Predict the box office.
Predict the box office
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$400+ million Domestic
$200 million Foreign
Biggest since the silent era
usa +/-250 mil
world 150 mil
About three fiddy.
You think it'll have a better domestic than Spider-Man: Homecoming and Guardians of the Galaxy 2?
How much will it make if every nigger in the US buys a ticker?
Somewhere between Ant-Man and Dr Strange.
Possibly, Americans love black movies
200 to 250 domestic
150 to 200 foreign
I dunno, somewhere between ant-man and dr strange numbers, anywhere in the 500-700 range depending on word of mouth.
Hmm. You know, it is possible. Wonder Woman did a domestic box office of more than $400 million. Black Panther could find that kind of success.
I think it says a lot that others are predicting it'll do significantly better domestically than overseas (Wonder Woman was just about 50/50). Is this because of the Asian/Chinese market?
Imagine going to see this in theather when at least 90% of the audience will be black... Non stop black bantz
0 from Asia and China that's sure
Ant-man and Strange are fun comedy movies featuring charismatic white men
Worldwide gross will be less than Domestic gross.
Dom: $300mn.
World: 200mn.
Yeah Asians won't care
Everyones heard of wonder woman
Black panther is literally who?
0 cause nigga broke
>I will love it when libtards/MSM will call you RACIST if you will not go to see this film.
Huge success in the us, flop in China
Black Panther was probably the most well received character from Civil War
blacks will go to see this religiously because it is being touted as a mystical wormhole into an alternate timeline where they literally wuz kangs, they actually think this is a possible reality if not for whitey
it will probably make a lot and be a cancerous impact on hollywood and all niggers in general
I can predict that I won't be giving those niggers any of my money
It'll do well because every black person on the planet will see it. It'll be watched from America to Zimbabwe, from people who worship God to worship the coke bottle
I don't think so mate, I was hyped for him but thought he was really boring
My theater has a second tier area with comfy reserved seating and a catering service that I know your average autistic black will be to cheap to throw down the extra $15 for the ticket, you should do the same if for no other reason than to avoid the horrible smell.
>literal WE: the movie
god dammit
25 fried chickens, 34 watermelons, and 18 liters of purple drink
Django did around 400m, and that was without the hype from the Marvel tie-in.
America's has 13mil nigs that are probably give rewatch it in imax 3D
ant-man and strange were literally who characters that were gonna FLOP MARVEL IS FINISHED.
Assuming that no non-african Americans see it and every black man, woman, and child see it at an average price of $10 a ticket it will near half a billion.
That movie has everybodys favorite nigger though
Exactly this. Between casual moviegoers and the same SJWs who made Get Out a hit, it should smash the domestic box office, but China is going to hate this movie.
Jamie Foxx? I don't know about that.
$4 billion in Affrica. This movie is accurate depiction of black people if white man didn't take away their magic powers
It won't pass $150mil worldwide.
This. I'd like to know how many African countries Disney is teacher
I didnt know about the nigger hate i china? I thought they hated white people.
black people booth leg movies so it won't do well
You do realize Get Out made over $175 million in the U.S alone right?
black "people" invest their hard earned welfare monies in hair weaves.
they don't got no money for them movies man.
True, Wonder Woman is a much bigger name than Black Panther, but I don't think that's very relevant when the Marvel Cinematic Universe was built on some of their lesser known (at the time) superheroes. Of the original Avengers, only Hulk and Captain America had any real name recognition with the general public. Captain America was a bit of a joke. Hulk had at least one bad movie in recent memory at the time to his name. Then you look at Guardians of the Galaxy, a complete nobody, and how well it did and you kind of shrug off things like "name recognition."
We're talking domestic box office there. Django Unchained did $400m total. Domestically, it did $162m.
What ever it is it'll be more than JUSTice league, guaranteed
800 000 $ min
1 billion $ max
They envy whites and hate niggers
that was the most trite garbage I've seen in a capeshit trailer in years.
I like what they may be doing with the whole "African Black Man" vs "American Nigger" thing, though.
Honestly I look forward to KANGZ quite a bit
It'll do p good in US, flop hard everywhere else
Will be considered a disappointment that SJWs on Twitter will complain about for years
Overwhelmingly positive:
>"The most diverse movie ever"
>"The Wonder Woman that African-Americans have been waiting for"
>"Finally, African-Americans have a role model too"
as diverse as the nba
Hella epic!
Actually, was at a restaurant and a buncha dudebros were talking about MMA. Then they said, "Did you see the new Black Panther trailer? Looks fucking epic." They then went on to talk about Rey and Luke in The Last Jedi.
Shit, you're right.
Imagine being an intelligent black person in America
>get shit on by street niggers
>get killed by street niggers when in Africa
Are they the true /underdogs/?
It's hella diverse.
And it's the first one my kid hasn't asked to go to the cinema for.
673 mil
Neither yuro nor asians have any idea who balck panthera is
We prefer the term "bugmen", okay sweety?
Domestic 1 billion
World 100 million
No one loves niggers more than america
>Thinking niggers will surrender their fried chicken and watermelon for a movie they can`t understand.
Black Panther is literally who and a token diversity character. Should've named him Token Panther.
Just wait until we have a wave of kino about our token president :^)
>40 million blacks in the US
>at least 90% will see this in theaters
>average of $10 per ticket
This movie will be fucking enormous. By this time next year Black Panther will be as popular as Iron Man, Spider-Man, and Hulk
So did I misunderstand the trailer or did they make up an African city because no modern one exists for the plot? Like it's more realistic for there to be a futuristic African city hidden by cloak technology than a modern city literally anywhere
This will flop hard, no one likes SJWs comics nor SJWs movies.
Probably not very good. I think white people generally won't care to see it unless they're the type who will see it to support black actors...ya know, cucks.
top kekkle
It's either going to fail horribly or do somewhat better than predictions (which will be considered a yuge success) and usher in a new era of nigger-"kino"
How deluded are you mate ? This is what the new generations are craving for now.
You understood perfectly. Literally we wuz : the movie, because modern african civilization isn't a thing.
Several watermelons and a few bucket of chicken wings?
>disrespecting the cultural practices of an ancient nation
Women are the fucking worst
>at least 90% will see this in theaters
Implying that more than 1% of them are willing to pay for a movie.....
It'll do well just because its a Marvel movie. Blacks will rally behind it and act like they accomplished something by having a black movie with good box office numbers. The nigger shitposts are going to be annoying, cringy, and funny at the same time.
So what is the charm of this movie aside from black people. Being serious had.
Lets look at the last 2 origin movies from Marvel, Dr Strange and Ant man.
Dr Strange had visuals. Ant man had charm. What does this movie have that will set it apart from the run of the mill origin story that the trailer already gave away 70% of.
We already know how it is going to play out.
Young kid forced into a position due to unforeseen circumstances so his position is in doubt and someone challenges him for his throne. He then faces a challenge that only he can fix and through this trail by fire, he will see himself as rightful king. In the meantime, he is forced to fight his nemesis who surprise surprise is going to get the exact same suit he is has.
jesus christ you sound like such a loser, do you despise people for trying to make royal guards laugh?
>I think it says a lot that others are predicting it'll do significantly better domestically than overseas
what does it say? Only you americans enjoy living with niggers.
Latin America hates niggers, Asians hate niggers, China subhuman hates niggers. Muslims hates niggers.
>Pushing this as some sort of achievement for Africa
>Wakanda is supposed to be in East Africa on the Nile descended from Ancient Nubians
>Cast all (black) Americans of West African ancestry to play East Africans
>Even the white South African character is played by a Brit
>The same as casting a Japanese man to play a Celtic tribesman
>Having the Wakandan language be Xhosa click language, which is spoken in South Africa 8000 miles away from where Wakanda is supposed to be
>Not even the same language family
>Makes as much sense as having Romans speaking Mandarin
>Can't even be bothered to hire a linguist to create a fictional Wakandan language for your film although you hired one to make a fucking Dark Elf language for your worst movie
>Filming half the movie in South Korea despite being about Africa
>The rest is on green screen
Oh yeah, great representation of Africa, Marvel
blapipo dont have money to go see it.
ypipo will see it because marvel
Given that the Royal Guards hate it and it's tantamount to a form of harassment yes I do despise them
700 mil worldwide
Better than any man, worse than strange. (No idea what those movies made btw)
It'll probably do worse than expected at theaters but pick up tons of sales on dvd
Go back to MPC
6 gorillion
also it needs a pidgin localization version
Yes and anyone who doesn't is a faggot.
You are not everyone, you're a 4channer loser. Go to twitter or to a bar for once to know what actual people think like.
> talking about Marvel movies and the public perception of Black Panther at a bar
You definitely go home alone.
>he doesn't go to a bar or pub after going to the cinema with his buddies and girlfriends
Its like you have never interacted with another human bean in your lifetime
> going to see capeshit in the theatre
> having friends that would talk about them
It's like you want to make yourself look like a stupid faggot.
It's gonna be the first box office bomb in MCU history.
>le if you have friends you are a stupid argument
>le if you have a girlfriend you are a faggot argument
>le if you have a job that allows you to pay for the theatre experience makes you retarded argument
It's like you are so alone you have came up with bullshit excuses to justify your endless cycle of suffering while everyone else enjoys this gift called life.
since niggers are ecstatic about this movie, theaters will be full of them, and going based off history, any time there are niggers at theaters or rap shows or anything like this, there's always at least a fight or someone getting shot. I can't wait for that to happen on opening night
Nobody said you're stupid if you have friends or a girlfriend. You're just stupid if you watch capeshit and actually discuss it with your friends.
>le you are stupid if you watch thing I don't like argument
Come on now, at least the previous argument made sense.
It's gonna do even better, most seeing movie in africa of all times.
Hordes of africans are going to got out of the theater dancing and singing.
It will open a pandora box of high revenue blackxplotation like nothing ever seen before, and you won't see a white person on the screen ever again.
You really think any, and I do mean any, of this matters to the millions of Tyrones and Lateeshas that are going to rush in the theatres when this shit will come out ?
Hell, half of them probably don't even know what a linguist is.
>most seeing movie in africa of all times.
>Aquaman movie
Yes, I regret to inform you but there is no actual society on earth that casually uses space ships to traverse their city