Do you believe him?

Do you believe him?

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>believing a rapist
of course not


Damn, this is like being asked who I like better between my mom or my dad. I wasn't there so I don't know honestly.

>Believing a crazy icelandic bitch
Of course i believe Lars "Show me your arse" Von Trieharder

Why would I not?

If it were literally anyone but Lars Von Trier I would probably believe him or take a neuteal stance, but cmon. Its Lars Von Trier.

I don't know who to believe because Bjork looks a bit cray and Lars Von Trier look like a sex deviant

Was it rape?

Its clear who is the autistic rapist between them

His movies are shit anyway. he made one good film and a bunch of melodramatic contrived bullshit.

Do you guys know which is the good film?

Dancer in the Dark > Homogenic

The Idiots

Dogville is a masterpiece you pleb.

Europa obviously.

What if they raped each other


thanks for playing, go eat shit

Melancholia and Antichrist are worthwhile films.

Trust a Dane
Feel the Pain!

The Idiots is a Sup Forums meme. Good film though.

The Celebration is literally the only correct answer.

noooo they are not


Prove it.

The onus is on you.

He literally never made a bad movie

wrong Dane.

I believe this, I also don't think it makes Lars Von Trier a rapist.

Next thing we'll be hearing about is how Kubrick sexually harassed Shelley Duvall on The Shining. Directors are megalomaniacs, acting is schizophrenia job. If we scrub everything ugly out of the art what are we left with?

That's not how that works. Looks like you aint got shit on Lars.

Lars Von Trier created Dogme 95 which gave birth to this film - the only thing of value his existence has brought into the world.

bjork will do that to a man

okay, but you're still wrong.

Yes. Several Danish actresses said that they don't recognise the picture that Björk is trying to paint of him. Obviously she is a attention whore.

refn wins again

Melancholia is the answer. A truly under appreciated masterpiece that only true patricians can appreciate.

He did literally harrass Duvall though. Not sexually, but he did harrass her.

They created it together. Festen would've been made either way.

Peter Aalbæk Jensen have just given an interview with Ekstra Bladet defending him. Basically she was a whiny cunt who never showed up for work and had her people complain about all sorts of things, but never sexual harrasment.

>In 1989, von Trier's mother told him on her deathbed that the man von Trier thought was his biological father was not, and that he was the result of a liaison she had with her former employer, Fritz Michael Hartmann (1909–2000),[85] who was descended from a long line of German-speaking, Roman Catholic classical musicians. Hartmann's grandfather was Emil Hartmann, his great grandfather J. P. E. Hartmann, his uncles included Niels Gade and Johan Ernst Hartmann, and Niels Viggo Bentzon was his cousin. She stated that she did this to give her son "artistic genes".[86]

>"Until that point I thought I had a Jewish background. But I'm really more of a Nazi. I believe that my biological father's German family went back two further generations. Before she died, my mother told me to be happy that I was the son of this other man. She said my foster father had had no goals and no strength. But he was a loving man. And I was very sad about this revelation. And you then feel manipulated when you really do turn out to be creative. If I'd known that my mother had this plan, I would have become something else. I would have shown her. The slut!"[87]

Hahahahahahaha what the fuck? No wonder he's such an asshole.

I believe him. LVT is literally one of the most honest filmmakers alive.

>He did literally harrass Duvall though. Not sexually, but he did harrass her.
Of the footage I've seen, it just looked like she was being difficult and whiny while Kubrick clearly just wanted to get work done. The kid playing Danny was acting more mature than she was.

>Antichrist but shittier
>Even stealing huge parts originally in Antichrist
Breaking the Waves > Antichrist > Dogville > Melancholia

Denmark is so small that everyone is neighbours so there is bias to consider

>But he was a loving man.

This literally reads like redpill pasta. She gets the alpha seed, then settles down with a "loving" beta.

Just look at that face. Would it lie to you?

>raging alcoholic Lars ''I want to fuck Bork in her arse'' von Trier

Didn’t he also try to assault Refn’s wife in front of him?

>>But he was a loving man.
I think that was Lars' addition.

he's fucking autistic just like all northern Europeans (yes denmark is included in this group)

no way did he do it
btw everyone watch the element of crime

Bjork's a crazy bitch but why would she lie about this?

>wants to give her son artistic genes
>her plan actually works
wew lad

We all know he's a autistic fat french fuck who has to jam 90 people fucking in all his movies because he can't do anything else. Probably thinks sex is transcendent and that every one deserves to be defiled by his we baguette because that shit totally worked in film school. he probably rambles about how artistic sex his to actresses in hopes they'll give him pity sex because if his genius.

I would like to believe that bjork is not a liar

too autistic to rape someone

He could brutally assrape thousands of women, and I'd still be a fan.

Do I believe him? Depends on how you define "sexual harassment". Either way, this should not be a controversy. At all.
>"He repeatedly made sexual advances towards me and I rejected him and he got upset. The End."

i've only seen dancer in the dark and i enjoyed it

he said he was a nazi, why would he lie about the harassment stuff?

Get out

I believe her, this isn't the first time she's spoke out about him, she's been talking about this for years.

Just because her music is slightly experimental and she wears funny outfits sometimes doesn't make her crazy, she's extremely down to earth in interviews.

>After von Trier had had four awkward meetings with his biological father, Hartmann refused further contact.[90]

lol those "artistic genes" at play

yeah, she's not crazy. Not crazy at all.

Non meme answer: Lars has had similar rumours circulating about him before, I'm sure theres some truth to it

Meme answer: REFN!

>that pic

I don't get it. Bjork has the sex appeal of a brick. I mean, she was cute, but she was never sexual harrassment-tier.

I knew this would be brought up, she's talked about this loads of times, she's never done anything like that before, that reporter had been stalking her and her son for days, asking him what's it like having your mum be a pop star. He was only about 9 at the time. She said she'd give everyone time to ask questions in a press conference but no, she just had to pester her, I can see why she lashed out like she did.

>blaming the victim
typical violent cunt apologist.

Socially and legally speaking, it doesn't matter whether it happened or not, a WOMAN has made a complaint, we must listen.
such is life in the gynocracy

>mate with the strong Nazi Chad
>have the weak beta Jew raise the child and support you

Classic woman trick, heh. I admire her honestly, she really pulled it off. She passed her genes on and her offspring ended up talented because of the choice she made while the weak beta she fooled ended up supporting and loving her his entire pathetic life.

He probably said that she looked nice one day. That's rape in Iceland

I'd like to hear pic-related's thoughts on this. You know he has some tales to tell about the flake.

Dancer in the Dark was legitimately good. Dogville was legitimately good. Breaking the Waves, legitimately good. Same for Antichrist, Melancholia. Nymphomaniac is his worst but it was still fun.

Daily reminder that Lars has put the moves on Refn's wife once and got rejected.

This is the correct opinion

This is the contrarian opinion.

Please, tell us about Bela Tarr and Victor Erice and why they're so much better.

>i have never eaten a shirt. not sure that is even possible

Is THAT what was being written about her?!

Bjork is pretty nuts but so is Trier so whatever. I got no dog in this fight and her write up seems credible.

You mean Olga Von Squarejaw? Ugh

>Bjork has the sex appeal of a brick
An extremely petite sexy brick that would be fucked until it was clay again.

I know her type intimately. Never again. Flaky artist chicks will suck the life out of you, and their emotional instability eventually removes every last bit of sex appeal.

I guess the Ricardo Lopez spirit didn't die at all

>stroked me, sometimes for minutes
Honestly that sounds like the type of weird shit he would do.


Kubrick was a fucking asshole, an egomaniac and crazy weirdo. But he was not a sexual haraseer.

Kubrick was a fucking asshole, an egomaniac and crazy weirdo. But he was not a sexual haraseer.

don't be an actor if you don't want to be mentally fucked with

the face of evil

>she has too much chin
>he has none

could use that thing as an anvil

bjorkabjork is ugly as shit no one would want to sex her in the fisrt place

how can you read this and not hate women?

>His movies are shit anyway. He has never made a good film
fixed it for you

how can you read transcripts of the toybox killers and not hate all men?

You're right but women and lefties don't understand that, they will happily destroy art for their feelings of security.

sounds entirely believable, i mean none of that qualifies as rape in my eyes but damn if it isn't kind of creepy

>Implying he has any artistic genes and isn't a hack

Björk is cute as hell
But I don't believe her on this

Dogville was only good for watching Kidman get raped.

Um, think again sweetie :)

Finch is really letting himself go.

If I say no does he go to jail and never make another shitty art porn movie? If so, then no I do not - fuck that hack.

>when that kid blackmails her into spanking him
Never before or after have I understood the phrase 'muh dick' so deeply

She definitely has her moments

>If I'd known that my mother had this plan, I would have become something else. I would have shown her. The slut!

I'm willing to entertain that any or all of these actresses coming out of the woodwork are liars.

But not Bjork. I may not like her shitlib opinions but the woman is made of integrity.

She's eccentric, but she has her shit together.

It doesn't make him a rapist but it does mean he's guilty of sexual harassment, which is a serious crime in most western countries. In the U.S. it's a federal felony.

This. Kubrick pushed Duvall hard, but there's no evidence it was sexual. He just wanted a good performance out of her.

Never go after a mother's child.