What a fucking creep
Lars Von Trier tried to RAPE Bjork
Lars did it. He has never hidden the fact that he's a pervert and doesn't care about hurting others. Doesn't he direct naked half the time and announces his masturbation breaks?
I liked Bjork too, shame she has to hop on the bandwaggon for this.
She's been saying this since 2000.
will we ever find out who the danish director was?
bjork is an insipid cunt and so are her eunuch fans
he should have caved her skull in for laughs
He was also harrasing kirsten dunts
>implying you knew who bjork was before the beginning of this thread
Yeah i totally believe you, t_d
>bjork is obscure
>le drumpf
bjork is a bad bitch she doesn't have a reason to lie about this.Lars should apologize and repent. now lets enjoy one of her songs.
You mad sharenlue?
Reminder that when this happened lvt was in fact considered Jewish
Pol is always right
no one believe her because she's ugly as fuck
bjork is incredibly cute especially in her prime
Have you been sexually harassed Sup Forums?
Some girl pinched my butt and giggled in the line of the school cafeteria during one of the first weeks of high school.
something similar happened to me
>grabbed her for a bit "against her wishes" even though she said nothing
>that's it
I don't want to hate women but fuck me they're making it hard
I been almost raped in army by an officer.
Refn is clearly the superior Danish director. I would suspect Elle did many moves towards him just to be met with inspirational stoic autism.
A girl pinched my arse at a music festival
It was great
A girl once kissed me without my consent. It was my first kiss and she took it without asking :^(
She jerked my dick on a beach afterwards so it was kinda ok I guess.
I forgot how often that happened to me in a club or a bar.
I was also groped in a train once when i was 13 or so by a super creepy dude.
At first i froze and couldn't believe it, then i got angry and kicked him in the nuts with full force.
He screamed like a little bitch.
Felt great, i never felt as a victim so it didn't had an effect on me except a slight homophobia (which is totally healthy)
Is this the Danish Harvey? Are they all fat fucks with scraggly beards?
Damn, some men with power are just creepy rapists
I hope they all get fucked
>that fucking laplander sami DNA mongoloid look
I was felt up in a park bathroom by a drunk mexican when I was 7
I accidentally jabbed a co-worker in the boob. I wonder how much time I'll have to serve.
You have to surrender your tiny white dick first
Quit downplaying this shit. We've all seen beta males pull this shit. It's like the bruteforce nagging annoyance method of bedding a woman. He tried to pester her so much she would just sleep with him. Probably are a lot of you that do this yourselves so I can see why you are acting like its not a thing.
Honestly, is anyone surprised? Lars is a creep.
Fuck, why?
All these celebs who say these men TRIED to rape them are lying. They actually did get raped at some point but dont want to admit it.
This is the same dude who tried to fuck Refn's wife in front of him and failed and then took lsd. This isn't really surprising
A retarded guy put his hands down my pants on the bus. It was somewhat worrying, he had retard strength.
Only #4 is troubling. The other shit is just business as usual, trying to elicit a certain mood and response for the film. The fact that his wife was there kind of tells me she's exaggerating #4, too. I mean, when Romeo does a #4, it's romantic. When a Danish director, it's sexual harassment.
I would also like for women to hashtag #MeToo for every single job, advanced placement, or just a fucking door opened for them based on their looks or the fact that they are women.
Sexual harassment is a very real issue and Weinstein definitely abused his power. But I'm reading way too many posts on FB about women who some guy flirted with and are calling it harassment. Fuck that.
I used to work at a nightclub. Every night (literally) I would get drunk girls and guys rubbing up on me, grabbing my butt etc
So yeah, sure
I'm actually pretty sure that this is the case. Girls are not admitting to being outright raped because it's shameful and takes away from their "power".
>I was raped my a ebil hollywood man but kept it secret for 10-20 years
>yay sisterhood SLAYYYYY
This is why women shouldn't have the right to vote.
Were you a bouncer? Are you a nigger?
>Not naming names
Dropping this "scandal" now the attention seekers are at it. If you're not naming names, you're part of the problem at this point
I was playing pool in a bar with a woman i knew through mutual friends for drinks and she kept trying to put me off shots by getting real close or blowing on my neck and ears, this escalated to the point she stuck her hand down the front of my jeans and boxers and grabbed my dick.
I was 19 at the time, she was 30. But she was pretty hot, we slept together a week later, but I was definitely too drunk to consent.
thanks for listening Sup Forums
She was talking about this before though, but never with this much details.
She made it fairly obvious.
>Dutch director
>Dutch director that accused her of eating a shirt on set
Maybe she's done that more than once, but if not, all signs point to Lars Von Trier.
Funny, I used to do the door at a club, too. That shit happens EVERY FUCKING NIGHT. Both ways. But people know what they're in for when they go to these places and Miami, where I worked, is definitely no holds barred when it comes to this type of behavior. From men and women.
However, a girl rubbing up on you at a club, or vice versa, is very different than doing the same thing in an office setting. I mean, you can pull your junk out at a nude beach and no one bats an eye. Do that shit on the Metrorail and expect to get your ass beaten by some Overtown homies.
It's okay to hit on and be sexual with most females, they're usually asking for it
Considering Trier, I would not be surprised at all. He's a bundle of issues.
Where's the name drop? There's plausible deniability until he's names.
Didn't Kristen Dunst also say that Von Trier tried to take advantage of her?
What a lying whore.
Wouldn't surprise me. That movie had no reason to be made otherwise.
Von Trier responded to the acusation. He took the bait.
All is full of love was a megahit song faggot. Everyone knows who she is.
You never liked Bjork, you shiteater. You were obsessed with your own selfish and childish delusions of a talented woman, however, now that it shows she is speaking up against womanizing creeps you have a problem with her?
You're a disgusting edgelord.
>when this happened lvt was in fact considered Jewish
Which is why he was given a pass.
I was raped several times by an older cousin between ages 7 and 10.
This doesn't surprise me, classic Lars.
Lars is Danish, not Dutch.
Tution teacher..
What'd he say?
Whats the difference?
My ex sexually assaulted me when she was drunk. She came over to get drunk (she was an alcoholic at the time) and I felt like trash that day (I had a stomach bug). Didn't even invite her over, she just showed up. She ended up putting her hands in my pants, and despite telling her like 30 times to stop touching me because I didn't want to have sex because I felt like trash, she kept on feeling me up. I had to push her away from me to get her to stop.
I think you mean Danish.
inb4 revelations about Paul Verhoeven on Showgirls set
The first live on fjords, the second in swamps.
My exgf had sex with my while I was asleep and had morning wood. TELL ME I WAS ASKING FOR IT!
wow what a shocker
lars von trier is a massive pleb, hes fake as fuck and a complete degenerate. i hate him so much i'd enjoy killing him, im not even being edgy. FUCK von trier. I hope he dies in pain. Fucking worthless pleb making shit movies and complete retards saying "ohh its art bruhh". I hope this guy fucking burns to death. Worthless motherfucking hack.
top three von triers?
von Trier is a bro. Piss off, white knight.
they're all pseudotier euro shit
I guess we'll never know.
Yeah, when I was 9, by a distant cousin who was on her teens. My mother caught us and blamed me for harassing my cousin. It kinda fucked me up, as I had no idea what I was doing and suddenly my mother was the angriest I had ever seen her.
Can you imagine the noise she‘d make if she was fucked against her will?
>that period scene was based on a true story of how Paul tried to harass Elizabeth Berkley while her aunt Flo was in town
1. Dogville
2. Europa
3. Breaking the Waves
I had one job
you ended up accidentally making a solid joke
The only thing raped in showgirls was Elizabeth Berkley‘s career.
This, autistic brachycephalics are the superior race in all forms, art, philosophy, science etc.
No reason to touch other people.
I'd like to stick my dunst in Kirstens cunst.
When I was 10yo a 18yo kiss me in the lips, we were in an aquatic park, and she block my way to the watersled and told me "If you don't kiss me you won't pass", it was fairly innocent, just a peck.
About 4 years ago 40-50yo lady rub my butt in the bus, it was not an accident because you could feel the open hand sliding all over the butt, she was cute-ish but she was with 2 kids, so I didn't know what to do.
Denmark is a giant farm, they have basically no nature.
I know, it sums up my life pretty well
a girl slapped my butt in the club, then vanished in the crowd
That first one is so hot desu
How did the girl look
The dutch smoke grass and fuck hookers.
The Danish eat grass and fuck pigs.
Dutchies are literal cuckolds who love Moroccans, Turks and blacks to rape and steal all their women
Danes make Lego
an 80 year old man took me out to lunch under the guise of wanting to be a friend/mentor then starting calling my work every day talking about his cock
It was pretty unnerving.
>the Dutch smoke grass and fuck hookers
No the tourists do that, we don't
>The Danish eat grass and fuck pigs
No, we do that when we're on holiday to Denmark
Danish bestiality truly is a part of their cultural heritage.
archive that shit, because fuck the Guardian
Pretty average, big tits, normal face, black long hair, light brown skin, it was probably a joke or a bet, because she was with her friends and they were all laughing.
They made Lego so I'll forgive a lot, but still...
have you ever sexually harassed somebody, Sup Forums?
I touched some girls butt while my chad friend was making out with her because i was so jealous
was it your first kiss ever?