What went wrong? Why did they decide to make something barely related to the source material?
What went wrong? Why did they decide to make something barely related to the source material?
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Is he doing some sort of nigger dance in that poster?
>Sup Forums complains about Idris
>he's the best part of the movie
>that video
Jewish hatred of whites is the main reason for this abortion
you cant say it would exist without that element.
I couldn't believe how bad it was. I just thought it would be something generically meh like the Green Lantern movie, but it was on its own level of awful.
How the fuck did that edit happen? You don't just have that footage lying around.
>Dark Tower bombed
>The Mountain Between Us disappointed
>Couldn't even get the Take a theatrical release
When will people realize Elba isn't leading man material? It's not even like these movies are John Carter or Valerian where they spend way too much on a niche ip, they're modestly budgeted movies mostly sold on his being in them that eat shit at the box office
*takes breath*
>not sabotaging your own film
He wasn't bad, but his casting was the first sign that they weren't paying much attention to the source material.
That same disrespect for the source is a part of what made it shit.
Le Scalibur meme.
Let's forget for a moment about this being based on the book.
It had 2 problems then:
1. No motivation for the man in black. Like... is he just evil? And that's it?
2. No gunslinging. They could've made ricochet shots his shtick, but nooo... Very boring gun-fights.
Bonus points: director of the movie claimed King is his favourite author, and that he learned English just so he could read his works... That's fucking insane.
>director of the movie claimed King is his favourite author, and that he learned English just so he could read his works
>What went wrong?
Sony + Akiva Goldsman
How does Goldsman get work? Every project he has done besides A Beautiful Mind are considered among the worst movies ever made
Must have some dirt on someone, also must have used a ghostwriter for the BM script, there's no way he was actually involved. He is pure creative cancer.
>What went wrong?
>Why did they decide to make something barely related to the source material?
Are you new to King based movies?
As soon as they cast a nigger you knew it was gonna be garbage
>not aware that Gunslingers are known for their dancing prowess
Fucking plebs leave now.
I wonder how King feels about the fact this his beloved diversity flopped his magnum opus
But King is a self inserting hack. I've never understood the hype.
Diversity/Idris was the least of the movie's problems. Just look at the video OP posted. Absolutely nothing about the movie is not complete shit.
It's not even an adaption of the source, it's literally a sequel to the books
i wanted to watch it but they cast ugly guy instead of someone handsome like clint eastwood's son so i did not watch it.
he's relentlessly ugly. i want relentlessly handsome.
Roland is suppose to be old and ugly
i don't care. i will only watch if roland is young and handsome. i will not watch if roland is ugly.
haven't seen it yet but judging by the hate ITT it's going to be a thing of beauty given how unbelievably off the money this board is in 99% of its assessments.
Eddie refers to him as “long tall and ugly” but he has gotten literally all the bitches since he was 14
I guess it doesnt mean hes not ugly since “the deer god” would get bitches no matter how he looks, that is the point of the deer god
Why is she so smug?
kek, good luck user
>Nig up Roland for no reason
>remove Susannah, actually interesting black character
Makes sense
loved the books and like Idris ever since Luther S1+2 so if it's even remotely related to the source material it'll be better than 99% of the usual dreck that comes out of Hollywood, which is good enough to invest the two hours.
What's wrong in the video?
>What went wrong?
Shoehorned in diversity.
Do you think he will go back and re-edit the novels to turn Roland into a strong black bull?
>M. Night Shamalamadingdong makes 2 good films
>still gets work 2 decades later
Hollywood is all about name recognition. If "Tom Green" stood out more as a name, he'd still be cranking out films like Sandler.
he will just state in a press conference that "roland was never white anyway"
>Not dabbing before headshotting Rust
>so if it's even remotely related to the source material
although he was
described as Clint Eastwood in early books
and as Stephen King in late
Because most plebs will pay to see any garbage they put out.
i was just making a rowlings joke, user
It was an incredibly banal cash-grab, that's it. Nothing went particularly wrong.
Can somebody please explain this clip for an uneducated pleb/someone who hasn't seen the movie?
Goldsman was slready loathed before A Beautiful Mind. Nigga wrote fucking Batman & Robin.
>Trigger discipline
Pay very close attention to the woman instead of the kid.
>greatest sharpshooter in the multiverse needs trigger discipline
>Woman in dress puts kid in chair
>Immediately changes to a white dude in a vest
placeholder project to retain ip maybe
or just a massive failure by morons with money and no integrity or creativity
>Pull guns out of holster
>Misfire and shoot self in the leg because no trigger discipline
Gun safety isn't a joke, user
>What went wrong
Not necessary for single action revolvers.
How does something like that clip get past QC? Did they just assume nobody would notice?
God I am a dumb-fuck.
tfw waited for this movie for over a decade
The problem is that fans really wanted a Dark Tower movie and the first several attempts to do it right fell flat so they just said fuck it, dumb it down and put something out that will silence them.
Then dump it in one of the slowest months.
Great pic.
It looks like he's doing a little dance on that poster.
>Javier Bardem never
Next time, next time.
I know that feel user, I know that feel all too well