"The revolution will not be televised"
Why would they use that in the trailer? what the fuck does that have to do with superhero internal affairs in secret-africa?
"The revolution will not be televised"
Why would they use that in the trailer? what the fuck does that have to do with superhero internal affairs in secret-africa?
I think it’s more of a reflection on him fighting off Nigger Yellowjacket, who’s pissed that he gets the throne just because “he’s the literal blood heir to the throne”.
it's just a bad trailer all around. the teaser was a lot better because it didn't reveal too much. after finding out the villain is basically black panther but evil, it's killed any desire to watch this movie.
>Hella diverse
We all think Buzzfeed are clickbait niggers, but they’re Walter fuckin’ Cronkite compared to NowThis.
>Sup Forums
>the villain is basically black panther but evil
Has there been a hero-debut MCU movie yet where the villain isn't just an evil version of the hero?
whats with the hiphop music on black people movie?
>"The revolution will not be televised"
I wonder what they meant by this?
Communist jews run hollywood. there's your explanation for your bait
You don't hear "tick tick tick tick....YOOOOOOOOOOOOO-- TICKTICK" every time you watch a movie from asia.
>another jamarl thread
No, maybe the Thor movies, I've never seen them though.
Okay so is Sup Forums going to boycott this BLACKED film or is Sup Forums cuck-tnotized by the BBC that they''ll watch it opening weekend with their wife's son and pay for Jamaal's ticket too?
And how will this """film""" do in Asia?
Di new trailer show for internet today plus extra picture wey dey show part of di film.
Di movie wey be among di first wey na only black actors full for inside superhero film, go get American actor Chadwick Boseman act as T'Challa, di hero and king of Wakanda - African nation wey get plenty technology for di film.
The new trailer show extra tori about how T'Challa go become king plus im plan to defend Wakanda.
Other people wey go show face for dia be Kenya actress Lupita Nyong'o, Angela Bassett, Danai Gurira and Michael B. Jordan wey dey act as di boss.
Michael B. Jordan go be di oga bad guy for di film
Di first teaser for di film comot for June but dis latest tori dey show as Black Panther dey handle di people wey no wan support am - im go fight Erik Killmonger.
As e be so, di new teaser don get pass 400,000 views for Youtube.
Black Panther suppose show for US cinema from February 2018.
Vulture in Spider-Man Homecoming
It looks like pure, raw badassery desu. I love me some Marvel and this looks like gritty and dark done RIGHT. Fuck yes
loki? he doesn't have thor's braun and relies instead on his cunning. i guess. i don't remember much about that movie because it was shit.
Why are Bruce and Tony stereotypical racist when they are canon liberals/sjws? If anyone's the racist its T'Challa.
>The revolution will not be televised
>Featured in a mass-market bullshit cash-grab superhero flick
It just hit me how ironic this is.
go back to pol, nazi
Only white people can be racist shitlord
>Anything like black panther
>B-But he is using a stolen suit
Yeah so what
>Wonder Woman rekts her shit
>sit down, bee humble
corny af
neck yourself beta faggot
Yeah probably the only good villain in the MCU too
>assaulting someone for any reason other than them assaulting you first
Fucking badassery. Can't wait desu
Does it ever happen that bp falls in love with a white woman?
yes and yes and Asia will be a surprise hit but only because cameo's and by asia I mean India
Way to drive home the "I have an ounce of power so in my head I'm God" black man stereotype.
What did Wonder Woman do to be talked to so rudely?
The music stuck out the most for me. They should have gone pure Afrocentric orchestral style.
Anyways, he's a King, he's the most antirevolutionary form of government possible.
>21 seconds into trailer
>Literal HOL UP
If there's anyone racist in our society it's the self proclaimed anti-racism
What am I supposed to glean from this image?
kinda this, the music was kinda over the top too.
It's just weird to me how so many nogs are acting like Black Panther didn't exist before this movie was revealed.
Thor and Loki have different powers but are for the most part equals
Winter Soldier is basically bad Captain America
You get to decide.. what kind of kang you gon be
>cars scene
>subway scene
ok, is this a new matrix reloaded?
I really want to keep an open mind toward this movie but I just have a gut feeling some shitty quasi-political topical agenda pushing horseshit is going to be shoehorned into it somehow. Especially from looking at the director's biography and body of work.
I hope I'm wrong though and it turns out to be a solid super hero film.
isn't he a master martial artist who is also super smart, i.e. exactly like black panther?
>neck yourself
>replace you
Why is the left so violent?
Those are exactly the type of liberal activists Gil Scott Heron was shitting on at the time he wrote The Revolution Will Not Be Televised at the peak of his anti-Semitism.
I dunno, why is the right so violent.
Everyone is so violent these days. Its like the only way to get a message out is to be violent.
How the fuck is 90% black more diverse than 90% white??
Disney is so on the nose with this shit its hilarious
>Black History Month release
>mud hut skyscrapers
>Le modern rap mashup with gil scott heron
Why does the dialogue in the beginning sounds a bit like "tears in rain" scene in Blade Runner?
>right winger tries to bomb an airport
b-b-but antifa punched some people!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its all relative. A 90% white Chinese movie would be called diverse.
looks like typical capeshit to me
identity politics shit is a bit on the nose though
>Actions of one represents all
So all niggers are violent subhumans then?
>specifically write signs that trigger the alt-right after the Charlottesvilles rallies
>Sup Forums falls for it as always
>wedindunuffin it wuz dey whitemales
Why do jews always play this gas lighting game?
>Black Panther trailer
>first words of the trailer song are "Hol Up"
You can't make this shit up
That's not diverse though and it doesn't need to be. It's about an African super hero doing shit in the black part of Africa, I'm completely fine with an almost all Black cast. When will people understand that diversity is only good when it fits?
Cause we onion...
isn't that what you already believe?
White people generally dont have baboon nigger lips, like niggers do
>muslim drives a truck through a crowd and kill dozens of people
b-b-but the alt-right larped with tiki torches!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>make one movie about a black superhero
can you autistic fucks please stop crying for once in your lives
Well I'm black. I lived around black people. Let me be the authentic authority to tell you most urban negroes are violent subhumans.
*blocks your path*
Not a Sup Forumstard, but you have to know shit signs happy about what would be open and blatant racism and celebration of ethnic conquest in any other context is not just going to be seen as "Take that Nazi!" bullshit.
It'd be like responding to a black israelite with a bunch of vague and generalized racism that catches every black person in the crossfire. What the fuck are white people supposed to do when they see shit like this celebrating their decline or when they see people engage in open violence against anyone uncomfortable with this? You know most of the people on Sup Forums are young and so were overwhelmingly liberal at one point. Shit like this is how you make more of them.
you literally started this thread to cry about this movie
Sooner than you think...
just about yeah
you think the movie will explore neo colonialism as a theme?
lol that cuck destroyed his own army with his retardation and had to kill himself to save face
>using shitty rap in the trailer
>instead of Wakandan tribal anthem
Explain why the richest black neighbourhood in America has a higher crime rate than the poorest white neighbourhood.
>is literally a kang
Wakanda Weh T'Challa is fucking kino, they better use it in the movie.
yes? You do realize black Africans have had kingdoms dating as far back as the 17th Century, right? Here's the current head of one of them, Osei Tutu, latest in a long line of Asantehenes. Read a book anytime, you ignorant nigger
>falling for the noble savage meme
jesus christ the trailer actually kicks off with
dear god................
Based Osei Tutu
wow XVII century that's fucking amazing my dude wow
The utter state of this board.
A phrase perhaps most often used in jest; but an inaccurate sentiment? Not in the slightest.
The discussion on this board is truly pathetic. Childish. Brainless. Asinine. Vapid. Repetitive. An almost endless list of degrading adjectives applies to what is posted here. Make no mistake, other boards have their low points, but Sup Forums is without a doubt the worst of the popular Sup Forums boards.
Sup Forums, for all its impotent rage and tedium, at least discusses issues of some import. Sup Forums, for all its cringy manchildren, is at least dedicated to niche content. The same goes for Sup Forums, despite its pretentiousness and elitism. These boards are able to move beyond the very surface level of their chosen media. They relish in it in fact. Sup Forums, on the other hand, sees fit to wallow in the mud, consuming almost exclusively the most mainstream, lowest common denominator garbage. Star Wars, Harry Potter, superhero movies, brainless Hollywood blockbusters, and unfunny, tired "memes", all while maintaining an air of elitism, as if their exhaustive knowledge of garbage culture is something to be proud of. Day in, day out, the board does this. The regular browsers have no intent of learning about the medium. Many think pedestrian directors who hover on the edges of the mainstream like Fincher, Anderson and Tarantino are the epitome of experimental film. The remaining few who see fit to move beyond the proverbial kiddy pool have likely decided to delve into the most obscure possible examples of the medium without educating themselves in anything else prior, which is what leads to the laughable commentary on directors such as Brakhage and god forbid, Tarkovsky.
Even when a thread which might break away from this toxic pattern of mental regression comes to the forefront it is either quickly swept under the carpet.
A large percentage of you are mentally hopeless and pathetic human beings. You should all seriously consider suicide. Thanks for reading.
Diversity is a code word for anti-white. The fewer white people, the more diverse.
this cant be a coincidence
I think the music is shit. RESPECT, BOW DOWN..ahh no.
So this world and the one in Coming to America are the only 2 depictions of a successfully run back society I have ever seen in film I believe.
Whats this supposed to prove? Thats not my country and I don't care about it, sounds like they fucked up a good thing they had going. Hardly my problem tho
hard to watch
>Thanks for reading
No one read it, including me
So are vacuous, braindead attempts at sarcasm passing for counter-arguments/critique on Sup Forums these days?
I love that trailer but the music is so cringe
Can't wait for KANGposting to get the same treatment as f.a.m.posting when this movie comes out. The collective assclench and the sheer weight of Sup Forums's butthurt would punch a hole through the fabric of reality
Looks like trash and it has nothing to do with it being full of niggers.
holy shit based black Twitter
>sounds like they fucked up a good thing they had going
Ding ding ding