Why there is no Warhammer movie or tv series? It could be a huge blockbuster...
Why there is no Warhammer movie or tv series? It could be a huge blockbuster
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Wacraft, something far more popular and more of a household name, didn't do all that well at the box office. I'll let you put two and two together
Event Horizon already exists though
plus that awful ultramarines one
Just imagine how fucking dumbed down that would be. Don't get me wrong, to see a proper 40k movie, for example Eisenhorn series would make me a very happy man but just... damn. How the hell would anyone without knowledge of the 40k universe even get into it?
Normies are having a hard time understanding Star Wars and Star Trek. Now try to explain the warp, dark age of technology and the primarchs.
Shit won't fly yo
You're a mouth breathing pallid nerd if you think it would do well.
Warhammer is obscure, grimdark, and unnecessarily complex.
today's audience can't even keep track of game of thrones.
Warcraft is an addiction. No one gives a shit about lore there anymore. I played it, but I stopped giving a shit about plot ages ago.
Gamesworkshop are Jews but they also saw what happened with Marvel and Capeshit and don't want it to become assimilated into geek chic fashion
>They don't like money
you must be a very special person
Games workshop are the jewest jews of /tg/. Anything they can do to get money they will do.
too high of a budget
too small of a target audience
Because you need too much exposition to explain it
they are anal about their ip, and wont settle for any less than absolute creative control.
so we wont see a movie by them
>anal about their ip
>Let literally any noname retard dev tem make shovelware trash based on Warhammer 40k
>Because you need too much exposition to explain it
If Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit could be done that way Warhammer 40k can as well. Middle-Earth's setting has a fuckton of lore, but you don't have to regurgitate the Silmarillion and every major plotpoint of the Hobbit to make the Lotr trilogy work, right?
Have a simple title crawl / intro based on whats in the first page of every Warhammer 40k book and then focus on the story. Most of the Imperium's history and events are shrouded in mystery or being actively purged from the memory of almost every living being anyway so even the setting / a perspective of a IG or even an Inquisitor who doesn't know everything work well with avoiding exposition in a movie.
Only a few of the novel series would do well.
Gaunts ghosts could possibly do up to a season per book, since army men in space shooting lazers can be gotten into pretty easily without having to shove all the lore in the audience's face.
Because the guys that run Gamesworkshop are absolutely and unequivocally retarded. For whatever reason, they cant into media of any kind. For proof just look at any 40k vidiya. Even with the source material and atmosphere already there, 40k games still end up being shit.
>Warcraft is an addiction. No one gives a shit about lore there anymore.
I think you can more easily tell stories through movies in the warhammer universe than the warcraft universe.
For warcraft you are limited and have to stretch an existing story, while in warhammer you can just use the setting and make your own story.
There was an Ultramarines CGI movie put out with the voice of John Hurt back in 2010 that is on Blu Ray.
>they are anal about their ip, and wont settle for any less than absolute creative control.
But they've been letting people make tons of videos for them lately
I forget what happened but they needed money bad a few years back and leveraged out the video game IP it seems.
because knowing Games Workshop a ticket to see a warhammer movie would cost $400 per person
And a a quick handy for the ticketman
I think a big problem with 40k as a film is that a lot of what it has has been done better. I mean Space Hulk is basically Alien. The rest is LOTR. I bet the most adaptable would be an Imperial Guard movie.
Popcorn and drinks come in tiny containers that dry out easily.
and Genestealer movies would just be various alien(no capital A) movies
Death of Hope is coming out. Horus Heresy film I think.
Another fan film, but looking much better than the Ultramarines one that came out.
>ywn see the rise and fall then rise again of Papa Smurf on the big screen
Why is God so cruel
I just watched that trailer with the sound off, but the animation looked immersion-breakingly shitty.
Wouldn't it have to be R rated? That would pretty instantly make it "not" a huge blockbuster
>ywn get a movie about the imperial guard to introduce normies to the lore
>ywn see the epic space marine cameo where they land in drop pods and go ape to save the guardsmen
>ywn see the heretics and xenos being slaughtered
Games Workshop are retarded and need to learn how to make movies.
You can't lead with Space Marines, it just won't sell, regular humans will have to be the protagonists.
Later on in the Warhammer-verse you can do Eisenhorne movies and things containing more xenos.
any day now
Turbo /tg/ autist here with long experience with GW (6 40k and 4 WHFB armies). GW will refuse money if it isn't done they're way.
They're amazingly stubborn, which can be good sometimes (i.e. they're immune from SJW invasion) but is mostly bad as it just means they make the same stupid decisions over and over
>tons of videos
> Make a TV series about an Imperial planet and a chapter of Space Marines arriving
> Big bad on the way
> goes into the culture of the empire
> goes into the chapter organization & rituals
> main characters throughout
> introduce some inquisition elements
> end the first season with a dug up titan Dawn of War style
> every normie wants to watch S2 to find out wtf that thing is
> Introduce more races in S2
Fuck it can't be that hard to get normies into Warhammer I mean every kid I went to school with was blown away by 40k heavy White Dwarf magazines.....
I get so fucking triggered when normans refer to Warhammer 40k as "Warhammer"
Warhammer will always mean WHFB, fuck you
>tfw there will never be a movie of the Great War Against Chaos starring Michael Fassbender as Magnus the Pious and Peter Steele as Asavar Kul
Right now the Professionally Offended are cutting a sizable swathe through the community itself, it'd be a pretty bad time for a movie because it'd either tank for selling out or tank for not selling out.
This guy knows whats up.
because it's cringeworthy trash for manchildren
it's short for video games
Given how vast Warhammer 40k is at this point there's bound to be a gorillion reasons why its fans like it and hate it.
Those reasons have to be picked extremely carefully to mold tyhem into a movie because you want to target a large enough audience.
>Space marines and God-Emperor
Chances are all the HERESY memeing actually reached normies and it would be familiar to anyone if the Emperor and Spess Mahreens are presented. I can imagine the marketing of the movie involving Ultrasmurfs or Fists even if they only show up for like 5 minutes.
>Alien races
Each race is basically a fantasy stereotype (except the Nids) cranked up to eleven and bludgeoned into a sci-fi setting. What could be the most interesting is up to debate, but the simplest implementations (Orcs and Elves in space) can be the best idea and can be introduced as a local threat and not just a galaxy-spanning omnipresent one like the Tyranids.
>The Imperium
Fans are aware what a stinking pile of dogshit state the Imperium is in, but representing how it got there would require way too much exposition. On the big screen you can't show every facet of that dysfunctional mess without it being a series (and in this case budget limitations would hurt almost every detail of a series set in WH40k IMO) hence it should be focused. Imperial Guard make for good war stories and are generally in the middle of shitstorms and can be in direct contact with anything you'd want to show: The Techpriests of Mars, Inquisition, Spess Mahreeens, Arbites, Psykers, etc etc
tfw it's over and will never be great again and there will never be a single great movie about it because feminism
>Time of the setting
41st Mill before Gathering Storm. Most lore by a mile and most covered by books and vidya.
The one thing I'd say is extremely appealing is the constant gloom and doom and the scale of it all. Having the movie focus on a relatively isolated threat (An Ork WAAAGH or Chaos Renegade raid of a planet), only to have the ending reveal it is but a tiny skirmish in a galaxy where billions die every day (interwoven with scenes of fighting between all the main races/factions) can make it appealing to anyone who is clueless about the setting or maybe too daunting. At the very least it would be extremely effective at showing the potential of any further installments.
I'd write more but its 3 AM over here and I'm on a night shift. There's of course a metric ton of shit that wouldn't work in a movie or trilogy but I feel there's more than enough in the Warhammer setting that is actually well-suited for a sci-fi war action flick/drama/horror/whatever it might get categorized.
Biggest issue would be its rating because frankly most of the hallmarks of the settings are drenched in gore and involve brutal body modifications (eg you cant have any AI in the Imperium bar the machine spirits of Titans so every single machine is built into or around a lobotomized human wretch). It'd have to be R-Rated to accommodate the violence and scenery that would be close enough to the source material.