Inspired by a Nolan's character so much that decides to go full on Joker

>Inspired by a Nolan's character so much that decides to go full on Joker
>Doesn't even want to check out his 3rd Batman movie before setting his plan in action

>Lotta loyalty for a hired gun

>Got through the plane scene
>Realises nothing was going to top it

Add that /r9k/ guy

needs an update with Elliot (r9k) and Randy Stair (co)

>no supreme gentleman

The news reports kept saying that he died his hair orange like the Joker and that really bothered me.

when he wore the wig for the nurse disguise you dumb fucking nigger

I like this short version, but yeah it honestly it's incomplete before the supreme gentleman

Because that's what the joker is know for.

nowadays? yes it is, no one reads comics

>>Doesn't even want to check out his 3rd Batman movie before setting his plan in action

Not realizing that his master plan has a next step.

He saw the plane scene months earlier, fucking hated it.
dont blame him

Why no kids bonus?

Needs updating, Cho was diagnosed with mutism and was socially retarded. Lanza was a paranoid schizophrenic.

>bullied teens


>bullied teens
they were the bullies

No he was just awake.

Should include names. Also should add Randy Stair for Sup Forums. What's vegas shooter's board?

>What's vegas shooter's board?


He didn't miss much.

He has received more love from women in the past five years than the vast majority of men will get in their entire lives.

>white guy shoots up bunch of people
>society blames poor mental health

>Muslim guy shoots up a bunch of people
>society blames Muslims

really fires up my neurons

Brevik did nothing wrong other than play a female human mage.

Shut the fuck up mudslide

>white people shoot up a bunch of people for various individual reasons and not for any one group, most are likely CIA plants/false flags

>mudslimes shoot up a bunch of people specifically in the name of their religion

really joggin the noggin

>implying Muslim terrorist attacks aren't also false flags

fuck off, tinfoil hat autist

>Senor Bruce! Esto aqui es el newspapero!

you poltards are so fucking stupid lmao

he was handsome when they arrested him. he's fat not handsome now. life no longer holds any meaning. ;_;

>suicide gets more xp
>no kids get a bonus
stupid fucking goddamn idiotic niggerpicture

>be such a tryhard wannabe, that even after you kill a theater full of people, folks still roll their eyes at how desperately you're trying to make mom freak in the courtroom.

how embarassing

> columbine
> bullied teens
lol ok

say that to my face


Why didn't he kill himself afterwards?

/biz/ has the high score now, right?

they expected him in the wreckage

to say the Muslim had a mental health issue is just being redundant

He was LIVING THE SEQUEL, dont you get it, he was doing what Heath Ledger's corpse could not, and simultaneously BTFO Bane.

Be the sequel you want to see in the world.

Btw, wait until they get a load of me. Jan 6 '18.

What did he do and say in court?


Nah, he killed 58. McVeigh is still the deadliest.

Meanwhile, Kyle Odom shot a reptilian preacher and saved the world and no one gives a salamander

the alien-reptile-overlords collaborators in the government are covering it up. watch your back, user. we're next for post this.

What about Sup Forums's F- loser?

columbine kids were fucking CHADS not bullied teens retard

Who's /k/? That's insane

so, Paddy is Sup Forums?

how is cho /lit/?

Mitchell Heisman should be /lit/

These lists both should also include injured people, maybe worth half an exp point.

who are Sup Forums and /fa/ please?

/fa/ is dylann roof

needs Sup Forums ghost waifu shooter

/fa/ is dylan roof by the way

thank you, kind user.

Paddy was obsessed with the powderpuff girls, he is /x/, or Sup Forums.

Nah Paddock is /biz/ for sure.

Dude was a millionaire who spent tens of thousands of dollars a night gambling and got thousands of dollars of sushi COMPED. Definitely didn't work at a Taco Bell.


Is that his cell wall or something?
Looks like a lot of catfish anyway

Omar mateen should be /lgbt/


Is that the world peace symbol lmao

I don't care what race you are, you're the most pathetic scum if you kill children

well will you look at that. with the exception of cho, the rest are all WHITES?

wtf is wrong with you people?

Niggers would be at the top of the charts as well, if you doubled their IQ, but they're usually too fucking stupid. E.g the underwear bomb retard.

Is this /fa/? Jesus they're dressed like shit

>implying you could roll like this crew
lmao, post your pic faggot

I can't my neck is too long for pictures

The symbol combines the concepts of one, zero and infinity, one being the amount by which he believed his human value would increase for each life he took. (He crazy btw.)

Breivik is unironically my hero

Timmy McVeigh.

It's 'shopped to make them look worse in subtle ways like a longer neck, bigger ears, a worse hairline, etc., but yeah most of the fits are pretty awful. I haven't been there in a while but it seemed like everyone was either a gooby/tech ninja (buying shit second-hand off SZ and wearing it every day because it's all they could afford like that one anorexic guy in New Zealand), dadcore, or sadboi Yung Lean wannabe. Knochensack and Sulli were some of the only dudes on /fa/ I ever thought looked any good, and I doubt they're even a thing there anymore.

>suicide adds points
dumb, takes more balls to get away alive

added kill bro

why are the brothers Sup Forums?

i'm guessing the marathon thing


What about Chris Harper Mercer?

he wrote a bunch of plays, poetry and other writings before the shooting

This. There were people in the audience who saw, as the last thing they will ever see, the plane scene.
It's literally meme blood magic.

>It's literally meme blood magic.

Gee, really?

what the fuck that doesn't look like him at all

You're missing the Embers Ghost Squad guy

Fuck off paedophile worshiper. Go rape some nine-year-olds, scum.

dodge the hodge podge

The third movie doesnt have the the joker the FUCKING GOOBER

*you (OP)

updated :^)


>dylan roof
dammit, that shit is just too funny

Guaranteed kek

/o/ could be one of the many vans/cars of peace/nazism events that have happened.

explain please? don't know /fa/ and all i know about dylan is he shot up a church.

white people are the craziest motherfuckers on this planet, always wanting to kill others.

very nice

Somehow this pic became a meme. I don't know the story behind it I just think it's hilarious.

dylann had the best fits