New Torchwood out this week Edition
Previously, on the Doctor Who General
New Torchwood out this week Edition
Previously, on the Doctor Who General
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Reposting some of my Torchwood shilling from last thread
Torchwood Season 5B comes out this week. I'm pretty interested to see where this is going. None of the S5A stories were individually as strong as the kino monthly Torchwood range releases like Ghost Mission, Broken, etc, but it's definitely a more ambitious series. More importantly, it's actually doing something very audio-specific that a TV series of Torchwood could not do. I am really, really intrigued how they handle the eventual payoff of that specific...idea.
The politics of the series feels weirdly muddled but I assume it's because we've only heard a third of the series so far.
The new characters feel well defined and real, you can tell RTD had a big hand in designing them (he didn't write any episodes himself, but had a lot of creative oversight that Big Finish were very keen to have, he designed some of the new characters and some of the new plotline, gave some ideas he'd had for a possible S5 on TV previously, and helped calibrate the overall series).
If you haven't heard any Torchwood audios before, I'd honestly recommend some of the better (and cheaper) monthly releases first, the cream of the crop as it were, but when this S5 is finished, it might really be worth a binge. And if you much prefer larger casts to more solo-focused audios, this or Outbreak are a better way to go.
>Reinvented by DogGirl8 for iFunny :)
>Bilis Manger is back
>Captain John Hart returns next year
Torchwood on Big Finish is already kino and it's only gonna get kinoer.
>Doctor Who
Why watch this badly written,degenerate SJW-pandering piece of shit show anymore?
This is a Torchwood general.
that scum killed his grandson?
My statement applies to both.
This is a Class general.
I can't wait til season 4 of the monthlies, s3 had kino like pic related
>He hasn't seen
Children of Earth
Doctor Who is dead.
What are your honest thoughts on this cover?
I don't. I'm all about the classics.
Alister Pearson would be spinning in his grave (if he were dead)
Friendly reminder that people like this posts in /who/
Also, good morning /who/
I never knew he even had kids, let alone grandkids.
Classic Who is written by literal communists though.
Hulke smash!
Jack is immortal, he's gotten around. Which is to say the whole thing was an asspull RTD cooked up on the spot specifically so he could have that edgy resolution.
>the Chad Smith
the virgin wiles
what if the doctor were a cybermat
What did 8 mean by this?
disgusting, neo. absolutely disgusting
Is it?
You're nice and wet.
what is your eye color /who/
JJL was fun in S3. I remember the rumours Tim Roth was gonna replace Bowie as Jeffries, kek. Much preferred what we actually got.
Blue! What's yours?
d-don't start this again..
I don't know. I've never checked.
Ohhhhh, even the colour of your eyes almost match :3
Your pupil looks black :o
Ask your mom
I have neither. I've replaced everything from the waist down with a modified travel machine. Also I've replaced my hand. Also my eye
What's the offcial/ultimate 10th theme?
She says yours is really small. Also that it smells like rancid pilchards.
The one that was least shit.
The Doctor Forever
How do we "fix" Series 5?
Is anyone else bothered by how little Lily Travers looks like Anneke Wills in TUaT? I'm fine with Bradly as Hartnell, but surely they could've gotten someone who looks a bit more like her?
If they've got any sense, they'll keep their faces off-screen as much as possible.
Every episode is required to have a rap battle.
How do we fix Season 19?
Delete Victory of the Daleks.
Get The Beast Below a better director and more money.
The Silurian two-parter gets rewritten by Peter Harness
No changes to the angel 2parter?
Eh, don't necessarily delete victory, just punch it up a little so it's not "look at this guy play churchill! We're gonna milk him for years!" Also, redesign the daleks again, but do it better, not worse
Why would I make changes to two of the best episodes?
Oh alright, rewrite the explanation 11 gives for why the angels aren't attacking Amy, just to make it extra obvious for the plebs that it wasn't retconning the quantum lock.
If anyone has the pic of 11 with the "paradigm" Daleks made so they were like the Cushing movie Daleks, that's what they should've done
The only real problem with that is that seeing them move kinda ruins the creepiness
If you're going to keep Victory you need to at least scrap the whole "bomb defused by love" ending or retool it HEAVILY to be less tonally awkward and anticlimactic.
Holy shit
>mfw when the staff doesn't know the eye of harmony can only be opened with the human retina pattern.
>Implying Two didn't do threeways with Jamie and Zoe all the time
Oh man I love 11 but all of a sudden I'm really glad his era ended when it did because I just realized that if Matt Smith had stayed on for a couple years we'd have gotten 11 with fidget spinners
>tfw we could have gotten a sonic fidget spinner instead of the sunnies
Be glad the fad is already dead with the rumors of a marketing push with chinball who.
>thirteen gets a sonic fidget spinner
Shit Trips 2.5 first draft incoming!
Featuring the Arabella Weir "Exile" Doctor and the David Tennant time lord known as "Old Joe"
I think there'll be a lot of cleaning up to do before the final draft. Especially with that second half to lock the characterization down again, but could I get some opinions?
We have not even finished the Shit Trips 2 book club. Submissions will not even start until December at the very earliest.
reminder that last book club got 2 (TWO) responces
An earlier one got none at all!
I know, its only a first draft user. Ill be working at it until december.
A couple of anons (McGanon, relsposter) are just staggered back a bit but have good reviews incoming
For very understandable reasons, as I made clear those fics spoiled audios a lot of anons would rather experience unspoiled. I got a decent amount of plays on the audio versionf on YouTube so I know some folks read~heard~experienced it anyway!
Actually Immigrant did give feedback on those stories so your entire point is moot!
My point isn't that, my point is just it's not the time to start sharing drafts and planning ST2.5 yet, the editor isn't even sorted out yet since we're waiting until the end of bookclub to decide that. There's just nothing to say at this point, and it's still ST2 season (there are still a few ongoing projects for it, some more audios, an album, more reviewanons, more bookclub, etc). It's not ST2.5's time yet. I don't mean it's not time to submit yet, I mean it's not really time to share drafts and talk in-depth about it yet.
I cant wait until the show starts back because most of the discussion now is about shit trips stories and a bunch of other fan content I havent been following at all, and thus cant engage with
That's fair, I suppose I just got a little over-excited. Sorry.
Why not follow any of the shit trips/fan content? A lot of it is pretty short to test out if you'd like it
You'll get better feedback in a month or two when everyone is excitedly swapping their ideas/drafts, don't worry
Like who, I wouldnt even know where to start
>Talk about what you would like to see in the next incarnation. Talk about what actors and actresses you would like to play the role.
What is /who/'s overall opinion regarding a female Doctor?
I'll admit I was VERY skeptical at first, but am kinda pleased now. In fact, am now thinking it was overdue. And I speak as a huge fan of the 12th Doctor.
Well Shit Trips 2 is here
You could read any of the stories, most are short
Neo's audio Shit Trips are here
Yes the top one is 4 hours but there's a few that are short. The Stolen Regeneration is a good shorter one.
I guess that's most of the fancontent from /who/ lately. There's a lot more if you go further back of course but you seem like you don't want to be overwhelmed.
It beats having Kris Marshall.
If we're talking ~under 15 minute ones of mine, there's
The Tenth Hour
What if 10 hadn't regenerated in The End of Time, but went on to be in Series 5 alongside Amy, as Moffat originally planned? 15 minutes.
The Stolen Regeneration
What if 10 had regenerated into 11 in the Series 4 finale? 7 minutes.
The Parting of the Crisps
How did Moffat's attempts to convince Eccleston to come back for the 50th "really" go? 6 minutes.
The rest scale up from 25 minutes, to 45 minutes, to an hour, to, yes, 4 hours kek. That last one is an anthology audio though.
It's fresh, which is nice. And I think the Doctor's a little more interesting as a character who isn't entirely/permanently one gender or the other. It goes some way towards making the series overall more alien and less shackled to specific human conventions.
I fucking hate Doctor Who but I love Torchwood.
No idea there was even gonna be a new season.
Thanks for bringing this to my attention!
Who wants to tell him, lads?
>not the first post from this IP
It quite clearly says "this is the 25th IP in this thread", user. Your shit is broken.
If it had been Kris Marshall, have to say would've been disappointed. Predictable and boringly safe choice.
Jodie was announced three months ago to the day!
The new season is an official follow-up/fifth season to the show, however it is an audio drama/radio play instead of television.
There have also been a lot of audio drama / radio plays for the show in the last few years that haven't been an official follow up, but more of a Torchwood anthology series.
Has anyone unfollowed Clayton Hickman from Twitter because of all the Redbubble shit? I really like his obscure Doctor Who tweets a lot but jeez, the Redbubble shit has gotten excessive.
ah what the heck. May as well jump in. You guys are cool and /who/ is always comfy anyways
Weird, I'm playing a Westwood game rn and the captcha is "cards westwood".
Hope you enjoy dude! You're cool too!
As I said above, was very skeptical. But, since the announcement have been watching films/ TV shows she's done previous, she's going to be a fuckin GOAT Doctor. Can 100% understand why Chibs chose her.
My only reservation is that I'm not that keen on Chib's previous DW and Torchwood stuff, but am hoping that was due to other restrictions.
I think my biggest problem with Chib's earlier episodes is that they were really, really safe. I was hoping he'd give us a woman Doctor because that gives me a lot more hope that his era will be anything but "safe", like Moff's.
tfw Sandifer said the exact same thing
What's /who/ with you?
Has anyone got the Galifrey falls no more template picture? Ie the one where the painting is missing so you can put in your own?