I've figured out what BR: 2049, more specifically, replicants themselves, are an allegory for
White Males in todays society
1: Almost every female in the movie is in a position of power comparative to the males. Robin Wright is the police chief, the rebels are lead by a woman, and the prostitute only does what she does in order to trick K (and plant the bug). And the replicants are expected to do as the rest of society {representing females/minorities) demands. You cannot have your own needs or desires, you must conform.
2: One of the only peoplewho actually lives by their own rules, is Deckard. And in order to do this, he literally has to remove himself from the rest of society or be killed. He cannot be his own man & live in the postmodern society
3: Joi is the only sympathetic female in the movie by a long shot. She's the only one who seems to truly care and believe in K. and she's fake. Basically, it's impossible to have a loving & caring relationship with a female, UNLESS that female isn't even real and is instead, made up. Okay, you might argue that Deckard's daughter is relatable right? She also has been separated from society her whole life, and thus hasn't been poisoned (mentally) by it.
4: The only male in a position of power is Jared Leto's character. He, is also, naturally, portrayed as a villain. When, in reality, he really ONLY wants to make humanity survive. He wants humanity to not expire on earth. He wants to save us a species and the only way he knows how to do that is to take drastic measures. This represents the rejection of the SJW liberalism, and "anti-science" that infests our culture today. It is literally illogical and goes against the laws of the universe, and in some backward morality on the part of humanity (women/minorities) actually ends up oppressing a good part of humanity.
Do you agree, disagree?
Why or why not?
I've figured out what BR: 2049, more specifically, replicants themselves, are an allegory for
the amount of projection here is insane
politics is still overrun with white men, the president is a white guy, majority of film casts are still overwhelming majority white, and damn dude the projection about how it is impossible to have a connection with a woman, why not just yell you've never been in a long term relationship? you've been watching too much jordan peterson. take a break, its really warping your view of reality. Step outside. most people are not hugbox crazy sjws who want the death of white men. you can post all the crazy articles you want, none of them change the fact that they do not reflect most of society
an analysis like this says much more about you than it does about society
Why can't they just give up the pussy bros. Trump STILL hasn't delivered me a wife on a silver platter.
I've had several long term relationships and every single time I got fucked over by the women.
Cheated on.
I've literally been told "oh you're too good for me, I'm sorry it's me not you." more times then I can count.
And for the record, I'm not even American.
it's probably you
Hackeneuve literally designed the movie for you to be able to self insert your demographic as replicants because he's a liberal and thinks that by becoming a victim you win.
If you believe women are in power of today's world you're a fucking basement dweller.
you apparently have abysmal taste in women and are a poor judge of character
attempt to get to know someone a bit more before jumping in bed with them and starting a commited relationship. long lasting relationships DO exist between people. They are by no means impossible. And guess what else, people CAN eventually get bored of one another. There is no feminist conspiracy out to keep pussy away from you
>a film so bad that underage alt-right babbies start projecting their skewed politics into
I've always been loyal.
I've always given everyone I've been in a relationship my full attention.
I've literally given my all to everyone I've been with.
Fuck, my most recent ex, AFTER she cheated on me, I stayed friends with her for 9 months watching her go through relationship after relationship because I knew she was suicidal and even if it was going to break my heart trying to be there for her through all of it, if it might meant being the difference between her being alive or not, It was worth it.
It broke me down like nothing else, having to be her shoulder to cry on through all of it & hear about everything I never wanted to hear.
But I did it.
I'm not saying I'm perfect.
I'm not saying I'm the best.
But I know for damn sure I've given just about everything a man can give.
I've literally been friends with ALL of my ex's before getting with them.
The one I just mentioned in this comment was my friend for 2 YEARS before we got together.
and I knew she liked me the entire time, but I wasn't ready to start anything for a long time.
I've never just jumped into bed with someone. I'm not the type to fuck casually.
sex is in the hierarchy of needs. it's literally a hate crime when you roasteis fuck tryone instead of us
cool story bro
I think OP meant to outline what the nu-left are pushing rather than what is a reality. Perhaps this is a valid comparison for life on a typical university campus.
It does reek of projection.
Yes, you are correct I suppose that got last in translation however.
I'm not saying this is reality YET.
But if nu-liberalism gets their way, this IS what will happen.
>women don't have any power
you hold the key to humankind and men start world wars to ensure your survival. yes women rule the world in a backwards way.
You misunderstood the film. The world rejected K. You rejected the world.
> a poor judge of character
Yeah, because only "bad women" cheat uh.
literally yes
Holy shit this is pathetic man, please go and get some sun.
Not really. While you can sense promiscuity and disloyalty to a point, especially if you're not oblivious to signals, no one is safe from being cheated on, no matter who you are as man and who she is as a woman, especially considering the rationalization that can follow up -> "We were kinda broken up already"
nah mate. I have been together with my gf for 6 years now, she's currently studying abroad for one year and I couldn't be more relaxed about it. We obviously talked about cheating, because when you're in a relationship you talk about everything, and her idea about it was basically the same as mine, ie if you care about a person you're not going to cheat on him/her. You have to think "how would I feel if it was him/her who cheated on me?". We made this kind of deal that we will never ever ever cheat on the other, and if we fell in love with someone else, we would split up before starting an affair. Keeping a foot in both camps, you know?
Maybe you live in Saudi Arabia, or else, you're a fucking leftist.
That conversation has been had by many other couples before. For some it went well, for others, it didn't. I can tell you from experience, being old and having been in many relationships, that cheating can come from anyone. You probably don't want to believe it because, as you say, you "couldn't be more relaxed about it". If the scary thoughts get in your mind, you will definitely suffer. So I hope it goes well for you two, but again, it can come from anyone.
I know, I mean, the three things that scare me the most in life are, in order, death, betrayal and solitude, so believe me, I've thought VERY much about it, but I just know this girl is never, never, never going to cheat. She was raised with strong moral values, she's always been kind of a lonely girl, and I've been her first. I know it may sound like a cliché, and I know you thought the same thing as I now do, but I could bet my life it will never happen to me (that is, unless her personality goes through some dramatic change for whatever reason)
You do realize that film analysis is an inherently subjective enterprise that takes into the analyst's life experience into account? Like, you understand we don't have access to the literal mind of the director? Right?
He actually gives a pretty good subjective interpretation of the film. All the elements fit, and it makes me think about the film in a new way.
People like you are the absolute worst. Why don't you go watch Ball Plart Mall Plart 2: Electric Bugaloo and let the adults discuss cinema?
Dude your girl is ramming hard dick every single day. Are you fucking stupid? "We would never" HAHAHAHAHA. Jesus Christ, don;t listen to these people OP. This man is straight delusional. I bet she even talks to him on the phone as she bangs dudes with python sized dicks.
>being so insecure about your relationship
>projecting this hard
>lololololol all women are whores
>and it's a Sup Forums projects its politics into a movie episode
it doesn't have to be just white males. it can be all males. it can be a critique of the feminism mission actualized.
You're hear talking down to this dude about his relationships when you're some soft cuckold in a long distance relationship. Who do you think you are? 40% of all long distance relationships end in failure. That's basically a coin flip. I'm not the delusional one here. This girl is the prime of her life in a foreign place surrounded by Muscle chads. I'm sure it'll go well for you.
Yeah because you know, every person is 100% uncontrollable instinct, right?
Stop samefagging
Yes. Every person is 100% uncontrollable instinct. We know for example women are more likely to engage in infidelity during ovulation, especially when not around their primary partner. That's a statistical fact. And you know why we can say that? Because people operate on instinct. We are biochemical machines.
You need to educate yourself. Read Female Infidelity and Paternal Uncertainty by Draxel Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience Steven Platek and Florida Atlantic University Professor of evolutionary psychology Todd Shackelford. Don't be what you are right now: a soft cuckold.
Sup Forums was a mistake. How do we fix this?
listen mate, I'm sorry about you failed relationships (if you ever had one). I hope you'll find the right girl someday and not a vapid whore you seem to be very acquainted with
Vapid whore? Is that what you think of the 55% of women who admit to infidelity? That is a very dangerous thought citizen. Don't think you're above the curve pal. You're playing with bad numbers and throwing around words you may one day regret. Don't eat crow and don't say no one warned you.
>give benefit of doubt and click thread
>hover over first line of spoiler
>'white ma-'
>nope.jpg, abandon thread
>Being a friend with your ex-gf.
I found your problem.
> Is that what you think of the 55% of women who admit to infidelity?
Yes it is, just as much as I think of whatever percentage of unfaithful men are total assholes. But then again, why am I discussing relationships on Sup Forums
This. OP is right but didnt articulate himself very well. This is the world that is waiting for us in progressive future.
orthodox bio-essentialism has been dead since the 70's. Learn the basics before tackling texts above entry level, especially if you just throw around unspecified trend data and dumb percentiles.
This movie's generating some really insufferable fans.
The blu-ray backlash will be unreal.
I think if you try hard enough you can take any movie and reinterpret it as some statement about muh white male oppression.
I think you might be onto something here, user.
I think roasties hate this movie because literally the only way to make an interesting or powerful female character is to make them a fucking robot and hologram with totally synthetic personalities and motivations that don't resemble an actual human woman AT ALL.
Joi and Luv don't resemble human women at all because human women can bring you no love and no joy.
>human women can bring you no love and no joy.
You'll come across shitty people at every stage in your life, both male and female. You don't think men cheat just as much (if not more) as women do? Collectively blaming all women for one ex-gf's behavior is mind-numbingly dumb and reeks of insecurity.
This is dumb because if you head even slightly east they'll basically be unabashedly queuing up to suck your knob
there's a difference between reading between the lines and making your own interpretation and completely making something up because you want validation and artistic backing to your beliefs. I'm not saying OP is wrong he has a right to his own opinion, but he is clearly reaching for stuff that isn't even there. There's thoughtful analysis of stuff that is actually there, and then there's overt projection.
>every single time I got fucked over by the women
protip: that's because you've only been in relationships with women
>every relationship I've had with a human they've been a cunt
>every interaction I have with another independent being results in my wishes not being entirely satisfied and some of theirs
Bio-essentialism is dead? So what was the study that finally confirmed souls? That must have been huge. Who knew that there was more to behavior than both biology and the environment? Not any well respected or qualified scientist such as Sam Harris, Daniel, Dennett, Sean Carroll, Lawrence Klaus, PZ Myers, or Paul Broca; that's for sure! You are dumb. We are in the golden age of biological and genetic research. You can hide your head under the sand, but every day we are one step closer to finding the biological origins of human behavior. You sound like a creationist.
You're discussing relationships on Sup Forums because you're just about as qualified to talk about them as anyone else here.
Man you keep saying the same stupid shit. Here, let me help you: "A contextualist approach to analysis always considers a film as part of some broader context. This can be society at large (as in the symptomatic interpretations mentioned above), the particular culture, time, and place that created it (a culturalist approach)"
Here the OP is applying a cultural interpretation of the film. He takes the broad strokes of the film's sequences, and applies it to a relevant cultural phenomena. In this case, it's the social isolation of young males.
You are not arguing from the film why his interpretation is incorrect, instead you're being a loud feces throwing dumbass kicking and screaming REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
If you don't have a valid point of objection of his analysis using the content of the film, please go watch Pall Bart Mall Kart Tart Plart while the adults discuss film and other sociological topics.
Dont care about them, genuinely just stop caring, merely play pretend when they tell you about problems, because almost all girls problems are entirely bullshit made up.
Just respond. "Oh bae, thats so bad... but Im late to my date with this random girl I meet, sorry this time, cya later, stay strong!."
bitches will beg for you again when they feel so easily replaced. its their nature.
Maybe you should write him an E-Mail, he did it for me. On the day of his election he came to my house with a russian mail order bride and he said to me "user, this woman is tremendous, she's a quality woman, she is! Crooked Hillary would have never found you a woman like this if she had found a woman, believe me, she wouldn't have looked like this. Go ahead, grab her by the pussy."
And then he took a piss on my muslim neighbours lawn and left.
Women by their very nature try to torture and abuse you, it's in their instinct to do so.
As a 38 year old I have only one advice to tell you:avoid women, fuck hookers.
maybe not white males, as a discrete category, but basically anyone (in the Western world) that feels alienated by the liberal-democratic globalised order, but is nonetheless forced to participate in it.
You'll be like this guy soon enough.
Leto's character wanted to play god, and supplant actual humans with replicants
if you introduce the environment, you aren't bio-essentialist.
Stopped reading like on the fourth row. You're an idiot
it's pretty obvious that the cultural and political elements in this film that are implicitly relevant, pertain to the western male and his future
this isn't projecting, it's not Sup Forums
>White Males in todays society
Stopped reading there. You're mentally challenged. Seek help.
Sup Forums isn't here, fella
A symptom is not a cause. If blacks were as equal as they purpotruted themselves to be they would be doing a lot more with their lives.
But we all know blacks are all talk and no walk.
>I have severe autism
so when somebody simply types "white male", alarms start going off in your head and you have to react "YOU ARE MENTALLY ILL DELETE THIS YOU IDIOT WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU MUST STOP RIGHT NOW Sup Forums Sup Forums Sup Forums Sup Forums Sup Forums"
The Sup Forums is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Sup Forums and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is.
not really
and now you're just doubling down, seeing parallels to culture in hollywood movies isn't some kind of nazi conspiracy
That's because you're/pol/ and actively seeking parallels. Remember the contrived mad max shit?
Honestly OP can't be that far off the mark since all the negative reviews for the film bring up the same points
why even play pretend just move the fuck on and let them be depressed.
i'm not Sup Forums, im not even OP
You mean some
>Almost every female in the movie is in a position of power comparative to the males.
If you think that women are in a position of power compared to men in our society...
Kek. Just kek.
>it's literally a hate crime when you roasteis fuck tryone instead of us
>Say this as a joke
>Fat women and trannies unironically think it should be a hate crime to not fuck them.
I browse Sup Forums and lean right but that doesn't stop OP being a retard.
>women in the movie are not only shown as powerless to men in power, but utterly disposable
>every main woman character in the movie aside from lady macguffin gets brutally fucking murdered
>it's a movie about female empowerment!
No it's a movie about how in an actual corporate dystopian future women will either be whores or have to be tough enough to rise up the societal ranks
Protip the majority of them will be whores
>sex is in the hierarchy of needs.
how is he a retard
You can't make this shit up
In postmodern paradigm anything can be declared to be allegory for anything.
It's not the white male, it's the idea that the movie is supposedly a commentary about how dudes can't get good chicks anymore that was was super retarded. The parallels between the isolation and commodification of 2049 and our real world is not only there, it's blatantly there, and any half-brained luddite already knows it.
what a fucking cuck
>dudes can't get good chicks anymore
>super retarded
>he doesn't meet quality chicks so nobody on earth is meeting quality chicks
Made me look
who is maslow
Funny, I was thinking of this exact analogy yesterday. Here's what I think
>K himself represents the alienated white male of this generation; Deckard of the last generation.
>The other replicants represent alienated persons as well, but K specifically represents the alienated white man.
>Wallace is the corporate overlord that enforces the system of oppression, working to create a slave population that obeys unconditionally, and is prevented from having any real emotional response to anything.
>JOI represents the alienated white man's fantasy of a perfect wife, prior to feminism: a loving & submissive wife. She longs to have K's babbies, and K longs to have hers, but they are too alienated. JOI encourages K to believe he his a real human being and overcome his alienation; then the sex scene where JOI syncs with the prostitute. Some user said yesterday that maybe the prostitute got pregnant with K's baby (interesting idea).
>Luv represents the hyper-feminist bitch that has no real love, a complete slave to the system while convinced that she's free. However, she cries / sympathises when seeing the newborn replicant mutilated by Wallace; this is her real feminine impulses coming through, but she suppresses them and continues to be alienated.
>Deckard's daughter is the pure uncorrupted white girl, the saviour of the white race. The replicants want to use her for their commie rebellion, but K has learned from JOI that only love can save us; so instead he reunites her with her father.
>The moral of the story is that the white race will be saved by rejecting feminist corrupted bitches, clinging to our pure waifus, until we find women who are not corrupted/alienated by the system.
something like that
wow this works astoundingly well
> this whole thread
> muh women in charge
> muh loyal waifu literally designed to accomodate my needs and desires regardless of hers
> muh leftism is making women whores, why do they only like chad
I swear, if a fedora cult evolves around what's probably the best science fiction film of recent history it'll be the rope for all you faggots.
> wow everything fits when it's twisted to fit
what did he twist?
>K himself represents the alienated white male of this generation; Deckard of the last generation.
The parallel here is that K spends his time in his room with his computer waifu, and Deckard in his run-down Vegas with his alcohol. This is basically what the alienated man of this generation and the last generation do when they are down and out.
Deckard is a stranger to his daughter, just like many of the men of the last generation walked out on their families. However, Deckard didn't do it with bad intent, but to hide/save her from the system.
Notice that the system (Wallace) is obsessed with reproduction. This reflects the real world system's obsession with reproduction. They want to control how and how many children are born, how they are educated, etc. Meanwhile, the replicants want to have babies on their own terms, so that might have SOULS and not just be alienated machines.
Deckard is defeated man, he's pretty much given up and resigned himself to a lonely existence. What saves K, and eventually Deckard himself, is JOI's love. Whether or not JOI's love is real is besides the point. The point is that it is JOI's love for K that helps him to break free of his alienation. The encounter with giant JOI towards the end represents the system trying to convince K once more that he is just a machine, JOI is just a machine, there was no real love there and he may as well go back to his alienated existence. In my opinion, K rejects this alienation, which is what motivates him to save Deckard and reunite him with his daughter.
The wooden horse represents the white man's memory of his past, prior to industrialisation and alienation. The memory of when horses were used in agriculture and in war. The other orphans try to take this memory from him, but it he buries it in the ashes of the furnace (representing industrialisation). Actually, this memory is Deckard's daughter's, but K shares it, as it is a shared memory belonging to the white race as a whole.
You got to lock it down with a ring and a baby. Also be the provider and make sure she stays at home.
holy shit
blade runner 2049 is literally about the white race
You're a self-pitying loser who probably starts a relationship with superficial charm before accidentally revealing the abyss of nothingness underneath the shell. You sound like an uninteresting, passive aggressive bitch. It's you, dude. And grow a fucking pair. Any guy who tries to "stay friends" with his ex is a fucking idiot. No exceptions. My ex of 4 years and I split painfully but willingly. She wanted to stay friends. I tore her permanently out of my life and moved on. Women realize you're a bitch and betray you accordingly. Faggot.
He's so profoundly retarded that I can't be bothered explaining. And you are too. His analysis of the film doesn't give it the credit it deserves.
>muh emasculated white males
OP is a cuck
This is the anger of the alienated man wounded by post-feminist women. He starts out in life idealizing women only to learn how unfaithful they can be. He adapts by emotionally detaching himself from his relationships with women, ready to cut them off at any time. Even though he now has more success in getting women and is less hurt in leaving them, he is emotionally traumatised and so lashes out at men who are still naive enough to expect women to be faithful; deep down, he wants to have that same trust in women again, that hope of a truly loving relationship, but he cannot afford to expose himself to a woman's caprice again.
>ur dum
>ur a cuck
not an argument
I didn't attempt to make one.