Is this the most overrated flick in Sup Forums's history?
Is this the most overrated flick in Sup Forums's history?
>Is this the best flick in Sup Forums's history?
It's always fun to watch plebbit refugees flock to the latest pseud blockbuster and then forget about it in 2 months.
Don't worry
Most of these redditors praising it will forget about it by the time their reddit wars 8 comes put
That would be Logan.
>B-but Reddit!
It's always the same post with you retards
ITT: faggots angry because they can't spam the board with shitty capeshit threads.
>cells interlinked xddd!
Everyone forgot about logan right away and there were never 8+ threads per day on Logan.
That being said both are terrible by regular movie standards but great compared to other modern movies
Never thought I would say this but
>le every old movie is good
close but response to Godzilla in 2014 was pretty similiar as to BR2049
t. rebbit
It's not overrated since it's actually a legitimately great film. I'll grant that a lot of Sup Forums posters don't seem to actually 'get' it or grasp it's nuances, but the audience of a film doesn't impact the quality of the film itself.
yes and here is why: none of this shit is life changing or groundbreaking
Dark Knight was.
This calling people 'Reddit' shit is pretty funny considering Reddit likes the majority of movies Sup Forums does
Not what I said at all, just that older movies have a higher standard of quality because what was considered an issue back then (overabundance of exposition, EPICness for the sake of EPICness) has been turned into a positive now, audiences need every single thing spelled out to them because back then they had less entertainment and thus more time to rewatch it, analyze it and appreciate it, nowadays a billion movies come out and they have to compete with candy crush, so they're lucky if they get one watching out of an audience
By that standard, both Logan and BR2049 are a decent change of pace compared to modern cinema, while if they came out in the 80s they'd both look and sound retarded
but they are also faggots
Replicants having children makes no sense.
Why did drones not exist in the first film, but replicant babies could?
>while if they came out in the 80s they'd both look and sound retarded
How would movies with much better production values overall look and sound retarded if they were released a long time ago?
You've never watched a movie released before the 90s, have you?
Can someone explain me why did the girl who fabricate memories gave her own to K ? Was it part of some convoluted plan I mean ? The coincidence is a little too amazing and I was stoned watching it so I'm a little confused
guess I haven't seen it enough times
spring Breakers
The VVitch
Probably a few more I can’t remember.