dean u hurt rubys feelings
Dean u hurt rubys feelings
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Explain this meme.
Season 7 is the best thing to come out after season 5, prove me wrong
protip: you can't
Season 7 is garbage, with the exception of Bobby's death episode, which is top 5 in the series.
the Leviathans were good villains, Frank was one of the best characters they had, had one of the strongest openers, it only fell to shit with the MOTWs and the ending
The Leviathans were good villains conceptually until CW budgets made Dick Roman their face. Frank was cool, but he only gets a few episodes of screentime. The Leviathans' overall plan was retarded, the resolution was retarded, and the MOTW episodes weren't great. I guess you can say that it kept the brother drama to a minimum compared with 8-11, but it's still one of the worst seasons, if not the worst.
it looked like a V-ripoff/
it wasn't very monsterish.
What was wrong with their plan? I liked them turning the planet into a big chow farm, and Dick Roman could have been more sinister less comic but he was still good Repo Man and the one with Osiris were great MOTWS
it didn't have the right feel.
They were more capitalistic villains than esoteric ones.
It didn't feel right.
It didnt mesh organically as it could have, but I appreciate what they were going for, it was easy for them to adapt and gain power especially in this day and age.
Then again I'm a sucker for X-files and like the idea that the President is a lizard person
they were extremelly smart, I give you that. Maybe too much.
It didn't fit in with their lore at all. These things are ancient world-enders who have spent an eternity in Purgatory, a dog-eat-dog warzone, hunting, fighting, and killing. Then they get on to Earth and go for a political takeover with little to no adjustment period.
The human farm plot wasn't awful in and of itself, but it would have been far better suited to some kind of monster organization which we could assume had been around the world for years putting the plan in motion.
If I were doing the Leviathans, the season would have them somehow magically confined to a certain area with maybe 2-3 of them able to get out across the country, trying to find a way to free the rest. Sam+Dean then chase down the escaped Leviathans to try and keep the floodgates from opening, while looking for a way to get them back to Purgatory for good. This would have let the Leviathans be immensely powerful and scary and bring back some of the early season feel.
Dick Roman was a great villian. He alone made that storyline watchable.
>These things are ancient world-enders who have spent an eternity in Purgatory, a dog-eat-dog warzone, hunting, fighting, and killing. Then they get on to Earth and go for a political takeover with little to no adjustment period.
they are super smart and gained knowledge of everything that happened thanks to Castiel
the fact that they had a different approach and very nearly succeeded in doing so while also having the Winchesters on the run, the Impala locked up, Bobby dead, Bobby-lite Frank dead, their old homebase ruined, angels on the run, demons on the run, competition from other monsters eliminated makes them among the most efficient and effective villains
i think many are confusing the dark and depressing nature of the season as a weakness (understandably so, who wants to get depressed while watching) instead of its strength that they actually managed to keep that atmosphere going
>They were more capitalistic villains than esoteric ones
i initially felt this until after watching Angel's Wolfram & Hart did I realize that the Levi plot was actually pretty smart and different
season 5 was more depressing, every damn episode was "we are fucked" and ended with something horrible happening or some depressing revelation outside of like 1 or 2 episodes early on
Dean tell me about feelings
>all this talk about season 7 makes me want to watch it again
>realise I probably have to watch six again
Six really fucking sucked plot wise until the end
season 5 was depressing and heavy AFTER Swan Song
Okay during Abandon All Hope, too. But generally, it was still a fight that had glimmers of hope every now and then. Crowley, Gabriel and Death being last minute assists helped keep the tone from being too dark and depressing.
The boys literally had nothing all throughout season 7 and took L's after L's. Not until Kevin and whatsherface did they start to gain significant upper hand.
If you don't like the monster and purgatory era and build-up to eve then you are a faggot
Swan song was the end of season 5 user, aside from episode 5 and 12 there weren't really any bright spots in 5, 7 might consistently darker but it wasn't as good that's for sure. But like look at my bloody Valentine, dead men don't wear plaid, dark side of the moon, song remains the same, 99 problems all that shit was depressing as hell and was all in a row
It's the dumb shit with the campells, getting sams soul back and Crowley that bugs me about season 6 and that it's just a jarring drop in quality from 5
I'm nob explaigning thit. Lurg moar.
meh, season 5 was a climactic race to a fight i know the brothers will overcome somehow, so even if they were depressing, i know they will still come out on top.
levis were dark horses/wild cards so the uncertainty really added a lot to the depressing theme for me
im not going to deny s7 has poor moments, all im saying is that it's not as bad as many viewers make it out to be. it's still miles ahead of 9 in terms of characterization of Sam, Dean and Cas for example, and definitely even more so for the storytelling cohesion and direction because 9 had absolutely none. Also memetron a shit
well when 5 was coming out we thought it was the last season, we didn't know if they were going to come out on top
ive been reading about the show's plot for years but never really started watching until s7 was halfway so take my opinion as a grain of salt
>you better call the FBI
>hangs up
>phone rings
>No not me Garth the REAL FBI, how are you still alive?
also any of these anons around here?
>music user
>spike user
>the other user who started watching supernatural as per our recommendation
>that 2nd user trying to catch up on season 12
>tweet to writers that we want more waifus user
was a wild time to be alive user
>discussing the plot with friends even normies
>even dad in on this shit
>where the fuck are they going
>kick in the nuts after kick in the nuts
>watch swan song on a shitty 350mg stream while doing lich king heroic in between pulls
Not to mention the year long waits. When 1 ended I didnt know if it was the end of the show, same with season 2s ending. And waiting a whole year after sam freed lucifer to see what happened knowing next season was the last WEW LAD
>watching season 3 with my bros
>we all knew Dean was going to die despite not being spoiled
someone stop my trip down memory lane
Whatever season where Metatron was in charge of heaven(Season 9?) I really liked mostly since I enjoy Metatron as a character.
I just realised its in another language kek
i can never relate to those moments user but i did watch the show with my best bud who prefers sam to dean (what a loser, lol) and later on we managed to snag our other best bud (who has God complex hubris) by always talking about the show so he feels left out and casually mentioning an angel declared himself the new God so what I can relate is enjoying this fucking show with my bros acting like our own fucking team free will
>you're the other music user right
among other roles in every supernatural and buff/angel threads, yes
if you are my music user its weird since I am occasionally triggered by buffy X-files user as well as the one who makes most of these threads
sorry my man, buffy/angel was such a nice diversion during supernatural interim/hiatus. im not x-files user but id understand if you hate me once i reveal myself as the threadstarter of every buffy+sn threads the past month
its easily forgiven by your good taste in music even if you are a faggot sometimes Sammy ur family ablublublu so we are all good for the rest of this season its what dad would have wanted
FYI that amazon one is the best episode the cunt canon destroying hacks Eugene Ross Leming and Brad Buckner wrote, I'm super into cults and and female one going after dean was great
oh i am x-files user btw, well one of them
i cant be sammy if i have good taste in music, goddamnit user, also i was the one who started posting that photo you just used must you mock me so all the time
looking back a lot of the music posted so far are gamble era, so yeah at least she cant be faulted for the lack of kino music
so did you start the other thread also currently active user?
>tfw there are three supernatural related threads active right now
Explain this meme
I havent posted any gamble music iirc, here is one though
Im the main x-files user as far as I can tell but I didnt start the supernatural/x-files one up right now
but I am lurking in it
It comes from the Moose and Squirrel nicknames where the moose was slower mentally. Plus its just making fun of some of the bad dialogue.
But deen i hit a dog
eah but you liked the Amazon one, which was S7
>tfw legit confused at first if the Winchesters were caught
god damn goosebumps thank God for kino scenes
I like your idea user and agree it would fit better
Or if they needed a lot have one or two escape but they can multiply really fast with some sort of hive mind between them
Just the idea of one or two going across the country eating entire towns threatening the entire world is creepy
One or two while doing that also trying to release thousands more sounds really scary works well for supernatural
I do have to say that season 7 did seem darker than the others. The fact that the alpha vampire had some virgin eternally childish girl locked up and had an entire ring of pedo like kids for himself was really creepy and dark
What's the status on the prophet of the lord?
Kevin got smoked and that next guy only lasted like 5 minutes last season. Shouldn't there be a new prophet around somewhere?
>What's the status on the prophet of the lord?
metatron ended the prophet line though im sure a prophet was activated during Amara's escape. Kevin is coming back from alternate universe
There probably is one walking around but if I'm remembering correctly haven't the Demon tablet and Angel Tablet already been tranlsated/destroyed?
ahhh but you shook me was also the recap song for lazarus rising! still great use in the amazon ep though
Season 2 was amazing shit, nothing like that bank episode has been done since
I lost my shit when they played man in the box recently
Kek good one
My God what a mess of a plot line
It felt like it was all in the wrong show
I was sure the chick was going to be a demon or something but nope just a girl
One of the reasons season 8 was so awful was sams fucking spanish soap opera subplot, jesus the pink filtering in his scenes alone and his fucking hair
should have renamed him to Fabio
Oh my fucking God I forgot about the hair
How do you fuck up this bad
>Hit dog and fall in love with a vet
>Soldier husband thought to be dead isn't
>Having the same type of cheesy plot they mocked in other episodes
Thank God Meg made fun of him for that shit
But then she gets killed because the writers are hacks
I don't even really remember season 8 or 9 but i remember every detail of s1-5
>when they played man in the box recently
no shit seriously????? when was this? probably 10-12 since i havent caught up properly since then, only major arcs
holy shit, you're right
this one was great use, too. very atmospheric
>But then she gets killed
good that last meg was so damn criinge and annoying the voice alone made me mad
first meg best meg
I remember 8 mostly because I like Kevin Tran a lot and 9 because of Cain
Amelia + Dog subplot was like Lisa and Ben but 1000x worse holy shit
nu Meg wasn't that bad, she had a pizza delivery guy moment with Cas. Plus i'm a sucker for reformed/redemeed villains so yeah
I just watched this episode. kek
you should catch up properly some really good MOTWS in those seasons
I liked the later Meg for her interactions with Castiel
But yes first was best
I wanna be in you Sammy
>he hasnt watched american nightmare or in memory of asa fox
im doing that now. past midpoint of 10
i dropped this show during s9-10 user and only kept close tabs on the overarching plot. i'm trying to catch up to atone my sins, but i have been doing annual reruns of s1-5 since 2012 and have managed to convince two anons here on Sup Forums to start watching the show and they like it so far. I'm atoning for my sins user
I just watched the season 12 finale last night. I had quit watching after season 10 but started up again after reading people in these threads saying 11 is good and 12 is even better. I think 12 was easily worse.
Having two main storylines through the season was interesting but neither was ultimately very satisfying. The Men of Letters plot didn't devote enough time to them fighting and the end felt anticlimactic and not worth all the build up, though being trapped in the bunker was a highlight. The Lucifer plot was okay in the second half but the Lucifer plot in 11 was much better imo. Bringing back Mary was a huge mistake. She ruins the whole dynamic of the show. Having her beat Ketch in a fistfight was embarrassing. Killing Rowena was a mistake as she's been one of the best parts of late Supernatural. Castiel obviously won't stay dead. If Crowley does that's also a huge mistake. The fucking alternate universe is terrible and one of the worst things the show has done since Sam refusing to close the gates of hell. Post-apoc Punished Bobby is embarrassing fan service. One of the biggest problems with the season was having to constantly watch people make frustrating, obviously bad decisions, like Kelly Dumbest Person in the World Kline and Incompetent Clown Castiel eagerly awaiting the birth of the spawn of Satan. Or Mick blatantly telling his boss to fuck off with Ketch standing ominously in the background instead of lying and ditching them later.
>Killing Rowena was a mistake as she's been one of the best parts of late Supernatural.
Rowena is nothing more but deux ex ritual if they needed some asspull to keep the story going
i take it you are that user we've managed to convince. huh. sad.
season 12 was only good for the MOTWs, also fuck Rowena
such a brofeels moment
>then we see Sam's version of Heaven
feels bad man. also, if this is still music user, see i really like atmospheric scenes like these
also I've read the UK release of Supernatural used The Killing Moon but never found footage of it. You got that?
Nah I'm not that user, haven't posted in these threads before. Rowena's more than that, she's an entertaining, three-dimensional, and well-acted character. She was the best female character the show had actually. Mary is terrible in comparison.
oh man when jefferson airplane played that was true kino
I'm an ausfag which has the normal music, cant imagine anything but white rabbit anyway
Remember kripkes first self insert Andy?
>Rowena's more than that, she's an entertaining, three-dimensional, and well-acted character
not denying this but honestly take a look at the purpose of her character. her subplots with the grand coven were tangential to the main story at best. then she just became part of the ensemble because of how pretty she is
I agree mary sucks but Rowena was a witch who pissed off pretty much everyone, surprised she lasted as long as she did
ah fuck i guess it was used only for promo material. this song would have fit so well
I didn't know Andy was supposed to be Kripke self insert. thanks for that tidbit
I agree the MotWs were one of the strongest parts. American Nightmare, Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets, Regarding Dean, and Twigs & Twine & Tasha Banes are all solid.
Best comedy in season 6.
motws are the main reason I'm watching, I seriously loved American Nightmare and the memory of asa fox
Dr. Visyak was such an interesting character. Lowkey milf tier, too
shame the dragons weren't realized better
>the dragons look like humans
I mean, why even fucking use them if you are going to pull that
Yeah I mean she did already come back from the dead once. And three seasons is a long time for a side character to last in this show. Still though.
>no The Memory Remains
The montage of his life at the beginning of the episode and then the sudden cut to his death was kino af
That episode was actually creepy. It seems like they made a real attempt to make the monsters scary and unsettling again and it worked pretty well.
yeah that is a good song, dont think it would have fit the white rabbit scene though, also what a weird fucking promo but a good one, reminds me that the show seriously needs to go back to its grittier roots, I mean its gritty now but wrap this nephalim shit up and move on from judeo-christian exclusive shit already
found a longer version of the promo
>Scary just got sexy
>sam wanting enjoying getting fucked by a ghost
i guess this set up the idea that sam fucks monster girls on the regular huh
was a good ep, shame they kept cutting to mary/ketch shit
>also what a weird fucking promo but a good one, reminds me that the show seriously needs to go back to its grittier roots
mate we just about posted at the same time, i found a longer version here
I didn't like it at all desu she was Azazels daughter and she killed Jo and Ellen plus Johns old friends
she should have been killed/smited on site
>the shots from inside the goat mask
>creepy ass music
>throwback to the saving people hunting things line
>carving their initials
At least we got the satisfaction of sam and dean literally not giving a shit that she died when it eventually happened
>ywn be a hunter and have plot armor to defeat supernaturally stronger and faster creatures then make love to the damsel in distress of the nth town you visit then drive off into the back roads with your bro in your muscle car and listen to comfy classic kino rock
my players do even in a call of cthulhu session, which results in said damsel eating them sometimes but whatever
>which results in said damsel eating them
So...Dr. Eleanor Visyak?
giv constance welch gf
first time an user didn't post this in response to Anna
she was an angel user, she had to learn how to convey emotions after being stone cold marble since creation
>when you need to sleep
i-i sure hope this thread is alive when i get up