Let's talk about the concept of ''love'', Sup Forums. And I don't mean ''>tfw no gf'' bullshit...

Let's talk about the concept of ''love'', Sup Forums. And I don't mean ''>tfw no gf'' bullshit. I mean the fact that most Africans and blacks in general seem to not understand the concept of ''love'' the same way whites or asian do. They don't see relationships as a mutual contract but rather as means of sex for procreation and pleasure ( which would explain why so many black fathers just fuck off after impregnating a woman). Just look how they treat sex, they don't consider it a thing that bonds couples but rather treat it as a basic desire like hunger or thirst. I feel like it's also quite similar to how Arabs and other shitskins view it. Does actual ''love'' ( as we see it ), among other complex emotions as ''honor'' or ''brotherhood'' require some sort of IQ threshold to comprehend? And sure, we see some functional black families but they're generally quite decent families not living in ghettos which would only prove my point. What's your opinion on it?

So called 'love' is a feminist fraud to trick men into giving them all their shit.

nignogs have low empathy and are violent
low empathy and violence -> no social fabric
lack of social fabric leads to lack of empathy

the cycle continues until you finally end them


understand understand
understand understand
the concept of love

White people are all sociopaths and they don't feel shit

OP is a very poor bait

The moment a man 'falls in love' with a woman, is the moment feminists win and the man is cuked out of his belongings and his life ruined.

I don't think anyone is less empathic than the asians

But they care about their kids representing them well. They know the practical steps they need to take to make junior a doctor.

Black are: "Fuck it. Muh dick."

What is your alternative then?

white people somehow developed empathy. the other races don't have it. it's that simple.

no, this is just russians and that's because they are asian.

Love is partly formed by the hormone oxytocin. Oxytocin's effect is blocked by testosterone. Blacks have higher testosterone thus are less susceptible to the effects of oxytocin.

Fuck em and chuck em. Or just keep them around to do your chores and raise your baby or someshit. Women were made to serve men and that's that. Love is a myth and a fraud.

You might be onto something there, user. Thanks

Are you saying that white males are low test cuckolds on average and black males are high test alpha males?

>Have low testosterone
>Act like a cuck
>Have high testosterone
>Act like a nigger
>Have regular testosterone
>Act like an actual human

>>Act like a nigger

What exactly is 'acting like a nigger'? It seems like if you are confident in yourself, you are acting like a nigger.

Do I have to walk around with my head down and act like a social outcast to not act like a nigger?

No, ''act like a nigger'' I've meant going around destroying things, punching people in the face for no particular reason apart from the fact your testosterone are too high to handle and you have to release them in a destructive fashion. THAT is what I consider high testosterone, and not high esteem and such

Yes, you are correct. Hedonists are incapable of forming deep emotional connections.

But you are also a potato.

Have a (You)

niggers are more red pilled about instinctual gender dynamics. about the inly way i try to emulate niggers is sexually. no im not afraid to admit that. u either a man who fucks pussy or u a man that gets fucked by pussy

I'm pretty high test, not once have I punched someone in the face or destroyed anything for no reason.

Stop acting like testosterone is a bad thing, you fucking pansy.

>u either a man who fucks pussy or u a man that gets fucked by pussy


Yes. Empathy, love, etc have an IQ threshold.

With very few exceptions logical empathy (not pathological altruism) is highly correlated with intelligence.