It's been ~two years since I was on the TGWTG schadenfreude train and now I dip my toes in to find the old crew scattered to the wind.
What's the current status? Did anyone else kill themselves? Is anyone transitioning into a barely recognisable hairy fat woman? Is Brad still off the wagon?
It's been ~two years since I was on the TGWTG schadenfreude train and now I dip my toes in to find the old crew...
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Nostalgia Critic, Angry Joe and TITS are still going strong. Spoony hasn’t uploaded a real video in forever. Nostalgia Chick is a crazy bitch. Linkara fucks trannys. Chris Stuckmann joined. Someone had a sex change. I couldn’t care less about anything else.
>Doug Walker
Quit doing Nostalgia Critic for a while to pursue other video projects like Demo Reel with the help of Kickstarter (he was overfunded). Fans hated it and he's back to making Nostalgia Critic, but to avoid copyright strikes, he and others act out scenes. He's still somewhat popular.
>Lindsay Ellis
Quit the Nostalgia Chick to make videos that are basically just the Nostalgia Chick. While her videos aren't popular (Doug gets twice as many views), she has a Patreon where she's paid $5k a month. She doesn't like Doug and has called him sexist in the past (which may be true). I think she's bi now.
>Lewis Lovhaug
Linkara is still making videos for Channel Awesome and is still fairly successful. Made a Kickstarter for an Atop the Fourth Wall movie, got overfunded, and delivered a movie. It's not good. Also he's a nasty cockslut.
>Noah Antwiler
Spoony got kicked off the site for tweeting a rape joke and then going batshit on Twitter over it and not stopping when Doug told him to stop. Bought a house with his girlfriend. He had a Patreon that was successful for a while, but he failed to deliver on any of his promises and went from like $5k to $700 now (maybe less). Hasn't made a video in forever, but he still tweets a ton (mostly about how much he hates Trump). Girlfriend complains that they have no money (and she may be losing her job soon).
>Brad Jones
Still making Cinema Snob for Channel Awesome, and he's still fairly popular. He's been through some personal issues (there was a divorce or two?) but I don't know them.
>Joe Vargas
Still makes Angry Joe for Channel Awesome. Still popular.
>Phelan Porteous
Phelous left Channel Awesome because he was unhappy with how they were running it. Still makes Youtube videos that aren't popular. He's still friends with Cinema Snob.
>Benjamin Daniel
Benzaie got fired from Channel Awesome (and they apparently didn't tell him). He's still making videos and still fairly popular, and he also streams.
>Justin Charmical
JewWario committed suicide in 2014.
>Kaylyn Saucedo
MarzGurl still makes videos for Channel Awesome but nobody watches them and she gets like hundreds of views. She got married and, if I remember right, he has money.
>Bennett White
Bennett the Sage still works for Channel Awesome. People don't really watch his stuff. No rich husband.
>Jason Pullara
LordKat ragequit Channel Awesome. He now does shock jock podcasts as a hobby. If I remember right, he has a real life adult job.
>Mickey Paradis
8-bit Mickey left Channel Awesome and is done making videos.
>Thomas Hanley
Was Handsome Tom ever on Channel Awesome? Well, he's not now, and he's done with videos.
>Mathew Buck
Film Brain's hair left Channel Awesome but he's still around making videos people don't watch.
>Paul Schuler
PawDugan, aka headphones-wearing man, married Elisa Hansen, aka Nostalgia Chick's friend (no, not the fat one). He left Channel Awesome. He seems to have stopped making videos a few months ago.
>Lee Davidge
2D Lee is not Still Gaming any more and hasn't been for a while.
>Chris Larios
Rollo T is still on Channel Awesome, making Weekly Manga Recap for no views. He has a patreon where he's doing slightly better than Spoony.
>Bhargav Dronamraju
Ma-Ti left Channel Awesome back in 2011 after Suburban Knights (year three movie). I think he has a real job now. I heard rumors that he left over issues with Nostalgia Chick (he was stalking her?) but I don't know for sure. And if I remember right, Spoony imitated his new dialogue for To Boldly Flee (year four movie).
>Rob Walker
Doug's brother is still with Channel Awesome.
>Krissy Diggs
That Chick in the Goggles left shortly after Kickassia (which she was only briefly in) because she wasn't happy with the direction of the site or something.
>Lindsey Z. Briggs
Little Miss Gamer left Channel Awesome after Kickassia (which she only had a cameo in) and went to work for the Jim Henson Foundation. There was some thing where she ebegged some fans for a Nintendo DS and some games before quitting but I don't remember the details.
>Sean Fausz
HopeWithinChaos (aka "the epic fail guy", again, another cameo) is no longer with Channel Awesome. Morbidly obese, he had a heart attack back in 2010 at the age of 20. When money from videos started drying up, he started begging for donations (and famously asked, on twitter, if there were any jobs for people who can't leave the home and don't have a high school diploma). Eventually, he was shamed off the Internet, but returned and now does Twitch streams for no one.
>James Rolfe
Angry Video Game Nerd still makes videos. Kickstarted and made his own shitty movie.
There's a couple who just appeared to say "I believe in Santa Christ" but only one is noteworthy in my opinion.
>Larry Bundy Jr.
Guru Larry is still on Channel Awesome and still makes fairly popular videos (his videos are about as popular as Lindsay Ellis's). I wonder if he still believes in Santa Christ?
And finally.
>Kevin Baugh
Kevin Baugh is still the president of Molassia.
Guru Larry is associated with CA?
Imagine being so deep in da spek you unironically watch this shit. It's mortifying.
Is it weird that I only enjoy Cinema Snob when he is reviewing limited edition oreos or other food?
two sex changes
Aw shit that`s an ant picture aint it. Well it's the twink canadian anyway
Dont Guru Larry have this crazy goal of commenting on every video on youtube?
Why post that edited picture when he looks exactly like that now with no photoshop?
Benzaie is actually a french tv personality now, he's barely on youtube
JesuOtaku transitioned to a man and is now "Jacob Hope Chapman" and a hyper feminist
Doug still does NC vids, but its no longer nostalgia instead its current movies with his cronies Malcolm and Tamara. Rachel Tietz left and I don't know, but I think she's having a successful career now.
Doug and his cronies now just act out the entire movie. Way too many copyright things that force them to just act out scenes and now they do it at some local theater live and sell tickets for it.I think they're doing it for IT 2017 and I know they already did it for Suicide Squad.
Spoony is just a deadbeat, he spends more time on twitter (his account and one for his fucking dog that is very active) than making videos and rarely appears on NC.
Rob Walker is still with them and still does NC in addition to "Sibling Rivalry" where he and Doug review movies OOC and most of the time its boring
With the whole demonotization thing on Youtube Doug has cut down on doing videos with Malcolm and Tamara so the result is actually good NC videos of him just reviewing the movie with maybe a minute long sketch. Rare but every now and again we get a good NC review without actors like we want
Sure I'll get flamed for linking, but you should watch these vids they give kind of an insight into Channel Awesome and how it all fell apart
>8 kb
So how did JewWario really kill himself, is it true he shot himself while locked in the bathroom with his wife outside begging him not to pull the trigger?
Bennett the sage is probably the only person I still watch.
Has introduced me into a bunch of great anime.
Ask her yourself but that's the official version yes
>you should watch someone read Sup Forums posts on youtube with no greater insight and missing 90% of the entertaining shit
praise kek based jim wins again
>Nostalgia Chick is a crazy bitch
Why do people keep saying this. She produces far better stuff than anyone else on tgwtg at this point and she's actually funny unlike Doug.
Be grateful.
He's staggeringly ugly and doesn't even put the slightest bit of effort in. He doesn't even shave, for fucks sake.
It's easy to be better than shit.
Her loose cannon videos and the Mel brooks one about nazis was pure kino.
just because kekistani and alt-righters are obnoxious and retarded it doesen't mean you have to support the other side by default
In fact it would be much better to just ignore everyone who ever mentions american politics in an entertainment context forever and never look back
>trash lady
You can pick one. Unless you're some disgusting landwhale you shouldn't get any enjoyment out of her trash videos.
Could you stop projecting for one second? Nothing in my post was anti right-wing or or pro hillary. You see things where they don't exist. Apply yourself.
>it would be much better to just ignore everyone who ever mentions american politics in an entertainment context forever and never look back
there's probably some truth to that though I think when some time has passed the zeitgeist the movie at the time was made in makes itself apparent and it's interesting to look into. I think the problem is when people try and draw comparisons of newly released films because then there's just no distance to the thing.
She left the site and has a job making closed captions for various videos while living in LA.
I never said that's what you said, that's what Lindsay says in 70% of her videos, including some of those you mentioned
She also made fearmongering videos basically claiming that young homosexuals were right to be scared now that Trump is in office
Just because Kekistani are retarded it doesen't make her cool or her videos kino, she's basically a female sargon of akkad
>she's basically a female sargon of akkad
I haven't watched all her videos so I'm sure there's some hyperbolic Trump critique in there but on the whole she's pretty levelheaded honestly and sticks to critiquing the movies for the most part. This makes her very different from Sargon of Akkad who drones on endlessly about Twitter feminazis.
When will Todd sell off more One Hit Wonderland requests? I want him to do "No Myth" by Michael Penn.
>In fact it would be much better to just ignore everyone who ever mentions american politics in an entertainment context forever and never look back
My life has been much better since I took that stance.
Ignoring social media and dropping people that ruin their work with hamfisted politics is the best way forward.
I don't care if they drone on about it privately, but the moment it seeps into their work is when they get cut.