>Netflix is dyi-
Netflix is dyi-
Aren't they already in horrible debt?
>watching netflix
I never see anyone actually talk about their movies. This seems like a wasted effort when everyone just likes their shows.
Yes. But millennials mistake debt for a good thing.
How long before they're bankrupt?
They already are they are just running on borrowed time by using jewish money tricks
Recommend some netcinema kino
>People will start seeing the potential
the famous last words of a failing company
but at least we got some cool movies and tv shows
they've been in debt for quite a while, they lost a lot of money expanding globally
They should focus on getting shows back. I wasn't done watching Stargate: Atlantis
Every single Netflix original is trash. Every single one of them.
Good companies are always in debt. Business 101.
So they're just an online cable network now?
how the fuck does one produce 80 movies in one year?
They're global and they just outsource. They've invested heavily in Canadian originals, probably because of the tax break there.
By being many, what were you thinking?
gotta spend money to make money
Netflix is a Ponzi scheme.
When people sell thier content to Netflix it's agreed that you don't actually get your money in full for quite some time. In the meantime Netflix uses the money generated to buy more content, slowly paying off the first lot over a few years. Then uses the third wave to pay off the second, and it keeps going.
Netflix is litterally only sustainable because they keep entering new markets around the world. Once they've established themselves everywhere the whole scheme will fall apart because they'll stop getting new revenue sources and the backlog of people they owe money to will grow exponentially.
>So they're just an online cable network now?
Were they ever anything else?
go figure wonder if they'll start filming in Shangai for the same reason or Atlanta
What I wonder is when will their content start being the same worldwide.
It's not fair to pay same price for less content.
Yes, they used to be a mail in movie rental service.
I think someone else already mentioned it but they aren't actually making all these movies. They're just buying the rights to brandish their logo on them.
>China allowing Netflix into it's borders
They are probably in debt just so they don't need to pay taxes.
It doesn't take much to film in China user.
They have really taken quantity > quality to a whole new level. All of their original content is awful to mediocre. This is going to back fire horribly.
Didnt they make a 8 movie deal with Adam Sandler?
a good business always has to have a good balance of profit and debt.
I wouldnt be surprised if the government subsidises netflix just like they do to amazon thus their perpetual and astronomical debt, without it hindering their stock
The vast majority of their original content is horrible trash. Hopefully they spend some of that money on actual talent this time around. They can't keep padding out their service with licensed b-movies forever.
The Mouse is working on its own streaming service, they'll annihilate them once its rolled out
Netflix buys or negotiates in some form the rights to existing shit and then outsource it. They also buy "original" ideas and also outsource those. Then they just host other studio's labor for the most part. They do actually produce some of the content though and I think they're planning on producing more. They also just buy exclusive rights to host content that is already made but not yet really released and then they call it a Netflix original or some shit. At least that's what I've gathered from it.
What are the odds that they produce 80 god damn movies and not a single one is /kino/? Is that even statistically possible?
>Netflix's long-term debt and other obligations totaled $21.9 billion as of Sept. 30, up from $16.8 billion at the same time last year. That includes $17 billion for video programming during the next five years, up from $14.4 billion a year ago.
>The Los Gatos, Calif., company has to borrow to pay for most of its programming expenses because it doesn't generate enough cash on its own. Netflix burned through another $465 million in the most recent quarter
>And management appears to be trying to ease the financial drain with price increases of $1 and $2 a month for most of its 53 million subscribers in the U.S. before the end of the year.
They're constantly jacking up their prices and are losing popular content to other streaming services, while trying to offset that with their own shit.
Hey Netflix I'll make a movie for you, give me 10 million dollars
why did you link me to the cryptocurrency board?
They should focus more on shows since they've actually had proven success there. I don't think anyone could name a single Netflix movie. Plus the format is just made for bingeing a tv show
>releases 80 movies
>only two worth watching while the rest are crappy made for tv tier shit
This is what's going to happen.
>Disney pulls their stuff from Netflix
>Netflix starts flooding the catalogue with original shit of which 10% at most will be good
Nah dude its totally going to be 80 new Stranger Things
Using replicants, obviously.
But he can only make so many.
They're going with quantity over quality because that's what normies prefer. Normies just want to meme "dude i binged ____ on Netflix lmao". They leave Netflix running in the background while doing errands around the house or having sex with other normies. They don't care about the quality of the shows or movies they're watching.
>Netflix is going to become the next Blockbuster in a few years
How poetic
Karma's a fucking bitch
I think its more that they're way over their head and don't have a clue what they're doing. Just throw a load of shit at the wall and hope enough of it sticks for them to survive long enough to compete with major networks
Next year is going to be the decider whether Netflix is here to stay or just another fad dotcom like eBay
How is Redbox doing now?
Fuck I'd go to a Redbox store if they maintained the same prices.
Yeah, movies like ridiculous six I bet.
beasts of no nation and Okja are unironically kino. Gerald's game and little evil are ok. The rest is either shit or something in my opinion worse than classic shit - movie made entirely with safe choices, literally zero risk, zero creativity like that movie with redford and fonda
It isn't, when a government has both monetary and fiscal authority.
>inb4 a dozen shrieking austrian school autists fuck up this thread with shit-slinging
there still there so I guess well enough if you watch a lot of movies I suppose its not worth it though
Stop acting like you ever leave your house.
They have a buttfuck ton of money, they financed all of the new Star Trek.
Did they release that Will Smith Shadowrun movie?
Retards like you are how Enron and Bernie Madoff happened.
thanks autist
things cant be funny and correct, i need autists to come in and ensure things arent funny and correct
Yes this poster speaks great wisdom
Debt to equity ratio is like 1.5, thats not too bad to be honest. Not everyone can be Facebook. Even Microsoft still has 1.2
the siege of jadotville was alright, minus guillaume canet phoning it in because that's what he does
They just need to get more talents to work for them like david fincher
>Netflix is a Ponzi scheme.
>a good business always has to have a good balance of profit and debt.
I know Sup Forums can be bad but not this absolute brainlet tier
how the hell is ebay a fad when they still dominate the market they created 20 years ago?
Netflix sucks because they are just producing original content, 97% of it sucks
Because Amazon curbstomped them as the center of online retail
>It isn't, when a government has both monetary and fiscal authority.
This is what keynesians ACTUALLY FUCKING BELIEVE
Netflix is dogshit.
>muh gobmint is magic
>there's nothing wrong with taking on too much debt
how retarded are you
debt just means shitty companies that shouldn't be wasting resources STAY IN BUSINESS and get to keep wasting resources
central banking and artificially low interest rates is stupid as fuck
Amazon is retail
eBay is re-sale
>>a good business always has to have a good balance of profit and debt.
they're brainwashed keynesian manchildren who get all of their opinions from the mainstream media and colleges
to be honest netflix went down hill when they disabled the vpn function where you could just hop on the canadian or US netflix and get like 10x the shows and movies I had in my own country.
Only Netflix movie I've watched is The Discovery and it was fine
theres no incentive to do that if idiots in other countries still buy the subscription without the full content
Idiots have been saying Netflix is dying for years and it only gets bigger every year.
No one cares. I prefer a house of cards or stranger things series than 20 of those shitty Disney movies I've seen 20+ times already.
>Welcome to Netflix, you're greenlit!
Please do more sci-fi and less gay shit.
>It's a good thing when your country owns infinite money to other people
Are you from Israel by any chance?
their endgame is to offer only inhouse shit, so they can stop paying those pesky license fees
you better like their content goy
Maintain a healthy debt equity ratio based on the current industry standards or 2:1 if no other data is available.
Accounting 101
I really enjoyed Okja. It even made me cut down on eating meat to only twice a week (previously was every day). It might ruin them but I do sorta admire that they are taking a big financial risk, hopefully some good creative films will come out of it
But the Mouse is responsible for the overwhelming glut of shit...
This, doesn't really make any sense either since a good bit of the shows they take away aren't syndicated like they used to be.
>was going to start watching Xena
>Malcolm in The Middle
>Futurama still airs reruns on Comedy Central when it's not South Park and shit about Trump
>gone from Netflix
It's a good thing found a channel that actually has reruns of Xena recently. I wish they'd put some shit back into syndication again because Netflix is just looking for shit they don't have then browsing for an hour instead of watching. I'd kill to see My Name is Earl again on cable or if they really wanted to do something good finish series with cliffhangers like how they ruined The Killing.
>Literally "Netflix, you're greenlit."
South Park was right
I pictured Jabba saying this to nearly every producer in Hollywood
>80 movies in 2018
That's 1.5 per week. That's a lot. Anyone have a hint of what's on the docket?
The EU is pushing for unified content in streaming services.
i mean i get that they want to make some revenue but FFFFUUUCKKKK 80 MOVIES
Kino reborn.
Hey look 80 more movies no one will care about that are gonna bomb
There's about 5 good films a year from anywhere period, none of these are going to be good.
>that are gonna bomb
How are they going to bomb when they no longer have ratings and they don't share viewing data?
sounds like Tesla
and pretty much every other company thats big with millennials.
Also 30 new anime series.
Get out.
You mention them to friends and they say "what"?
They're investing for the long term. Will it work out? Maybe, maybe not.
I love this. When 16 year old gen-z faggots think it is a demographic issue.
It really shows how fucking stupid you are. I honestly hope someone breaks in your house and fucks your skull.