his delusions, nothing more.
Pro in a sense that the love and the connection was real, and anti in a sense that she's a product.
>on an anime website
Color me fucking shocked!
It's only anti if you convince yourself that a 30-second ambiguous advertisement scene overwrote 2 hours of solid character development.
> There was a surprisingly large amount of self-initiated actions on the part of the AI that seem to suggest a development of intimacy.
the AI was programmed to show you what you want to see and say what you want to hear, how did Joi go beyond any of those pre-programmed functions?
all of that goes in the trash because she tells K he's "special" so he deserves a special name, Joe. That's obviously a load of shit because then some random ad girl also calls him Joe.
She was his personal copy and she knew certain things about him but she would react the same way with anybody. She would tell them "oh you're so special, I'll call you blah-bla-blah" and make up a bunch of shit, because she's programmed to do so
joi is a dumb roastie
Fuck you, Joi is cute and pure and her love is real
>in the /televison and film/ thread on the Sup Forums board not the /anime/ board
color me shocked
>the AI was programmed to show you what you want to see and say what you want to hear, how did Joi go beyond any of those pre-programmed functions?
She tried to convince him that he's different from the other replicants, she called him out for his lie and asked him about it (even though it was an obviously uncomfortable subject), she invited the prostitute over, she convinced him to delete her backup to protect him. She literally risked her life for him.
>joi is a dumb roastie
Retard, joi is pure and loved you.
>the AI was programmed to show you what you want to see and say what you want to hear, how did Joi go beyond any of those pre-programmed functions?
perhaps the same could be said of all women
Unicorn with no horne.
Wait.. the horn is a falic figure.
The baby is a girl, hence no falic figure
That's less preposterous than convincing yourself that a chatbot that was designed to make you think she loves you somehow ACTUALLY loves you.
>.Screenwriter Hampton Fancher explained that, “[K] is a handbook. He follows the rules. He’s a machine in a way. But the image was this: A handbook turns into a poem through his experiences and his ordeal and love. And the same thing with the digital woman.”
He managed to be special in the end by his own will, even if it wasn't " the chosen one" kind of special. Joi gave him that confidence. Also, she gave him a bit of happiness and her death made him experienced happiness being taken away. Her existence helped changing him from just being a dumb replicant blade runner
this better newfag?
>she convinced him to delete her backup to protect him. She literally risked her life for him.
She has to. That's Rule #3 of Robotics
the irony is that her love is more pure and transcendent than any humans because she cant ever stop loving him
>dumb roastie
more like the perfect female companion
>She tried to convince him that he's different from the other replicants, she called him out for his lie and asked him about it (even though it was an obviously uncomfortable subject), she invited the prostitute over, she convinced him to delete her backup to protect him. She literally risked her life for him.
that's all fine and good but there's no reason to believe that Joi is somehow unique among her AI cohorts for doing these things. The AI has nothing to lose, no life is at stake for them, they are purely servants who will do anything to please or support their masters
She was programmed to love K from the beginning, from the very first time he booted her up she would have done all of those things for him in exactly the same way
She is not a robot. Also, the programmers of the IA mabe dont like asimov and say fuck the laws, she is going to be suicidal.
Programmed Obsolescence to increase revenue.
But...she was putting her life in danger. Did you mean Rule 1? In any case, this isn't Asimov.
What if she was not real, was programmed, but the Love was real?
What if love transcends the barriers of human and thing and can be expressed in an alternative way?
Is love mutual or a reflection of something inside us, and therefore a personal experience? If so, can the personnal experience of love be adquiried through an IA fake relashionship?
I think the talks is not if she was real or not, is if the love was real or not.
I agree with this, only because we got a scene where the pink whore (who of all people should sensitive to an AI achieving sentient) explicitly says "I've been inside you, there isn't as much depth there as you think."
That combined with all the other scenes pretty clearly indicates that at best she's tricked herself into thinking she's sentient but is ultimately following her programming to the T and all the sentient crap is just fulfilling his desires.
Also two more points about their relationship that you have to take your fedora off to understand;
1) There are absolutely zero conflicts or legitimate problems in their relationship or anything that tests their true feelings for each other, the entire romance is the definition of a melodrama of external forces.
2) She betrays her individuality and sentience by doing things that aren't typical of a sentient being, like cucking herself and endangering her program all for the sake of devotion to his desires. Her last words when she knows she is going to die is "I love you." because its whats HE needed to hear keep playing up the forlorn melodrama angle, not what a sentient being who knows they are about to be killed would react.
So in a nutshell, the relationship is fake because its painfully twee and tragic, which happens because he's emotionally a teenager experience his first "love" and she is responding to that.
Of course, because so many men are young kiss-less autists who literally would rather have an illusion for a girlfriend, this subtlety is lost on them.
No i meant rule #3
>A robot must proptect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the first or second law
In this case, Joi's self preservation was superseded by her imperative in the first law of not allowing a human be harmed through action or inaction.
>Joi gave him that confidence.
The Fake memory implanted by the memory girl is what set him down the path to begin with.
That doesn't make it, or her any more real.
In the end, his actions were all his own. His memories and his waifu only told him what he needed to hear and, crucially, didn't say anything he didn't already think, know, or want.
big if true
She wasn't putting her life in danger because she had no life to put in danger. She was an AI construct. That was the whole point. The illusion of a waifu, of love, and ultimately, the illusion of death and loss was the entire point of her program.
pure cancer
My theory on Joi is that she was programmed to have such a high degree of emotional intelligence that she could sense K's repressed desires to be human. Her EQ was so high she could tell when "I don't want this" actually means "I really do but I don't want to say it". I don't think there was a single time she did something K didn't eventually agree with.
>She literally risked her life for him.
She was never alive, she was never a "being", even her last words to K were just an affirmation of her commercial purpose. He literally could've just bought a new one.
Yes, everyone is both real and fake, and sometimes, maybe even most of the time, the part we need from people isn't the part that's real.
Although she is programed so tell K what he wants to hear, I think it is interesting to look at her actions while K is away or unable to hear her. Think back to when the sky car crashed. K was unconscious, yet Joi made attempts to wake him up or protect him. If you look at all the interactions between K and Joi whole K was aware, her programming alone could explain her behavior to tell him what he wants to hear, but her interactions with K while he was not aware showed that she had developed her own self determinination by circumstance or by choice.
we didnt see a man jerk off to waifus voice like a loser
this movie was very pro waifu
some people cant handle the hard truth that their waifu will never be real but they did a good job showing it in the big screen
if it made you want to buy one then it was very pro-waifu
the roasties are the only ones complaining about joi.
Take for example how she scornfully tries to hurry the prostitute Mariette away. She didn't need to show any emotions at the time with someone who isn't a customer, especially while K is out of the room but she exhibits seemingly genuine signs of jealously, self-awareness and contempt for her competition anyway.
There's absolutely no reason for her to do that if at her core she's nothing but a series of complex command prompts. The situation stirred legitimate emotion.
Exactly this. She felt and she yearned, and not just for K but for other things, like exploration. If she was 400% all about K and his actions ans reactions, she wouldn't bother having any instances all to herself.
Maybe she was still hardcoded to love him, and thus not entirely FREE, but that doesn't mean she wasn't on some level sentient or becoming so.
The question of "can somwthing artificial love?" Is also a theme explored in the movie Ai. It is a haunting idea to really consider. Perhaps all love is just a program that can be run by either DNA code or binary code. What makes either feelings of love more or less real by the entity experiencing it? Love is something only an individual can experience and thus it is said to be selfish. The experience of love cannot be shared by no more than the individual being that loves.
IT is true, IA can omit the beheavior of calling int that situation. But,
1 - maybe is programmed to 'wake up' someone yelling, so that is a useful in that perspective
2 - Is a beheavior to construct more of her distinctive beheavior, hence, is programmed to do things that a real girl will do, just to get the feedback and create a personality adecuate to her owner.
3 - That programmed actions to create a personality adecuate to her owner, ¿can create real determnation, external to her programming, just like the replicants? that is the question.
The IA are for the replicants, like the replicants are for humans.
Do you think she would have been proud of him?
You broke me with that question user
You broke me.
i dont choice has anything to do with love
parents and babies love each other but dont really consciously choose it, animals can show affection and they dont consciously choose it
only girls like unicorns and ponies
>story is about an outcast who lives a reclused, fantasy life and eventually faces the cold indifferent world realizing he's not special and his life was a lie
the film literally shows you in the first minutes that not even K believes in her. When she freezes in the roof his look of disappointment and turning the emanator off without even trying to continue any interaction shows how his fantasy falls apart, and he realizes it.
All the cute loving interactions between them can be noted by his nonchalant tone. He's just playing house with her, conveniently ignoring the flaws in his fantasy out of desperation. Like how you ignore the fact that your long distance nerdy girlfriend is actually a fat sweaty guy roleplaying and just enjoy the ride. He didn't have to believe it to enjoy the attention and company he got from literally no where else in the world.
I think people waifu'd joi so hard that they can't handle K turning his back on the idea of her, and possibly being spiteful. I think in that moment he just realized his own foolishness and moved on.
Is Gos /ourguy/ ?
What is the difference between a dog's love it's owner versus an ai's love for its owner?
I think looking at the plot themes of the movie itself sheds clues to the nature of artificial beings in context with the movies universe.
The entire plot of the movie revolves around the idea that somehow by a "miracle", a replicant has broken free of its genetic code and has given birth.
Somehow in the sheer complexity of the genetic code something just happened. Prehapes it was the radiation that mutated just the right strand of DNA to break the barrier.
Looking Joi, I think the same theme applies. Her hard code of course is supposed to play out a certain way, but I think the movie tells us with her arc that somehow another "miracle" could have happened which allowed her to surpass and maybe even break her original barrier. Maybe her programming is so complex and also evolving so quickly from just right feedback that an unpredictable and rare result occurred. Like a mutation. The movie doesn't confirm or deny.
But it is an interesting question to ask. What really is the difference between a dog's love and an Ai? What if whatever gap that made a dog's love "real" versus an Ai's programmed love was somehow bridged by either design or accident or luck.
In the words of Malcom. "Life, um... Finds a way.".
her was very anti-waifu
in blade runner 2049 you take it seriously and feel bad for the user
in her, its hard not to laugh
lol are you really saying she was a mutated AI that could REALLY love? are you just ignoring the whole theme of the film? you're just deluding yourself into thinking she was special and the her love was real. And all the "evidences" to her consciousness could be just highly advanced mimicking algorithms
>He didn't have to believe it to enjoy the attention and company he got from literally no where else in the world.
Even in the event that's the case, it can still be argued that engaging this in itself helps him become more compassionate.
Consider his situation the equivalent of dreams, almost all of us have them, we don't need them, but we still want pleasant ones before we wake up to reality, good dreams can help us feel emotionally cleansed or even recharged just by their imaginary content even if they're useless to our day to day.
I absolutely reject this absolute rejection of indulging positive possibilities simply because they're different from the conventional. In fact we ourselves and anyone on any of the media boards who have ever become immersed in the fictional characters presented to us exhibit similar behavior. I'm not going to start watching nothing but documentaries and reading nothing but nonfiction to show how above fiction and fantasy I am, how is that human? It's robotic if anything. I'm tired of these psychological leashes we allow society to put around us just to fit neatly into place like the cogs they need engineered for smooth operation.
Something doesn't have to be real to feel something real for it.
Was the pink hair prostitute human or replicant?
When the villain female replicant said replicants were more human than humans, what did she mean by it?
Isn't that the point of the film's theme? Artificial beings have no souls. They aren't people and have no rights because their feels aren't really real.
Which is why the "real" being(humans) treat them like shit. The major thesis of the blade runner plot is that even artifical humanity is still humanity.
She is without doubt, a replicant.
>more human than humans
Is the slogan of Tyrell corporation.
yes I said all of this in my post dumbo. You even said you get attached to characters in media, even without believing they are real.
My point is joi wasn't real and K knew it all along, he just played along because enjoyed (and needed) it
It's supposed to show that even though there are other Jois, K's can never be replaced. They all develop a personality over time. She was no more or less real than K or any other replicant. He loved his Joi and could neber replave the feelings and memories they had created.
It's like having a dog die. You can get a new dog but it won't be the same dog.
Rachel didn´t 'broke free' of ther genetic code
She was MADE to give birth to children. Tyrell was a genious and made her that way. But he died and never whitness his final goal: a baby replicant.
Why do replicants die by drowning? Is Deckard canon replicant or human?
Is the replicant baby a hybrid or full replicant?
Your post implies it was foolish though. I'd argue it was wise. Humoring Joi helped K with a lot of things, much how humoring the ideals and ambitions from our dreams can help us.
>Why do replicants die by drowning?
They're biological, not mechanical and even if Tyrell and Wallace augmented their physiology to have greater lung capacity or the equivalent of gills or whatnot, having a significant amount of fluid fill their insides and a significant lack of oxygen get to their cells would eventually start to cause damage.
Comforting Ignorance vs Harsh Reality
Having a hologram girlfriend pre-programmed to love him brought K happiness, but it also blinded him
But if they're biological, how are they so powerful to the point of breaking walls and shit like that?
apples and oranges. He wouldn't need joi if he was socially adjusted, but he was as much an outcast as you could be in that world. It was foolish to live and remain in that fantasy. Why don't you compare him to hardcore waifufag weaboos instead of dreaming, which is not the filling a void of an empty life? he had her out of sheer desperation.
>believable human-like ai using algorithms
The future of AI is in ANN's and Deep learning. The only place Programming has in AI's is in their learning, instincts, reflex, and sensory, processes.
The upper limits of biology would surprise you.
genetically engineered
They are biological machines, they need oxygen to exist. Like robots need electricity.
Anti-waifu, because it takes places in a cyberpunk setting, which is always dystopian.
You're not meant to idealise K's lifestyle. You're meant to feel sorry that he cannot have a relationship with a human woman.
>the virgin her
>cucks you
>isnt a hologram
>waifu wont protect him from any danger
>The ChadoJoi
>Will give your life for you
>loyal to you
>would anything possible to make you feel her
>had good taste in music
>is a hologram so realistic you will forget she is one