Is he, dare I say it, /ourguy/?
Is he, dare I say it, /ourguy/?
fuck this 3D peter griffin faggot
>captcha: footpath 3600
No, he's too smart to be /ourguy/
Pic related is /ourguy/
My favourite was the last guy that killed those nurses
Best actor of the bunch
Definitely /ourguy/
Watch his interviews.
I still cant get over how the fuck Lopez got released. Like what were they thinking, just put a bullet in him....
The whole thing with bird is actually based on a true story
>Unlike Kemper or Heirens, Speck wasn't exactly a model prisoner. He had once built and hidden a crude miniature still in the back of a false drawer in the cellblock guard's wooden desk. It produced hardly any alcohol, just enough to create a smell and make the guards go crazy when they couldn't find it. Another time, he found an injured sparrow that had flown in through one of the broken windows and nursed it back to health. When it was healthy enough to stand, he tied a string around its leg and had it perch on his shoulder. At one point, a guard told him pets weren't allowed.
>"I can't have it?" Speck challenged, then walked over to a spinning fan and threw the small bird in.
>Horrified, the guard said, "I thought you liked that bird."
>"I did," Speck replied. "But if I can't have it, no one can."
What the fuck was his problem?
>not the tickling director
>In May 1996, Chicago television news anchor Bill Kurtis received video tapes made at Stateville Prison in 1988 from an anonymous attorney. Showing them publicly for the first time before the Illinois state legislature, Kurtis pointed out the explicit scenes of sex, drug use, and money being passed around by prisoners, who seemingly had no fear of being caught; in the center was Speck, performing oral sex on another inmate,[58][59] sharing a large quantity of cocaine with another inmate, parading in silk panties, sporting female-like breasts (allegedly grown using smuggled hormone treatments), and boasting, "If they only knew how much fun I was having, they'd turn me loose."
so what do you want me to smuggle in for you? smokes? drugs? porno mags?
Nah, I need dem hormone treatments for my titties
looks like spurdo
yea he's most certainly our guy. it's odd how self aware he is
>tfw strong relationship with dad but drifting away from mum
>tfw middle child
>tfw mum never came to my hockey games but was team manager for my sister's soccer team
>tfw she goes on individual trips to Europe with siblings but not me
Great show. I had to stop watching after that guy in Kansas started burning those pictures though.
Irrumatio it is!
post yfw
>sister plays a more manly sport than you
Maybe thats why she hates you
>manlier than ice hockey
what world do you live in?
So how much leftshit is in it?
whatever was present in the late 70's
A pretty big point of it is that criminals are good people whose only fault is growing up in bad environments.
The scene were they got the shoe for him was seriously intense. Enjoyed the shit out of it. Though I know the show wants to be real, still it would be nice if they pushed it to the extremes some more.
did the principal do anything wrong?
>hockey a bunch o little pussies ice skating and holding a stick
>soccer real men doing everything they can to get the ball
If people tell you to stop tickling children because they’re getting uncomfortable, you don’t challenge them, you fucking stop. Even if it was harmless, he let his pride get in the way and fucked up his own life.
>No East Area Rapist
To the thrash
first half of the first episode
>lol you think those are black panthers? those are engineering students
>hi i'm a woman and you are mr rogers and you also flinch at sounds of gunshots on the shooting range where you think someone is shooting at you
>hi i'm a bearded college professor and let me tell you, government has always blamed minorities for their failings. i also despise you openly, you white fbi agent
>we are a punk band, look at us go. you cannot dance haha
>we are an elderly white couple leaving the cinema during a transgender speech in dog day afternoon, get it mr viewer?
his girlfriend was a psychopath wasn't she?
No it isn't
>supposed top-tier killers consists of one boring ass doctor killing patients (gee, how exciting) and three sub-humans killing people in shit countries where no one even noticed the victims were gone
atrocious list tbqh senpai
i don't think you were supposed to empathize with the smug college profressor
is any of that out of place for the time period it takes place in?
i got halfway through the first episode and just dropped it because it was so fucking stilted and preachy
apparently the first episode is of much lower quality than the rest of the show, so i may give it some more time
But, yes it is?
It shows a certain tendency.
How the fuck is some normie like harold showman above Albert Fish ?
Kemper, Dahmer, Bundy and Chikatilo are best ones desu.
Absolutely not. Are you daft? Just because they often see themselves as victims and share a lot in common, often a difficult upbringing, does not mean we should see them as victims. And the show, amd the actual people it's based on never made that point. The point isn't to help the serial killers, it's to stop them before they kill multiple people.
Doesn't sound liek he had one to me. Which is probably something I should get checked out.
He was a retarded, beta looser alcoholic who one day lost controll and sperged out.
dont forget the lesbo arc that was over within a minute (thank god)
The people that made the show made that point; check their twitters.
It was so pointless and added nothing, I don't even know why it was put in other than "Look at us, we have a diverse character.
Considering the show is based on real people it's probably that the actual person was a lesbian and they wanted to show that.
I think this show might be a 10/10 the ending was amazing.
this actually managed to shock me
You'd love to get the balls wouldn't you, yurop?
You are now manually remembering that X-ray of his pelvis filled with metal needles.
I actually thought it helped make more sense of her, she had a masculine intellect, an ability to distance herself personally from what she was talking about, unlike most women. So of course she was a dyke.
>the only way a woman can be likeable is if she is like a man
i love how every time he moved, the camera and audio made a point of emphasizing it
>tfw Jared Leto plays Manson next season
pretty fucking thick. I skipped through all the conversations between main character and his girlfriend and I am sure I didn't miss anything.
Pedro Rodriguez filho was pretty based though, lots of sweet revenge murders, also he would publically promise to kill other serial killers
Seriously. There's probably some nameless-to-history Japanese officer who was posted in Nanking during occupation that has them all beat for bodycount. Stupid list.
You're as bad as the people who wouldn't go to Chick-fill-a because they supported an antigay charity
the dude was jerking to footwear catalogues in jail and sending them fanfiction mail m8
I dont think he got released buddy if you know what I mean
the people that made the show maybe should read a few scientific books in the topic more than some dude's autobiography (And even then I dont remember Douglas ever pointing to shit like that)
Not Cary Elwes is pretty fucking terrible
Shipman just OD'd old ladies. List is dumb.
Starting when I was six, whenever my mom was mad, she'd drag me into her bedroom, and make me take off my pants and underwear and bend over the bed. She'd whip me with a belt until I stopped crying and screaming, then she'd whip me more. She also made fun of me, taunted me, and was generally worse than any bully I had.
I started wetting the bed around the same time. I was prescribed medication for the bed wetting, and I tried to kill myself by eating all the pills, like I had seen on TV.
Dubs and I tell you where I stashed the first hooker.
Jack Black has really let himself go.
I'll entertain you.
It was legit terrifying
>watch BTK killer sentencing on YT after the last episode
>he recalls every murder detail with a unnerving cool demeanour
>has no problem owning up to every single crime unlike most serial killers
This dude is something else
Also when he was going over one of the murders he says “we” and then quickly corrects himself to “I”. You think this dude had help?
He literally did nothing wrong. Why did everybody get pissy with him?
that's a well known fact though
Was he a sociopath?
I was legit scared he was going to rip off his wrist stitches in front of him and then shove his face into the blood.
Something like an inverted sociopath/narcissist. He's drawn to and relatively comfortable around them, and has no issue empathizing with them. But he's well socialized and not a sexual deviant, which is what makes him different.
Fine I guess
You're a faggot tribalist nigger and you should kill yourself irl.
>watching mindhunter
>remember all the times I've toyed with the thought of killing someone and how I'd get away with it
>show makes me afraid I might be a developing psycopath
do you jerk off to murder porn yet? That's where I started to get worried.
Big if true
lmao he looks like Holden
wtf literally me
Check em! Where’s the dead hoe ya freak?
Tell me more..
I mean, I can jerk off to some drawings. Not the really heavy gore shit though.
tell me where you stashed the second one if trips
not even stuff from studios like pst or pkf or chris' corner or inshadow as featured on websites like xvideo or motherless?
Didn't you ever read From Hell? Jack the Ripper is galaxy brain
Tell us everything
>netflix turns an incredibly interesting book into faggot propaganda
Not even surprised at this point. Don't know what else i was expecting.
you lying bruh
>faggot projects is faggotry at a quality television show
>uses reddit formatting as well
You're a faggot and you should kill yourself. Nobody will miss you. Nobody will care. There's no fixing your disorder.