Amy thread

*crosses arms*

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eating at some nice restaurant

poked by cactus

in the bath


red wine

this show is what cartoon Curb would be like

in the couch


looking for a good time

Why would they ever cancel this? It probably cost nothing to make and it was one of the best comedies on TV. If Adult Swim picked this up it would be the best show on it's roster.

real Amy


>No matter how you struggle and try
>You'll never get out of this world alive
big if true

*scratches chin*

my favorite gesture


it's tim

ha ha Mad Dog Tim
favorite moment

Is anything else by Dildarian worth watching?

anything similar to this

i can think of dr katz and maybe home movies or mission hill

His amazon pilot is good and has potential

>i distinctly heard niggity

whats the deal with amazon pilots i watched a few of them and then like they give you no info if they get picked up or not or when they would be on if they start.

I really liked this show when it first started airing but I stopped watching when Amy cheated on Tim and Tim essentially did nothing.

Tim cheated on Amy in the first episode with the prostitute

Best character coming through, bang, done.

you're in bad company tonight, gentlemen

but he vacuumed

Do you guys think Larry David made HBO get rid of the show once he realized it was pretty much Curb but without a quirky score to punctuate every joke?