What the fuck went wrong? Was Hellraiser too weird of a concept for mainstream audiences? Was it too confusing...

What the fuck went wrong? Was Hellraiser too weird of a concept for mainstream audiences? Was it too confusing? Why wasn’t Pinhead as big as Freddy and Jason?

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>Was Hellraiser too weird of a concept for mainstream audiences?

Yes because it was literally Clive Barker projecting his resentment of his own homosexuality, he did it again later with Nightbreed.

Hellrbound > Hellraiser

Hellraiser had multiple movies though. How is this not mainstream?

Pinhead a cute. Also he's the good guy

It was because Pinhead wasn't anything like any slasher movie villain (and Hellraiser 1 wasn't a slasher at all) in the original movie. Later on they tried to turn him into that, but it was 10 years too late and the movies were terrible.

The first Hellraiser, with all its flaws, is one of my favorite movie concepts ever and I love the original cenobites. I'd unironically like a remake if it's not some dumb slasher nonsense.

>why are the things I like not more popular???
>pleeease validate meee

Well for one, the Cenobites had like 5 minutes of screentime in the first movie and weren't even the main villain. And it was still popular enough to get like 5 more movies just because of them.

>Why wasn’t Pinhead as big as Freddy and Jason?
He's considered as iconic as those two so I have no idea what you're getting at.

They don't get much screen time. Also morally grey in the first 2 movies like a force of nature.

Pinhead was quite big.

Also, Hellraiser is different from the usual slasher formula, as with Jason or Freddy.

Just think. If it hadn't been for sexual repression, we wouldn't have Hellraiser. There would just have been some unknown guy who died of AIDS after fifteen years in the San Francisco fisting clubs.

It was so good it didn't need a sequel

Silent Hill felt like the best Hellraiser movie we never got. I'm surprised they haven't rebooted it!!!FACT!!!

>Hellrbound > Hellraiser

This is 100% correct!!!FACT!!!

They didn't choose the Coil soundtrack, that's what went fucking wrong.

>Why wasn’t Pinhead as big as Freddy and Jason?
But he was. He was big in pop culture just as much as Freddy. Even people that haven't seen Hellraiser will still recognize Pinhead and know what he's from.

Any of you lot like Inferno? I thought it was actually really good, could of been better as a standalone movie without having the cenobites crammed in to it or having original ones without Pinehead appearing. Out of all the ones after Hell on Earth I think it's top notch.

He loves being a kinky homo
It was about his love of bdsm

The best depiction of Hell in a movie.

Inferno felt like a Clive Barker story. He loves having detectives getting mixed up in spook interdimensional shit.

People loved the Cenobites and they're hard to incorporate into stories where they do more than appear for couple of minutes at the end in a satisfying manner.

Ignore all the other posts saying its barkers fault.
He got 2 movies out of a shitty company who went no where and lived extremely dangerously (the studios stratagy was buy a ton of cheap, shitty screen plays and make them all, and to make them all with an extremely low budget. So long as they had one great hit per 10-20, they would recoop costs of ALL of them). The reason 1 and 2 turned out so great was he oversaw every single aspect of it and the studio didnt give a single fuck because, again, if it flopped, oh well!

The people he surrounded himself with knew a lot of industry greats and they where all excited to work on the first and second film. After 2 was a second hit, he was semi pushed off the 3rd sequel (which he honestly didnt care about because he wanted to go back to writing) and the studios took complete control. The only one he really worked on after 2, movie wise, was Hellseeker, which featured the return of Kirsty. After that, he ignored the movies completely and focused on writing and his comic run with BOOM.

First movie was fine except for that ending where they use the box as a magic laser to blast cenobites

And the hobo being a dragon was a bit nonsensical. I thought it was going to be another person who wanted to get into the S&M dungeon universe for the sexual pleasure
