Really gets the noggin joggin, eh?
Really gets the noggin joggin, eh?
Other urls found in this thread:
>portentous bullshit
>fun, direct dialogue
Shakespeare and I pick the latter.
wow really rumples the 'ole crumpet
Piece of shit
Good movie
Really makes you think
One of these lines is meaningless, does nothing to advance the plot and is in a ridiculous scene. The other is guardians of the galaxy.
Marvel capeshit fans vs DC capeshit fans is the Sup Forums version of the 2 retards in the class fighting.
what playstation 4 game is this?
>Ben Affleck
Top fucking kek
>$250 - 300 million budget
You do know that Chads go to both Marvel and DC movies and joke to their Stacys that this is their nerd side, while having no knowledge base about either Universe. The biggest Chads probably think its all from the same source material while they're getting polished off in the cinema.
They are from the same source material plebe his name is Jack Kirby
How much does Marvel pay you per hour to shill on Sup Forums?
oh look, its THIS thread again...
Way to prove my point. Off to the Popcorn mines with you.
I've actually had a lot of sex with beautful women.
>Y-you're all shills!
Grow up and stop watching Capeshit
Clearly not as much as DC pays you.
Didn't we all?
I would assume not
About $45 for a full hour of my services. I'm allowed to disclose this for transparency purposes, but at a maximum allotted time of 8 hours a day I can easily rake in 300 dollars per day.
Since you can't enter kinoplex alone, and we are all kinomaniacs, I'd assumethat vast majority of anons here have had a lot of meaningful relationships with female humans. Not like those Sup Forums losers
I've never had a meaningful relationship. I have frivilous sex with sluts because no one will love me. But never ugly sluts. Gotta draw the line somewhere.
You're either a Marvirgin shill or a brainlet to not enjoy DC kinos
>N-No you!
Sometimes it takes a sociopath to raise a Superman
>DC kinos
Ahahahahahahah do you consider yourself a 'chad' as well?
did they consent?
Yeah. There were times where you would consider me as having been raped if I was a woman actually. Girls have fucked me when I was so fucked up I didn't even remember it at first. A girl once dry humped the shit out of me while I was passed out in a chair and everyone was just watching her do it.
You may want to rethink your lifestyle choices
Can I just blame Jews for forcing this lifestyle on me as a child through media?
yes, it's perfectly reasonable
Which one is the film that is still being discussed on this board? Really makes you think.
Why don't you ever point out that OP must be a WBshill? Or is using cherrypicked arguments not enough proof for you?
OP is a shitposter, people like them and just find it very funny to post shit like that. The same people who post that stupid webm of the wonder woman climax and spiderman homecoming shitty CGI webms.
Also Disney and MCUcks are way worse when it comes to shilling, if any of the recent ""sexual assault allegations"" are anything to go by.
>still watching super hero films
How? they have been done to death, there's no surprises anymore, just the same shit over, and over, I can't understand how someone could be excited to see Thor 3 or Avengers 3, you know nothing of consequence will happen, it's just be big cgi fights with no tension then then the villain of the week dies at the end.
Wait, Batman actually says that to Clark in the middle of a fight? That's so cringey, no wonder it's getting bad reviews.
off to reddit with you user. don't come back
I don't know how people can say that when there were very many people that didn't get it. You people like to make it seem like it's so obvious and in your face, when it really wasn't. Of course after thousands of threads on the film, it's going to be clear as day for this board, but for most people watching it for the first time it was something that was mostly pretty subtle and nuanced.
Also I love how tards like you somehow think that is at all comparable to "FAMOUSLY LARGE TURDS XDXD!".
See pic related for "cringey"
To be fair I had a good kek at the dance off proposal.
It's absurd though how often the tone in nu-super hero movies shift in the matter of a single scene.
Here's the thing: what Marvel Studios makes aren't movies, not really. They are as long as movies but what they are is television for the big screen. And not really the type of high concept, creator driven television we've become accostumed to either, something that's closer to the highly serialized, producer driven tv-shows from the 80s and 90s. A lot closer to Power Rangers or Baywatch than Sopranos or True Detective. Something that can go on as long as it makes money, can be picked up at any point and directed by anyone who's available and be changed by the studio on a whim.
They are mostly directed by television people, structured like episodes of a television show stretched to feature length and mostky even look like television episodes with their flat colours and bland urban sets. I'm not saying that they fail as entertainment but there's very little actually cinematic about them.
good, i'll take fun 2-hour long episodes television over pretentious "movies" any day
I got to thinking; in the past 30 years of cinema, has there ever been a force as destructive and detrimental to mainstream film as Marvel Cinematic Universe? Has there been any other entity that has lowered the bar of cinema so much that there is hardly a difference between blockbuster film and day-time TV? Has there ever been any entity that has reduced the artist as much as the MCU? Has there ever been an entity that disrespects and tarnishes the genre's great legacy as much as the MCU? Has there been any cinema entity that has been as poisonous and deceptive to the mind of young people as the MCU?
I can't think of anything. The MCU is anti-cinema. It is anti-art. It is even anti-comic. It is a giant elaborate machine that has perverted an artistic process into an assembly-line production.
>pretentious capeshit that takes itself too seriously
>funny capeshit just trying to be entertaining
DCfags are truly a sight to wonder at.
>but muh deep Batman quote tho!!1!
Is that what you really are looking for in a superhero movie? Meaning? An actual plot? Why don't watch an actual movie instead?
>the absolute STATE of Sup Forums
How does that change MCU being a historic low for the genre? We went from Donner to Burton to Raimi to Nolan to Snyder to Favreau, all so it could end here? At the sight of recycled plots, lackluster cinematography and forced quips? Nah fuck that. People who defend the MCU as being purposely shit are the worst.
Real talk now.
Those "movies" are like products, they are manufactured and sold, and comparing either DC or MCEU to real movies and television is stupid, sure, there are some good superhero films that work as good movies in general like the Raimi's spider man trilogy or the first three x-men films (and some others later on), but superhero "movies" have pretty much transcended film, they are now a universe, a release of one of those movies is an event to go to much like catching an episode of television on TV to see what happens in the next episode, the nerds will know everything that happened before and the normies won't and they really don't need to go. Would i prefer actual good movies being made instead of this? Yeah. Do i dislike them? No, not really, because you can still enjoy these things as a product, and i mean, i've never paid to see any superhero movies ever, but if i had tons of money i guess i would, it's fun. it's like the universal monster universe of back in the day, shit wasn't really all that artistic and great, but it was still fun.
Now, people who randomly attack the MCEU are stupid retards who think they are part of some elite that dislikes fun, that's why shitposting in this threads siding with the cape shit fags is a lot more fun that siding with Snyder-snobs who want their entertainment product to pretend to be a real movie and fail badly at it.
marvel movies have dramatic speeches and crap too though. are there really people that think "my super hero movies are smart while those OTHER super hero movies are dumb and stoopid"?
You could, but its irresponsible
Realize it is not just (((them))), but also your fault for having it control your life, rise above, become the Ubermensch Nietsczhe wanted us all to become
Confirmed for never having read Nietzsche
Both are shit.
The CGI looks FUCKING AMAZING. I never senn such quality before. No sarcasm.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand DC
>Comparing GotG to the grimdarkest of all DC movies
You're a shill, but I kek'd
what PS1 game is this?
Tbf the Spiderman ps1 game was awesome
>in the past 30 years of cinema, has there ever been a force as destructive and detrimental to mainstream film as Marvel Cinematic Universe? Has there been any other entity that has lowered the bar of cinema so much that there is hardly a difference between blockbuster film and day-time TV?
Yes, it's called Sup Forums - Television & Film
spiderman for psx was fantastic
>a historic low for the genre
You mean comic book movies?
The low for the genre was the very first capeshit, there's nothing lower in all of cinema.
capeshit is it's own genre, you fuckwit
If it was actually deep it would be different. These morons think 9th grade reading list tier allusions and extremely basic philosophy and bible references makes this film some type of high brow masterpeice. When most of it is just reference and the main allegory is a very hamfisted "superman is jesus".
>Literally stabbed by the spear of Longinus
I bet Snyder thought he was so clever for that.
Star Wars.
>capeshit still doesn't look better than shit like this
This desu. Star wars has become concentrated cancer
There's a learning process that moviegoers go through. They begin in childhood without sophistication or much taste, and for example, like "Gamera'' more than "Air Force One" because flying turtles are obviously more entertaining than United States presidents. Then they grow older and develop "taste,'' and prefer "Air Force One," which is better made and has big stars and a more plausible plot. (Isn't it more believable, after all, that a president could single-handedly wipe out a planeload of terrorists than that a giant turtle could spit gobs of flame?) Then, if they continue to grow older and wiser, they complete the circle and return to "Gamera'' again, realizing that while both movies are preposterous, the turtle movie has the charm of utter goofiness--and, in an age of flawless special effects, it is somehow more fun to watch flawed ones. - Roger Ebert