So brave.
preach it girl!!!
>wearing a nice dress is sexualizing
Virgins, ladies and gentlemen.
>hey look, i'm picasso!
This. So much!
>plastic surgery on her face
What a clown
Open chest, no bra. The whole fucking dress is designed to direct attention to her breasts.
What happen to her face ?
>positive body image is sexualization
go outside
>positive body image
This doesn't mean anything in this context.
Poor girl is not ugly at all lol
Had fun while back trolling her fans by criticizing the breast surgery and her not trying to lose weight first or not get fat in the first place. Lazy, fat, stupid cunt.
If she knows it happens and is embarassed by it, maybe she should not wear booty shorts. She knows exactly what she's doing.
Fucking kill yourself Tumblr.
You realize kids who get sexually abused often end up whores?
>wears her shorts high to hide her belly fat instead of wearing full-length tops
>claims it's her ass's fault and to pls no bully
God damn she's dumb.
>a nice dress
That's a horrible fucking dress. Even without the ridiculous cleavage, just look at those baggy arms.
>user's Not been near Women, not even it's own Mother
What’s that, sonny???
t. virgin fahionista
>like she didn't call the photographers each time beforehand
she's probably paying them
>virgin projecting
How you not notice? If I bend over and my shirt exposes my lower back I feel butt naked.
>mfw when shirt rides up
I wish she was older so she could be my mummy
i hate women
Its different for fat guys I imagine.
>positive body image
Women are actually this stupid
It's not. My ass eats shorts all the time and idgaf take your pictures
>you cut you hair every now and then
>that means anyone can cut your hair even if you don't want it at the moment
great logic Sup Forums, no wonder you guys don't have girlfriends
I don't get it.
are you retarded, what's so hard to understand about this post?
her face is asymmetrical
i was making a toy story reference
don't rock the boat
let ariel keep on dressing the way she does
and let the papparazzi keep on taking pics
while we keep on enjoying them
it's a simple analogy you retard
>Those photoshopped tits
>Actually has flabby pancakes
Do you think she regrets getting breast reduction?
What did he mean by this
i dont get it
can you explain
>t. retard
Breast reduction surgery gives nasty scars, too.
If we had no laws for one day like in the purge, I would hunt her down like a Neanderthal and throw her into a burlap sack and drag her back to my cave. Theoretically speaking of course.
Do feminists hate getting their feet fucked?
But seriously, What a trainwreck of a face and a body. You'd find better-looking whores in average Brazilian whorehouses.