Marvirgin vs DChad
both are the cancer that killed movies
>all works in a genre are the same!!!!
ebin sibly ebin
I think DC fans are more pathetic than Marvels desu
Whichever one is currently employing Chad Whedon is the Chad team
>I think Marvel fans are more pathetic than DCs desu
>Batman v Superman was his graduate thesis subject
>has never head of Superman
based chad
the new balance on the guy was so on point :D
but both are pathetic and you know that
The fact that DC fans on here consider themselves "Chads" by watching Capeshit instantly makes them worse than Marvelfags
This is terrible. This meme is being run into the ground. Pro tip: marvel should be chad, something Sup Forums thinks is cool should never be chad
grabs the pussy in Jew.
>wonder woman t-shirt
He doesn't grab the the pussy the pussy grabs him.
He is a vigorous alpha male who just pretended to be a cuck to trick SJWs.
>Eliza Dushku looking wildly satiated
Far cry from the looks of fear from women clutched by the Jew.
You do know that Chads go to both Marvel and DC movies and joke to their Stacys that this is their nerd side, while having no knowledge base about either Universe. The biggest Chads probably think its all from the same source material while they're getting polished off in the cinema.
>news reports that a cloaking field is dissipating across the entire torsos of obese nerds
>Manchildren revealed to be at least 500lbs heavier than any person on Earth
>their advanced diabetes is without peer (including man boobs)
>fast food restaurants decloak, led by the flagship MCDOUBLES IV
>wheezing coming through on all frequencies
How fucked are you?
Me and Joss Whedon and the other Chads are in trouble
Jk fatfuck a chad is never in trouble
>Criticism on Marvel is written of as DC shilling and vice versa
>Neither fandoms understand that people are tired of the same script being re-writtern with a new dumb superhero every time
Who the fuck still watches these movies? They never have stakes because they're always setting up more sequels, and they're just getting lazier and lazier because execs know that shitting out capeshit movies is just printing money, no matter how bland and shallow they are.
Marvel and DC movies are literally Emoji-movie tier of pushing out a lazy product that'll sell itsself.
hmmm makes you think