What happened to the era of kino foreign films?
What happened to the era of kino foreign films?
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All Hollywood films are foreign films to me.
France still occasionally makes some decent films.
The UK just makes series for BBC now.
Germany stopped trying and mostly produces trash. They evens stopped making decent WW2 flicks.
Italy makes straight to TV movies which nobody outside watches.
Movie budgets became horribly bloated and European countries can't compete for the most part.
In the 90s things like Blade or the Rock had a budget of about $40-70 million while Brotherhood of the Wolf had about $29 million. It's still less but still relatively close. These days big Hollywood movies have budgets of several hundred million USD.
> Indian kung-fu.
That shit killed me.
What about Japan, Spanish-speaking countries, Russia, and India?
The joy of globalism. Everyone watch american capeshit
I just want more historical movies damnit. Is anyone making any new historical movies for 2018?
>Jeremie Renier
every time
also is it true that Bloodborne ripped off this movie?
Is this Bloodborne the movie?
nothing but trash
Has better anime than movies
>Spanish speaking
Obscure low budget art films or telenovellas in South-America
WW2 all day any day unless it's a movie about organized crime
Why didn't you include LOTR as well?
Japan and South Korea still make historic dramas.
Europe mostly stopped since it's too expensive and lacks an audience.
[cucks in french]
>Italy makes straight to TV movies which nobody outside watches.
And than there's this guy.
omelette du fromage
Russian Viking movie good luck finding english subtitles
honestly being in Europe is so depressing
just a stagnating culture all around
Salam my brother, I'll let you know that vikings where saracen pirates that praised Allah (pbuh). I would appreciate if you would delete your comment because it disrespectful to me.
Sorry my swedish friend but this was made in Russia not the US
Бэд Кoнинa cъeбиcь нaхyй
Bed Comedian actually liked it.
Trying to find a copy of Boomer?
what the fuck
Wait what are the Abyss Watchers doing in a movie?
Why did the movie turn into SoulCalibur at the end?
Band with a native american to kill werewolves.
It's a French thing, you wouldn't understand.
Is S3 bad? I just let it pass.
the past is racist, we are no longer able to appreciate the past
Loved this movie, the second one aswell
Why the villain wasn't a noblewoman with a big rack?
Looking at today's world it wasn't racist enough
Ivy sucks
Better than the OVAs until the last three episodes when they finish the budget.
He does fight a "werewolf"
>Ivy sucks
You wish.
Wakfu season 3.
So is the cucking real thing? No more brown girl /ss/?
It gets resolved later.
>just a stagnating culture all around
That's kind of what happens when the government controls everything and taxes the shit out of the common man so he can't do anything even if he wanted to because he's barely surviving. Do vote for more socialist policies and letting millions of foreigners in i'm sure that'll fix it.
Is this out on torrents, yet? The blu ray dropped a month ago, but haven't seen any torrents so far.
REALLY frenzies the mind
Is OP movie any good?
That depends, does french Hound of the Baskervilles with martial arts sound like something you'd enjoy?
Perhaps, perhaps not.
Have you seen Vidocq? If yes and you liked it give OP a watch.
it's bad but original in its shittiness. it's like the director tried to fit 3 or 4 different genres in one big budget movie
>that scene when the prostitute's breasts transition into mountain range shot
kino of the highest order
>tfw no asian dagtherfu
Why even live?
We wuz vikings n shiet
Worth a watch
In Argentina once in awhile we have a decent film. This one lost to Ida at the Oscars.
tell me, is it kino?
It is, but it's probably more easy to see if you understand Argentina's society.
what do I need to read about in order to have a better grasp on it's jokes?
Can't believe they copied Bloodbourne right down to the armor.
I love Bloodborne, but they definitely aped this look hard for the game.
>what is inflation
Jokes? The movie has a lot jokes but they are not the point of the film.
You don't need to read anything.
If it looks good, who the cares where they took their inspiration? See any other games that use it?
alrigh, we'll check it out.
It has more to do with the way we live here. Everything it's an exageration but you will feel that it's very close to reallity. But well, maybe it's something that it's more easy to understand if you live here, I can't assure you that.
The intro story it's just silly, but the others, the main ones, are more what I'm telling you.
Anyway, even if it's not kino to you after seing it, it should be interesting. It's a good movie.
Yeah, you're right. It's such a badass look, I'm glad they did it justice.
Original Viy was pretty good.
thanks for the recommendation and have a nice day, lad!
Why the fuck do you Sup Forums kids have to bring either this or the Witcher into anything that even vaguely, slightly, barely relates to it in any way?
I really liked that movie, but the kun fu using native american was too much of a chuckle. Have you seen "Vidocq", OP? If you haven't, don't read anything about it, just watch it, otherwise, there's a major spoiler for it.
those numbers for production costs are always vastly overrated for purposes of fucking with taxes
this is what they will do, a movie made by Fox Entertainment Group will say it cost 300 million to make, 150 million of that is advertising, but almost all of the advertising is done on media owned by the parent company which is 20th century fox
so the movies for the FEG movie will have ads run on TV stations like Fox Network and all the multitudes of subsidiaries that the conglomerate owns. Likewise with making the movie they will contract work out to say a CGI department, but that CGI company will be owned by the parent company that both share, so they are really paying nothing for all of that yet putting it on the bills that the movie cost 300 million to make, and only turned a profit of 320 million, so their taxes are much less.
In reality, movies with huge budgets like that cost more like 50 million and they pocket the 250 million kind of under the table.
I don't know why this isn't a bigger thing that people whine about. Its basic operating procedure...and its always coming from fucks whos political alignment is for everyone to 'pay their fair share'
It's le new epic nerd cred
Gans announced recently he started working on a Corto Maltese adaptation.
But he's basically the French Del Toro. Every project he starts working on (Onimusha adaptation, Diabolik which was already done by Bava, Fantomas, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea prequel, Dark Agnes de Chastillon from the creator of Conan, Bob Morane which is basically the French Indiana Jones, Rahan another French comics, Tarzan, Patlabor adaptations, etc, etc.) always gets JUSTed.
It's depressing because just from this list of projects, you can see he has interesting taste and really wants to make ambitious, pop films centered on French/European cultural heritage while also being deeply influenced by Asian pop culture, rather than pander to globalized, Americanized trends (the opposite of garbageman Luc Besson). But producers have no faith in this approach and would rather finance generic action flicks instead.
Literally Abyss Watchers.
I was an extra in Vidocq !
You aren't prepared for this kinda kineticism. Now with more shots of men dreaming about their wives.
Really? What part did you play? Care to share some information?
You could swap those hats for fedoras in the reboot.
No. Bloodbornefags will trick you into watching it because the clothing and weapon that are being used only once look similar, but the film is nothing like bloodborne.
Cвятыe хyи, what did they do to him? I bet he doesn't even need help lifting his eyelids.
really shouldn't go buy any more liquor should i /cum/
I watched this movie before it was cool. It was on the demand thing on my satellite dish right after it got released and I bought it and watched it without knowing what it was. I still want one of those bone whip sword things. You've probably never heard of it.
I was 7yrs old lad, my aunt was in charge of the extras and casting. I played a poor child in the streets of Paris (actually filmed in Bordeaux) with my older sister. We were lost in the middle of hundred of extras dressed in 1800's style during the night, great memories.
Older sister, eh? Is m'lady single and ready to be with a real man who knows his way around a katana?