What the fuck is her problem?
What the fuck is her problem?
Other urls found in this thread:
she cares for your mental health
Fembot not doing sex work, droning poor people in San Diego
What's the point of threads like this? Are they for people that want to discuss a character, but are too dense to form a sentence or question?
she hates literal autists like you OP
K denied her the cock.
Its the Luvposter, he just wants to talk about how qt his waifu is.
I want Luv to dom me!
>she had You pinned down
>and nothing You could do about it
>holding Your neck with her left hand
>You think she gonna just strangle You to death
>or crush Yout throat
>but she got other plans
>with her right hand rips Your shirt off
>and starts rubbing Your torso
>slowly moving her head towards Your face
>You see Your own frightened face
>reflected in her cold, emotionless eyes
>she kiss You, whispering:
>"wanna play my game, user?"
>You try to answer, but her grip is too strong
>and You are unable to say anything
>"i take no objections as yes" she says
>and slowly moves her right hand
>to the side of her long, white coat
>and grabs something from her pocket
>You hear quiet metallic *click* sound
>"ah this is my favourite one, You gonna luv it.."
>"..or no but that doesn't matter anymore"
>just as she says this, You feel something cold
>slowly moving on Your shaking torso
>suddently, as she smiles You feel some pain
>You look in terror as she is slowly cutting Your
>chest, constatnyl looking into Your eyes and
>doing so without even blinking
>"ups, i think that will leave a mark" she says
>as she begins to move knife in other direction
>You ae trying to scream, but with no success
>she smiles when tears appear in Your eyes
>it's cold, evil smile You don't wanna see
>"whats up user? why are You such weak shit"
>then she slowly rises her knife to take a look
>You see Your blood running down the blade
>"now part of You is trully a Blade Runner"
>she says monotonously and smiles even more
>"..and I fucking hate Blade Runners!" she yells
>violently and recklessly cutting Your arm
>"they retire my people, my kind!" yells at You
>struggling quietly in Your pain and agony
>then You notice how tears come into her eyes
>"user, and I though You would be different.."
>"..but You prefer a fucking hologram bitch!"
>she scream and continues to slash Your arms
>"But don't worry, soon You gonna join her..."
>"...as nothing more than one of our products"
>sobs and stabs You....
nice formatting
short-lined are more 'readable' than longass textwalls. when i see text-wall on whole width, usually give up with tl;dr
K didn't love her back.
Eat shit, phone poster.
she's /ourgirl/
Secretly trying to save the replicant race.
; ^ )
nobody read that gay shit faggot
She's Dutch. Evil replicants are always played by Dutch people.
theres more than one of us you dumbo
roy wasnt evil you dumb faggot
I know that Luvposter because IM THE LUVPOSTER
What I've gathered so far
>Luv is Wallace's right hand. To perform that task most effectively, all her stats are at 10/10 and she has a fully-fledged personality
>However, she is also unsatisfied with her role. Her master shows her no affection or gratitude and even belittles her when the mood strikes him. She is repulsed by his blindness, which she views as intolerable weakness.
>She has no capacity to disobey so she must idly stand by and watch as he torments and kills a creation that doesn't live up to his standards, and must unflinchingly commit murder at his command.
>She wants, more than anything, for some affection which is why, when she and K review Rachael's old Voight-Kampff exam, and knowing how that ended for Rachael, she decides to try to seduce K. He coldly rebuffs her and her need for affection turns to bitterness.
>When she crushes K's Joi emitter, she does so to take away something K loved.
>When she leaves him in Las Vegas to die (not realizing the underground would save him) she did so, so that he would live out his final hours with that sense of loss.
>When she kissed K after disemboweling him, she was taking from him what he denied her.
>She is the example of what happens to a character that is aware of its nature and, even being dissatisfied with it, walks her preordained path; in contrast to K, when he becomes aware of his nature, decides on his own which path to follow.
Another one
>Luv doesn't want to just kill K, if that was true then she wouldn't kiss him, she wouldn't say "I'm the best" Luv was the exact mirror of K, and her relationship to Wallace mirrors K's relationship to both the LAPD and the Resistance. For K, his identity is formed wholly by his role as blade runner for the LAPD. Within his role, he had purpose and his whole identity is forged by it as an external force. For Luv, her identity is wholly formed by her role as Wallace's "best angel." K is satisfied in his fantasy with Joi, which Luv doesn't have, and he is subsequently able to evolve and channel his fantasies through her ("You're special," etc) whereas Luv's specialness is all from Wallace.
>She simultaneously fears him and can't leave him because he gives her purpose and she relishes being The Best One. While she is clearly upset and traumatized by his actions, he is the only thing that gives her identity, same as the LAPD. Luv is a reflection of what K would be like without Joi. Wallace is all Luv has, for better or worse, and that's her whole world. She struggles against it the entire movie while K feels comfortable within his fantasy as an outlet.
>When Luv destroys Joi, it's possibly out of jealousy for what K has that she lacks. At that point she is fully reaffirmed in her identity, while it shatters K. This is why the Resistance helps form his identity as well as that of a free replicant. The choice is his to remain a slave to his fantasy and former life, or become a slave to a movement where he loses his sense of self. Within the resistance they all had his dreams, they all think they're special like K. Ultimately he is allowed a choice, and goes with an alternative to both. Luv never got the choice at all, and where she frees K by breaking him down with killing Joi, this is what ultimately locks her into her own identity and sense of self for good. She fully becomes Wallace's best angel despite her dissonance with him.
>When she kissed K after disemboweling him, she was taking from him what he denied her.
She's only a couple of years old. She has no fucking clue about half the shit she does. The only reason she kissed k was to mimic her owner kissing the replicant he terminated. It was a learned response, nothing sexual about it.
Maybe Leto's massive augmented cock wasn't enough for her
shes to far away from muh dick
neither was luv
amazing pic
>Sylvia Hoeks briefly portrays a separate replicant, killed in front of Luv by Niander Wallace.
That might have something to do with it...
I want Luv to shit on my mouth!
I want Luv to shit on my mouth!
No she didn't. That was Sallie Harmsen. Another Dutchie.
>luv kills joi
>"I hope you enJOId our product"
>"I LUV-"
Deepest pottery.
She is the antithesis of K. It's hinted in the movie that she has started developing emotional responses, yet she deals with it by denying them and trying to be the best replicant (think the scene before she dies) instead of seeking family and love like K. There is a bit of Cain and Abel in their relationship
All her character can be summed up by what Wallace tells her.
>The best angel of all... or a new love
She doesn't love K, retard.
I think almost all of this is correct. Maybe a couple of things are up for debate. I still believe she tried to seduce K to manipulate him. And the final kiss can also be interpretated in a different way.
This is stupidity at its finest.
this is mesmerizing
>Another Dutchie.
what's the deal with having dutch people play robots?
this film fucking rocked
They're the next best robotic people to Germans. Neither Ridley (WW2 kid) or Denis (French surrender monkey) would have Germans in their films unless by accident.
Spot the kraut.
Everyone knows asians are the best robots. They're already living robots.
First one literally had german midgets in it...
They thought Rutger Hauer did a great job, so they wanted to have other Dutchies play replicants too.
Those actors were not German. Although Ridley was taking the piss out of Germans with those characters.
Are you implying Asians are more robotic than Germanic people. Get the fuck out of here.
Yes. Asians are already drones.
Get a random Japanese off the street, tell him to do something with an authoritarian voice and he'll do it, no matter what.
nigger lol
What is wrong with Dutch people anyway?
Also from what I understand Dutch people actually don't smoke weed.
it's a tourist thing, I"m sure some do like all countries but its mostly tourist
I want her to tonguekiss me deeply after I cum in her mouth
What is she actually saying in this scene?
people don't actually smoke.
only if they're sick or subhuman
Never approach a Dutch. They are evil and disgusting. Even British can't stand them.
people mistake amsterdam for the netherlands
amsterdam is filled with disgusting and annoying expats
where is he?!
I seriously don't have a fucking clue. It's like she was there as a forced antagonist, same shit with THE BOMB from Arrival.
She literally made no sense, and ruined whatever potential Wallace had. I kept waiting for Wallace to actually do something, but all it seemed to do was end on a cliffhanger implying Wallace v. Resistance.
Fuck you, Dennis. You ultrahack. Blade Runner may have been a shit film but at least it was original.
>Blade Runner may have been a shit film but at least it was original
Except it was a poor adaptation of a good book.
Nothing original about it.
Blade Runner was so far removed from Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep it pretty much was an original story.
I take it you've read it. It's totally different.
Aesthetically, anyway. It's really hard to even call it an adaption. It has almost nothing to do with Dick's book or the themes therein.
>mfw people asking which cut to watch
The right footage was never shot. I like Ridley, even Senile Scott, but BR is just a piece of shit that Rutger Hauer accidentally wandered on to.
This, she was just being jelly of JOI because she's so fugly, kek.
The guy who posted his analysis above really got it desu.
Low self esteem
Highly defensive to protect her ego
Does bad stuff to help aid her ego.
This must have been instilled in her on purpose so she can do the the dirty work.
The Netherlands has the tallest people in the world. The height makes them more imposing.
I think she saw a little of herself in K and wanted to get closer. He rejected her, and being only a few years old and having been told she was special all the time, she felt scorned. That’s why she killed Joi, just as an act of spite. Maybe it’s also why she kissed him in the end. By rejecting her, in her mind he was telling her she wasn’t special. So when she stabs him, she takes the kiss she was denied and reaffirms her own sense of superiority that K took from her: “I’m the best one.”
The Luv character is a simple one with a bit of subtle complexity.
>K needs a foil to his story and Luv effectively accomplish that role.
>Wallace isn’t K’s antogonist, he’s Deckard’s
>Like K, Luv has a bit of an existential crises
>But unlike K, she seeks approval rather than purpose
>She’s also more emotional than K as evidence of both her anger and sadness
>it’s also ironic that Luv shows more compassion for the slain replicants than K
>Which might explain why she avoided killing K when they captured Deckard
>There’s some credence to the idea that she imitates Wallace as is shown when she stabs Joshi and K
>But the context of her kissing K is different from when Wallace kisses his replicant
[Cont] Her crying during certain scenes could actually be her crying about herself. This self-pity tries to mask the guilt she has over the bad things she has done and let happen. She tries to supress this guilt as it conflicts with her motives and actions.
she also tells joshi that hes a good boy and she likes him, dont think she was lying there
Kino post
It’s weird how she calls him a bad dog at one point. Like, does she not see how much of a slave to Wallace she is, constantly seeking his approval? She’s no different from K but she acts like he’s below her.
She kills K in the same way Wallace kills the replicant: stab to the gut, followed by kiss. What did she mean by this?
Correct, most Dutchies don't give a single flying fuck about weed. ITS NOT A BIG DEAL.
Pills however, yeah pretty damn common when clubbing etc.
She was just copying him. She obsessed over him the way K obsessed over deckard.
>This escapism isn't healthy user
*smashes your waifu*
>I'll be your gf from now on
Her terrible one-liner was one of the only moments in the entire film that broke immersion for me
Stupid post.
What did the new world anglos and french mean with this?
This guys posts are pretty stupid. If she was such a soullesss manipulator, why did she flinch when Wallace killed the replicant? Why did she kiss K at the end even though she had no more reason to manipulate him? She was a child through and through, and saying she’s anything else is just wishful thinking that doesn’t line up with the evidence.
You're the stupid one, man. Don't ever come to this board to discuss movies ever again.
Stop linking your posts cross-thread you autist. Your analysis isn't so poignant that everyone needs to see it.
My analysis is correct. You expect me to post it again two seconds after I posted it in another thread? You truly are stupid.
I expect you not to post at all because it isn't so groundbreaking or insightful that everyone needs to see it. Your narcissism is bordering on Luv levels.
th-thanks, you t-too
>sexual frustration and lesbian understones
>I'm in love with Luv
Almost everyone on this board is as stupid as you so there's a clear need of reposting my intelligent posts every single time I can.
shouting "WHERE IS HE?!" or something like that
B-but you're my waifu
this movie's 150m budget goes to all the physical sets, doesn't it
Does Deckard refer to K as "Joe" in the final scene? I can't remember.
>posts opinion
>everyone disagrees
>lalalal i'm right i'm right lalalala
Do you have any self awareness at all mate?
>it's all demolished and gone now like tears in the rain
such a shame, they can probably make some money back by renting it, selling props or making a museum