Woah, why is every movie forcing black people and minorities...

Woah, why is every movie forcing black people and minorities? Majority of them are absolutely terrible actors and actresses. What are the benefits of forced diversity?

Jews see white people as a threat to their ruling over the world economy so they use the media to push anti-white propaganda.

I remember when that trailer first came out. Should have known it was all going downhill

Even if it wasn't "forced" you would call it forced.


What was necessarily wrong with Finn? In episode 8, he seems like he will be a better character than Rey.

Jews enjoy watching minorities and whites fighting to death over a crust of bread while they are racking billions with capeshit and SW garbage.

so lets force more

They are more subtle about it this time because last time white people caught wind of their plots, they didn't do so well.

Watch your tone, last time I said something similar I was accused of being a racing and got banned because of that. Yes here in Sup Forums

Because liberals run Hollywood. Don't worry, it's only a matter of time before based China buys out the rest of it since they hate blacks.

Have you ever heard of rat attacks on Black actors? That's why it keeps the set safe/

If whites are supposedly so "master race" you'd think they would've gotten out from under the thumb of "jewish subversion" by now...hmm...really makes me think...

Prepare for sandnigger Hamlet goy

are are whites supposedly the master race
sounds like a straw man

Whites call themselves the master race all the time

It is good question.

no they don't
what alternate reality do you live in?



the hierarchy is as such
>Tier 1
>Tier 2
White, Japanese
>Tier 3
Chinese, Indian
>Tier 4
Spics, Niggers, Islanders
>Tier 5

So then jews really are the rightful masters and controllers of everything. Whites BTFO

Also Indians are a little bit too high in the Tier ranking, Pajeet. They can't even figure out indoor plumbing and waste management yet. Chinks street shit too, but at least they pretend to be potty-trained in their own country.

yes i am jewish and i love it, we are the rulers of whites and we hate them hahaha we rule!!! FUCK whites!!! they are BTFO!!!!

Tier 1
European whites, Japanese
Tier 2
Non European whites, ashkenazi jews, high class Chinese, native Americans, sikh, maori
Tier 3
Indians, south east Asians, Brazilian mixed, mongolians, brown jews, turks, central asians, Numidian niggers, Ethiopian niggers, berbers, tuareg, eskimos
Tier 4
niggers, beduin, aboriginals
Tier 5
arabs, albanians, gypsies, pakis