>every good American comedy is made by jews
why is this?
anglos are funny and celts are funny, and there's plenty of both in America.
>every good American comedy is made by jews
why is this?
anglos are funny and celts are funny, and there's plenty of both in America.
>Anglos are funny
No they aren't unless they doing slapstick like Benny Hill or Mr. Bean. Monty Python is some of the unfunniest, cringe inducing shit ever. I firmly convinced that Reddit retards that constantly praise it don't even fucking understand what's going on there, and just praise it out of obligation to their fedoracore borrowed opinions.
>Chris morris isn't a jew
*Blocks your Judaism*
Jews just have a better intuition on how to work an audience and get laughs from the broadest demographics. What do anglos have on their comedic resume anyways, fucking Monty Python? Their shit is extremely hit-or-miss- and almost always a miss, and I really can't even think of any celtic comedies off the top of my head.
I'm not a Monty Python fan either, but there's plenty of quality English, Australian and New Zealand comedy out there
Anglos aren't funny. They lack wit.
It's Always Sunny is made by jews?
ahh yes I forgot that Monty Python was the only English comedy ever made
>and I really can't even think of any celtic comedies off the top of my head.
>why is this?
you like toilet and shock humor i guess
Jealous American detected. Come back when your country has developed even a tiny amount of culture :^)/
yes i love adam sandler and amy schumer
>British culture
>every post by OP is ignorant and wrong
why is this? Is OP too busy sucking cock?
Shilling Jew over reaching, rightfully put in his place by intelligent whites
>all these plebs who aren't aware of the superiority of Jewish comedy
>le adam sandler, le amy schumer xDD
Irish comedy will always be superior to Jewish comedy
america is a toxic land that curses every race that habits it, save for the jews. it must be a native american curse, and even american jews are shittier versions of their euro-brethren.
>their euro-brethren.
Pretty sure they all got gassed
>there's plenty of both in America
Diluted by humourless Germans and Nordics
people use comedy to overcome adversity
white men dont really face adversity
thats why very white comendians are usually shit
and why very white guys arent funny at all
Because jews run Hollywood and they only allow movies made by their own?
if only
Mostly jews gets shows in the US also I disagree.
Fuck off, shitskin.
That's why comedy was invented by white men.
what's your favorite comedy movie, Sup Forums? I can think of couple funny shows, but I can't think of any movie that made me laugh out loud
Except it wasn't.
That skin looks pretty white.
It's funny how mediterranean and southern european people are only considered "white" when it is convenient for Sup Forumstards. Just another fine example of the white supremacists genius intellect.
Well, here we are now, all the plebs.
>are only considered "white" when it is convenient for Sup Forumstards
Not even then are they considered White or European, Sup Forums is completely fucked, to them you're not White/European if you got brown hair and brown eyes.
lol it's worse than that. Not even a Slav is white.
i was blonde until 7, then brunette
am i a N-word?
Forgot about that.
Maybe, do you have non-Brown eyes?
Celts aren't white either
How come?
Oh I don't have that knowledge, it's just something I learned in a "hurr ur not white" thread.
I've read it too every once in a while but I never saw any reasoning.
> Celts aren't white either
Witch is truly funny, since they are one of the oldest European Civilization.
I mean, I was blonde until I was like 6, and my eyes are green, witch is pretty rare anywhere. But this can be traced to Celts that lived in the North of Iberia, from where my mother family is.
It's even funnier when you realize that Celt origin is probably from around Austria.
very blue,
3 of my grandparents were white and one is unknown, i wouldnt mind if my lost grandad was some other ethnicity.
>and one is unknown
How can one be unknown?
adoption in australia in the 50s was pretty radical.
my grandmother was young and unwed, in those days they ship you off to some out of town church run hospital before you started to show, told your friends you were studying abroad, and you came back after baby was born. my mothers birth certificate has fathers occupation as baker but not his name
>every good American comedy is made by jews
>every American comedy is made by jews
Are Portuguese not Iberian?
>proving his point
Monty Python isn't the sum of all Anglo humour
>One person = the entirety of the white race
And I thought niggers being retarded was just a meme.