Let's just be real here. What this guy was doing is probably what the overwhelming majority of Hollywood elites do behind the scenes for who knows how long. Who did he piss off this much to get ostracized like this all of a sudden?
Let's just be real here...
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payback for the master bro
he agreed to be a distraction for something else.
it's not like he's going to be punished for this in any way.
Why do they call him an abuser, rapist, etc.? I thought the women agreed (consented) to have sex with him to get the roles.
>something else
you mean Vegas? you can say it
nah. They were coming after Weinstein. Trump's DoJ probably. They just decided to get ahead of the news, hence the spinning and #metoo shit.
You’re probably right.
This all happened right around the time Obamas daughter went to Intern at his company.
Maybe the secret service broke it...
kek. Obama's white house was utterly complicit. Weinstein was one of their guys.
Yes, they all consented, that's why this is not going to court. But they hated every moment of it. They wanted the roles, not to have sex with him. It made them feel bad inside, as if they were whores or something.
For a long time, their desire for money and fame overwhelmed their desire not to have sex with ugly people. This is what happens when he no longer has power anymore.
until he tried to put his fat sausage hands on Obama's daughter ?
People were getting too much aware of pedo shit of Hollywood elites. He's a fall guy to distract plebs from real issue (some whores fucking a producer to get ahead is pretty much a non issue desu)
That isn't true at all. Kate beckinsale said it happen do her when she was 17. She is 44 now. You do the math.
Please. That's probably not even 'Obama's' child. Smarten up.
It's an issue when producers try to force it. Several male actors have came out and said they've been groped and grabs by producers.
I have little doubt producers and actors try to leverage some pussy. What do do doubt is many do this...
>“This happened in the late 1990s; I was in my 30s. I was not a young ingenue, and I was certainly not new to Hollywood; I was a seasoned, Hollywood person.”
She explained that she was already familiar with Weinstein, having worked with him on “Beautiful Girls” and interacted with him socially. A meeting was set up between her and Weinstein at a hotel to talk about her future with his company, which she didn’t find “abormal at all” because she had routinely met with producers, writers, and directors in hotel suites.
She described the early stages of their meeting as normal: “Everything was absolutely professional from the get-go.” After some small talk, Holly said that Weinstein asked to be excused, and returned to the main part of the suite wearing a hotel bathrobe. “No doubt it was odd,” she said, “however, when he walked in and he was in the bathrobe, he said, ‘Okay, let’s get to it, this is what we’ve got going on at my company, these are the scripts we have in the pipeline, this is what I think might be right for you,’ and he gestured for me to follow him.”
Holly recounted that she followed him into the bedroom part of the suite as he continued talking. After entering the suite, she said that Weinstein dropped his robe, went into the bathroom, and began using the toilet.
“At this point my head was exploding,” she said. “He keeps the conversation going, he finishes, he turns on the shower, he gets in the shower. He’s continually talking to me, he’s in the shower washing himself. Leaning out, asking me for responses. My head is going crazy at this point. He’s acting like the situation is normal. He’s acting like we’re having a normal encounter. I’m thinking to myself, ‘Am I just a prude? Am I supposed to be more open minded?’ I didn’t quite know how to handle myself at that moment.”
He didn't piss anyone off. He was just unfortunate enough to be exposed and is being thrown under the bus to save as many careers as possible. We've been hit by headline after headline after headline detailing yet another Weinstein scandal and we're numb to it at this point, which means the next slimeball to be exposed is going to have a much smoother ride.
Again, please. The sex is the tip of the iceberg. It's just partially how the criminal enterprise known as 'Hollywood' was run.
>According to Holly, Weinstein left the shower, dried off, and began approaching her while still naked. “The adrenaline rush I felt, I wanted to flee, I was scared. He told me that I looked stressed and he thought maybe I could use a massage, maybe I could give him a massage. I began just sort of babbling like I was a child, I think it was just the fear.” She told him she didn’t have a massage license and that maybe they could call the front desk to have a masseuse come up. Holly said Weinstein began to threaten her, stating that she needed to “keep him as [her] ally” and that it would be a “bad decision” if she left the room. At that point, Holly said, she “pushed him and ran.”
After leaving the hotel, Holly went to a previously planned dinner with other Hollywood notables, who, when she explained why she arrived distraught, said that since Weinstein hadn’t raped or assaulted her, she should “keep [her] mouth shut because it’s Harvey Weinstein.”
And here come the shills.
What am I shilling?
>shill for harvey
>calls others shills
I'm a shill because I think molesting people is wrong? You sound like a real cool edgy guy.
yep. Rap industry is run the exact same way *cough* Lyor Cohen *cough*
the real story is how these subversive criminal NGO's operate.
>molesting people is wrong
I mean duh.
You're either a shill, or a dummy who is lapping up the spun narrative and can't see the forest from the trees.
Most of these ""victims"" are just trying to distance themselves from Harvey mate, and others are just virtue signaling or doing it out of spit
>the spun narrative
So give us the real one, user. And do try to base it on something than the axiom allwomenarewhores and thus are lying and wanted it.
You can't molest a white whore kid
None of the males actors who've been groped said anything about Havery. It weird that you assumed he was the guy.
somebody doesn't read the news.
Yep. All youretards need to ask yourselves:
why would 'Barack Obama' a man privy to as much intellige as almost anyone in the world, send his 'daughter' to intern with a man who even a bunch of autists on a Cantonese fantasy pingpong forum has known was a predator for YEARS??????
ask yourself that and you'll at least be in the general vicinity of what happened here.
I've been busy for a week, so I admit my knowledge might be little out of date
It's weird you think the president gets that much information.
Everyone knew. We've been making jokes about HW on here for years.
>what the overwhelming majority of Hollywood elites do behind the scenes
This isn't limited to the elites. Go ask any one that has ever worked in the LA film industry; every F-list producer tries to use his position to fuck women. It's almost part of the job.
>Hollywood whores want fame and money
>Fuck and old slobby jewish producer
>Get what they want
>Regret being whores
>Act like the victim
Pretty much sums it up
he must have pissed off an even bigger Jew
Why is it wrong to say this out loud in public though? I mean for starters, it's literally the truth. Also aren't integrity and work ethics more important than having a job just for the heck of having a job? Not speaking about him but the actresses. They had the option to say no. They would need to find another job, yes, but it's not like Harvey gave them no choice.
More shilling and spinning
It's already been established that it's the lost protection from the Clinton's. You are so behind the game, OP.
what this guy is accused of is on the tame end of what happens in Hollywood
protip: the real victims aren't actresses who are major celebs now, they're down and out wrecks or have been murdered by Hollywood execs.
What if you had say a 250k degree a mortgage and dependents and someone very powerful told you 'sleep with me or you'll never work in this industry again'?
100% thrown under the bus to stop people talking about Vegas.
What do you mean "again"? I thought this happened at the start of their careers.
Lot of shills itt though user.
I'm not spinning or shilling anything, but that's literally how it works. If you're going to get butthurt over some slimy kike abusing his position of power in Hollywood you should also be butthurt about literally 95% of people working in the film industry.
maybe he just bit off more than he could chew? dumbass got way too brass instead of playing it smart
Please like that's what this is about.
Like Comrade Weinstein was some lone rogue wolf.
Fuck off shill.
You don't go from nobody to getting a meeting with Harvey. Everyone starts in really small productions or tiny background roles and slowly works thier way up. People like Harv act as a gatekeeper to actual success.
>Like Comrade Weinstein was some lone rogue wolf.
What are you even saying you retard? I'm arguing for the except opposite. Shekelstein is a drop in the ocean. There's a trillion guys like him.
Cletuses who believe in conspiracy theories arent snart m8.
I'm trying to give you some perspective user.
It's the truth and even dumbfucks on Sup Forums knew about it. This shitshow is pretty much like when Snowden ""leaked"" what every sane person already knew. Nearly every Hollywood actress has slept for fame and money and no amount of denial is going to change that.
Ur not snart
If you anons want to see howit goes down watch 'An Open Secret' on Vimeo.
yes you are making bullshit up I know
>Nearly every Hollywood actress has slept for fame and money and no amount of denial is going to change that.
duh, but that's not the real story here. Try and keep up.
But why now?
what if he's innocent
and its just bunch of gold digging whores trying to get a job by fucking him
all the women were fucking him to get a job, so to him it became the norm
my last manager was fired like that
because some young bicth wanted to advance in the company but sued the company for sexual harassment and won
Holy shit was that really a lawyer? The dan thread is gone
You are right, I don't think a single other (((producer))) has said anything about Weinstein after this was unveiled.
Because they all do this, it's the number one perk of being a producer, having desperate actresses degrade themselves to get a part in your movie.
And of course all those little boys and little girls... catholics priests were amateurs.
Consent means shit if you are being blackmailed.
Ask a lawyer.
Of course. Cause holy womyn are faultless and always tells the truth
because it's not his biological daughter and old Harv probably had so much dirt on Obama.
Kinda wish I was an old dirty Jew whom could sex actresses.
So if you need a ride and a trucker offers you to suck his dick a little this makes you fag?
I dont understand how the president can be blackmailed when you can have someone thrown in guantanamo and pardon yourself
No that's not what i am saying. I think most of the now "Stars" who let that happen and kept their mouth shut are fucking hypocrites.
But that doesn't mean they aren't victims.
And yes most of them could have said no, at cost of their career, hell we don't know how many said no and vanished into a common existence.
Its a systemic problem.
You can call them cowards, but I don't see how they're hypocrites unless they're giving others shit about not speaking up.
Old Harv probably had some dirt that would not make you pardon yourself. And with dirty Jew money you could pay literally 100s of shills just to spam the dirt so the dirt becomes a household name.
But I'm just speculating.
Patriot acting muslims is one thing but jews oh boy.
Could you elaborate what this is about?
What he was doing was the diet, knock off version of what most Hollywood elites are doing.
The math says I have a boner for a woman who's old enough to be my mother. Also nice digits.
The Casting couch was already directly referenced in Movie way back in the 50s.
EVERYBODY in Hellywood knew it.
Pretending that they didn't knew is hypocrisy.
>as if they were whores or something
That's exactly what they are
It happens. It doesn't mean they knew who/when/wheres of it.
Why didn't any of the actresses atleast try to blackmail Weinstein? They could have done a Lisbeth Salander(Girl with the dragon tattoo), record one of their Harvested session with a concealed voice recorder and use their acting skills to make it seem like it was non consensual rape. They could have had Weinstein on a leash. I guess actresses aren't really that intelligent
The sex scandal part is Al Capone going down for tax evasion. Try and use your noggins.
What I don't understand is, if you've got nothing to lose and have the reported personality of Weinstein, why wouldn't you smear some shit on other affiliates who abandoned you? It's not like the media would take it into consideration but it would but it would cast a shadow on whoever was mentioned based on good authority. Seems a bit suspicious that he'd pull the therapy card ahead of this, it's like some bridges remain
Are we talking about Weinstein or casting couches? They are not mutually inclusive.
Casting couches have been around since the dawn of cinema and probably since acting as a trade started. It's been noted in Hollywood since inception with some stars admitting to it.
Weinstein being a sleaze and trying to bang women was known. He was a powerful, tempermental man, so yes, people--men and women--would pretend to like him.
Weinstein being rapist is another thing altogether.
Coercion, Blackmail, Rape
the lines are very blurry.
Those are all rape in this context.
An actor sleeping with a producer to procure a role is not in and of itself rape.
yep. bingo. the sex/rape shit (while real) is being used as a diversion from the real story which is why it's getting sold/shilled.
I always wonder how many of these celebrity rape allegations are fake scandals to generate controversy that people latently desire and entertain their schadenfreude for the downfall of successful people. Like one of the Cosby accusers ended up being caught for drug trafficking for example. Many such cases.
I don't blame any of the actors who are still under 40 trying to have a career but the old super rich actors there like Meryl Streep had no reason not to speak up at this point. Just pure complacency and power corrupting.
It is absolutely true that struggling male actors have if just as bad if not worse than female actresses. In fact a dude having to fuck a dude for a job is infinitely worse if you're not gay.
Well over a decade ago in one of his very first meetings in L.A. for a part over lunch a buddy of mine got hit on by a male producer. This was way before social justice so he called him a faggot and told him to fuck off.
You're assuming she knew.
Did she hear rumors? Undoubtedly, but understand you hear rumors about everyone in Hollywood, a very small percentage is true.
Again, I am , I don't see how it makes them hypocrites unless they're giving others shit for not speaking up.
Then what is the real story?
I can handle more than one scandal.
dnc/holywood collusion.....and beyond
James Woods isn't part of the DNC and he is being accused of it.
you're not going to get the real story from the press. which all the non-shills here already know.
The real story is that people on power abuse their power. Men in Hollywood use their power to have sex with people. In SK it took an actress killing herself for the govt. to step in a check things out.
Thanks user, will read up on it.
Yeah but he was too cheeky about it
Harvey probably did nothing wrong but he is a Jew so I hope he hangs.