He only watched Blade Runner 2049 once

>He only watched Blade Runner 2049 once.

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But I'm a poor student.


>4 hours

>he thinks watching blade runner makes him anything other than a reddit-tier pseudo-intellectual who gets dazzled by wide-shots and neon colors.
I wonder if there are any actual intelligent film critics here, or just 14 year old memester losers.


fuck off viral marketer

Why do I keep seeing this, was this the new shill orders once the poor numbers were clear?

I'm going to see it again tonight

saw it twice already. first time was kino, second time a pack of drunk chads and staceys sat on the entire row behind me.

top kek

Your critique clearly shows there aren't any, no.

I saw it once. A pack of school kids sat on the entire row begin me and my bladder was annoying the fuck out of me. I'm considering seeing it again, even though I'm a poorfag.

When will you fags accept its a flop?

Kill yourself, disney shill.

>It's only good if it made alot of money

My first viewing there were only four other people in the theater. Going to a matinee today so I can see it in Imax. Hopefully it’ll be empty again. That’s why I chose an early showing in the middle of the week.

Gonna see it for a 3rd time in an hour.
Cells interlinked.

>He went to the cinema twice
>Not buying the whiskey
I'm placing my order right now

>thinks watching a prententious reddit flick makes him smart and intellectually fulfilled.

How do we fix millennials ?

I remember you. Go again.
My 2nd time on my left I had an autist who had his hand over his mouth in shock at least for half the movie and on the right a dude bro.
I didn't feel comfortable enough. Going again in an hour.

my parents invited me to watch it, so I didn't pay anything

however they were memed hard with the 3d and had to watch it with retarded glasses that kept the entire fucking movie reflecting the blue lights from the stairs. Fuck everything

However, this movie is enjoyed best in one's home, so I'll wait for dvd/bluray

>watching the most reddit film of all time even once
you couldn't be more pleb

Post the Villeneuve pasta already.

That would be Guardians of the Galaxy.

>he watched blade runner at all

how can it be reddit if it isn't made by marvel?

>local newspaper literally called it pure kino and a masterpiece

Why would they let school kids in?

I think the class teacher was with them, I'm not sure. If she was the teacher then she fucking sucks at her job because the little shits wouldn't shut up for a second.

To accept Villeneuve as a quality director is to garb yourself in a coat of hot pockets and video games and then writh around on the ground in a supermarket while screaching and slapping yourself on the sides of your head.

He is cheeto dust. Nothing more.

Nothing more than a hack, a useful tool for studios to trot out to say "Hey, we're making art house!" I cannot wrap my head around the adulation he receives, let alone the wide praise this has got. The film trudges from set piece to set piece, leaves us no real questions or anything to think about really.

The worst part however was Deakins "look at me i'm acting!" cinematography. This poor sap has become a parody of himself to appease his internet fans(much like Refn after Drive)

The same bullet that kills a capeshit fan will also kill the Villeneuve and Paul Thomas Anderson fan. They come from the same root, from the same doritos stained console. They are frauds, and as a warrior of cinema it's my duty to expose the fakes and the inauthentic when I see them. I will fight with crawls and teeth until the last imposter is fallen to the ground

I have about as much respect for denis villeneuve as I do for the dogshit on my shoe. It is reddit. It is video game hotpocket. It is capeshit. It is cheeto dust. I'm literally screaming right now and slamming my arms down on my desk just thinking about it.

It is the most depraved video game infantilized manchild degeneracy.
It is saturday morning cartoon.
It is non-neurotypicality.
It is memes.
It is video game.
It is tarantino.
It is imdb.



saw it 4 times already, probably will see at least one more time

shoo gorilla marketer

I try to see it at least once a day, until the cinemas stop showing it. Yesterday I actually watched twice in a row, but I still went back to the front desk to buy an extra ticket: I wouldn't want to scan Villeneuve and his amazing team out of a single dollar.

Sorry for the bad experience user. My experience sucked too.
Saw it with the boys and a few chicks we brought along, took up the whole damn row actually. Shit was long and boring and weird AT, girls weren't into it at all but I'd cracked a few cold ones open with the boys in the lot before going in so were all pretty chill about it.

But this autistic loner in the seat in front of us kept angrily looking back. He was there by himself and definitely creeping out the girls.

fuck you man. i didn't want to take my gf because she would never understand pure kinography.

>go to first showing
>a literal fedora wearing neck beard is vaping to the left of me
>to the right is a couple of chads who get into a loud argument three quarters of the way through the movie

I’ll give the usher for the theatre credit he at least told those two to shut the fuck up.

>he actually paid money to see Pleb Runner 2049 more than once

5/10 too obvious

Ok is this acceptable to wear?

>first time I sat next to a chatty old couple who didn't understand the movie at all and kept whispering to each other the whole time trying to figure out what was going on
>second time I sat next to that fat autistic retard that chuckles out loud at every line that's not supposed to be funny
Luckily I was too sucked in both times to be bothered.

>trying to buy it in Burgerland
>don't have a German ID card to buy it with

First time with sister was absolutely fine, but the theater sound system couldn't really handle the lows well so you could hear vibrations.

Second time in SCAPE or whatever it's called was a bit worse on the audience front as it's the biggest theater in Finland, but luckily it's a long movie so the wrapper sounds stop 1/3rds in.

There's no IMAX where I live.

Wait I can't get kinoliquor in burgerland? I don't even like scotch but I was going to buy one of these to have.

>"I can get you a real horse!"
>*spills popcorn all over self*

Your poverty is not our problem

>not being Mommy's Good Big Boy and making her take you to it every night since it's been out
>with food and drink COMPED.


I asked Amazon customer service about it. We'll see.

Post pics, this is big if true.

> he's watching movies so he must be a shill
kys yourself

What's with the wrapper sounds? I'm quick and purposeful to open my 3 musketeers, take a bite, and set it down on the arm rest for later!

your alphabet is autistic


you probably wouldn't enjoy me and my crab leg crackers

this post is kino, just beautiful

what are these runes

what do they mean?

unironically seeing it a second time this week with my mom, since we both thought it was kino
COMPED both times

Who installed her memory into him? She is a subcontractor right? The company decides which memory to install.

seeing it in IMAX later tonight, second time.

>the only IMAX showing anywhere near is in 3D

should i risk it

>AI waifus aren't as good as JOI and can't strangle me like Luv
why continue to ingest oxygen and nitrogen famalams

Do they come bite-sized?
Anyway it doesn't even bother me because I listen to a pirated audio stream on a large pair of headphones any time I go kino. It's just tricky to sync sometimes

It's russian.

no shit

>le costanza XD

>he watched it

>Super strong, super durable ageless replicants are held down and bullied by normal weakling naturals


I'm glad it didn't do well, still went twice and am considering one more time.
If it did well they'd probably try and pull some Blade Runner Cinematic Universe bullshit

>mfw haven't seen it yet


But me being a student is ?

Any dl links or online ? Found only one shite copy so far.

> muh sell out band culture

HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM donald duck is trans nigger introduced during 9/11 the rest is fake memories inserted in your brain kubrick's wife's lesbian lover was involved look it up

>No IMAX kinoplexes in Finland

Amazon.de says 15,000 of the 40,000 bottles manufactured are for the US market.

That said, the bottle doesn't even look like the bottle from the movie and JW is shit whiskey so it's a waste of money either way.

torrent is out already u dummy

My piss jug rolled under the seat in front, and they complained to the management. I won't be going back there for a while.

Same, I was trying not to piss meself fo the last hour and I got out of a stressful week at work. Plus the room was packed so I was on the left side and the stairs lights were a bit distracting

I enjoyed it very much, it's been two days and I'm still thinking about it, but I definitely could've had an even better experience with it. Hopefully the second time around will be better

>tfw they're pulling it from my local theaters only 2 weeks after release while shit like Dunkirk stays in them for a month
>tfw I went to see it only my only day off and don't have the time to see it again

>first showing
>only people other than my three buddies were a couple in their 30s 3 rows below us
pure comfy

seen it 5 times, twice in a row yesterday. gonna go watch it in 3d for the first time in a couple hours.
broke af but using credit card til pay day, come at me bros.

>"I miss her, I miss Luv."
Hoecks confirmed for waifufagging herself

any links por favor ?

Idk, I think I am becoming a Luv-dude after seeing this:

I want to go see it again but my cinema isnt doing daytime viewings anymore and I dont wanna see it when the cinema is packed full of loud normies who wont understand it

>not going at 10pm
I had it all to myself, IMAX too

Saw it for free with me mummy's credit card points for movie tickets
Aint getting a shekel out of me

The cinema was empty when I seen it. Literally only me. Shit was cash

I went on the first showing on Monday (3:30 PM) and there was some old couple and a mid 30s couple, then just me.
It was amazing
Take a day off work and treat yourself, you deserve it

Who is this sperm vessel?

It rekindled my latent autism. Can't wait to rewatch. Fuck the haters

Should I watch for the third time bros?

Do it.

See Stronger with Jake Gyllenhaal instead. Ah...much better.

how does dunkirk do better than bladerunner this makes no sense to me

Probably because people were expecting Saving Private Ryan directed by the Batman guy, not [ticking intensifies]: the movie
I liked dunkirk 2bh