Sup ForumsBR2049 collage

There's too many blogposts and pseudo-intellectual posts being made for me to capture them all on my own, I need your help to post your screencaps ITT to add to the collage


Not many Sup Forums regulars have even seen this yet, despite what the spam threads may imply. Because it's not available to pirate yet, maybe a few grabbed the cam version, but not enough to validate this amount of advertising, and make no mistake, those threads posted by digital marketers are free advertising for them. And I doubt many here could slip by the no singles policy or peons inspections.

*PENIS inspections
(Fucking auto correct)



who gives a shit? It's a great movie. Using a collage to deny that will be as meaningless as the dozen copypastas made about Villeneuve are.

>"waaaaaaaaah why is everyone talking about the sequel to one of the most popular sci fi films ever made waaaaaaaaah my crippling autism doesn't let me leave my room so I will just assume it's bad waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah"

Imagine being this mad at people liking things

>waaaaaaa how dare you imply that marketers come here to advertise its all totally organic discussion bro that kinda shit doesn't happen here, I'm totally not triggered either, BR ticket sales totally aren't slumping but you should go buy a ticket if you support film anyways, you wouldn't steal a car would you?

>user makes thread with meme title
>user responds making thread playing off that meme
how fucking dense are you

Mhmm, that shit doesn't happen here, mods are too good.

Oh wow you found two similar threads amazing user, this board usually is just pure original content and no one repeats the same exact posts or threads ever, right?
Way to out yourself as a tourist crossposting newfag

Two? More like 2 hundred examples this week alone, all sorted by creation date, posted mere seconds apart. At what point does this establish a pattern?

only collage i got, shamelessly stolen from luvfags threads

why would i want a sequel to a sequel that had no reason to exist to begin with

they didn't even get vangelis to do the fucking soundtrack instead we have that hack hans zimmer

>stop liking things

Cant wait to watch it again this week, might rewatch the original beforehand too

Where do I sign up to get paid to call BR2049 "the rick and morty of movies?"

Holy fuck, it really is the Rick & Morty of movies.

I stand by my words:
1) it is my belief that advertisers do promote things here.
2) most Sup Forums regulars probably haven't seen this film yet.
I think the discussion will take off even more so once there is a torrent out.

Because the sequel is a perfect continuation of the original. I agree it had no right to exist, but it also had no right to be as good as it was. Personally I don't want a sequel but if there is one I wouldn't complain.

>most to/tv/ regulars haven't seen it yet
>its been in cinemas for two weeks now, and has had a shit tone of buzz
Find this hard to believe

>Muh persecuted white male complex

As a fan of both how the fuck are they in anyway similar?
>Rick and morty is nihilistic humor with minimal scifi elements with most of the focus being storytelling and jokes
>blade runner is a slow paced atmospheric sci fi with existential subject matter, and noir esque imagery
Not really complaining just confused

>As a fan of both how the fuck are they in anyway similar?
Same pseudo-intellectual fanbase that thinks that liking something that is acclaimed as 'smart' makes them by extension smart.

tfw Luv will never fuck me like the worm I am

>all Sup Forums regulars pirate everything
I pirate most things but I saw this in theaters.

>rick and morty
Maybe blade runner but rick and morty being in anyway deep is just a meme

>To summarize the film: You become a human being by sacrificing yourself to life. You do this by rescuing your farther from your unconscious.

>The entire story is triggered by a miraculous birth, or the “immaculate conception”. These two situations are analogous because the replicants are not supposed to be capable of reproducing. This is also why Deckard is God, because the defining quality of God is that he produces life out of nothing.

>Lieutenant Joshi is the tyrant. In her own words, her goal is to maintain order. To do so she must destroy the first replicant to be born.

>On the other hand you have Wallace. Wallace pretends to be God, which is a supremely arrogant act. He calls his personal replicants “angels”, he calls his office “heaven”, and he says his goal is to recreate “Eden”. He’s going to do this through creating life, which he can’t do. Wallace is Lucifer. Lucifer has always been the hyper rational being who despises God’s creation. In this case, it’s because he thinks he can do a better job than God (he can’t). Lucifer feels like he had Eden/paradise taken away from him by God.

>But his goal is to create life, isn’t that good? His goal is to use the replicants as slave labor, which is problematic because the replicants are “More human than humans.” Slavery only works when you can rob the slave of their individuality, which is what Wallace/Lucifer is attempting to do. If Lieutenant Joshi is right, then Wallace is also the harbinger of chaos.

>When Joe visits the memory maker to check the authenticity of the memory, he discovers that it is 100% authentic. He takes this to mean that it’s his memory (it’s not). The implication for him is that he is the son that he’s trying to find and kill. So is Joe Jesus? No.

>When Joe is saved by the rebel replicants, the leader realizes that Joe thought he was the son. In fact, the viewer throughout the film is led to think this is the case. Up until the moment when the leader says that the baby was a girl, the movie was about Joe discovering he was the first replicant to be born. The leader says that all the replicants wish it were them, which is another way of saying that they see themselves as being the children of God. Then she tells Joe that he can still be human, because he can do the most human thing possible: sacrifice yourself. So to be human is to sacrifice yourself. Joe isn’t Jesus Christ. Joe is an ordinary person who discovers that to be human is to sacrifice yourself in a Christ-like way. Joe and replicants aren’t the literal children of God, they are the metaphorical children. This is why it’s important that he has the memory and it’s not his. The memory is real, it’s a part of who he is, but it’s not his. It belongs to all the replicants.

Wherever online marketers recruit? Unless you're implying viral marketing doesn't exist. It's not hard, you can bait almost everyone by making one thread full of praise and another full of criticism, as long as you get everyone talking about it.

>So how does Joe sacrifice himself? When Deckard is being transported by Luv in the flying car, they descend into the depths (the underworld or hell). Joe follows them into the underworld and initiates a battle. He takes out the cars that don’t contain Deckard. The car that contains Deckard lands and begins to sink in water. The water is the unconscious. The car is the whale. I was recently listening to Peterson’s personality lectures (the second one). In the second lecture he says that the whale is the dragon, and that you must conquer the dragon to gain the riches. In order to save Deckard, he must face off Luv. If Luv is an angel (that’s what Wallace calls her), then she’s really a demon since demons are fallen angels.

>Joe kills the demon Luv, and then rescues his metaphorical father/Deckard from the whale/car. He says that Deckard and him just died in the drain, in the sense that they’re fooling everyone with the car accident. To die and then to come back is a resurrection, though I admit this is a stretch. It’s not a stretch to say that Joe sacrificed his past self as a Bladerunner to become something different.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

Its not an emasculate conception though, its expressed that Tyrrell figured out how to make replicants reproduce, making him god. Deckard is joseph at best. Also wallace just wants to up his production speed so he can expand his dominion over the galaxy, so He's effectively blind to the existential implications procreation has on replicants making them "more human than human" which is also tyrells tagline not Wallace's

The guy demanding people see it again is doing it ironically to tick people off because she can't stand that people were actually enjoying something on here for once.

Bladerunner 2049 is the BvS of sci fi

Yeah that's the meme, thanks

What is the pattern? That popular tv series are popular topics on a forum for tv? You should like blade runner. It’s a movie about talented detectives, like you.

the birth is still miraculous in either case, that's how it's portrayed in the film.

When the leader say "we all wish it were us" might also be a reference to the fact that all the replicants past the prohibition who revolted have the wooden horse memory, as demonstrated by mariette after the hologram three way, where she picks up the horse and says, "like in the dream"

So it's your opinion that viral marketers don't post here, correct?

just slap a reddit image on it

I'm not denying that, merely stating that it wasn't strictly out of nothing

>deckard is joseph
>Joseph was a carpenter
>ford wanted to be a carpenter not an actor

The pacing was too slow. And no electric sheep, again!

Pacing is slow in both so perfect continuation. There was a paper sheep, sorry if that's not what you were looking for

I have a complaint you chopped off my last paragraph in my analysis.

Can you include it?

However, he has a choice now. He can do something special. He can transcend his predetermined exist to will to power something greater. He can scarfice himself to the service of something extremely important thus making him special. By rejecting his fantasies and going after Wallace goons and saving Decker to reunite with daughter he provides something extremely real. All his memories and experiences enable to do something great and become a real human bean.

Its Deckard not Decker

I made a typo. I think you get the point.

My bad then I was just being a faggot for no reason

This was a real captcha

What I've gathered so far

>Luv is Wallace's right hand. To perform that task most effectively, all her stats are at 10/10 and she has a fully-fledged personality
>However, she is also unsatisfied with her role. Her master shows her no affection or gratitude and even belittles her when the mood strikes him. She is repulsed by his blindness, which she views as intolerable weakness.
>She has no capacity to disobey so she must idly stand by and watch as he torments and kills a creation that doesn't live up to his standards, and must unflinchingly commit murder at his command.
>She wants, more than anything, for some affection which is why, when she and K review Rachael's old Voight-Kampff exam, and knowing how that ended for Rachael, she decides to try to seduce K. He coldly rebuffs her and her need for affection turns to bitterness.
>When she crushes K's Joi emitter, she does so to take away something K loved.
>When she leaves him in Las Vegas to die (not realizing the underground would save him) she did so, so that he would live out his final hours with that sense of loss.
>When she kissed K after disemboweling him, she was taking from him what he denied her.

>She is the example of what happens to a character that is aware of its nature and, even being dissatisfied with it, walks her preordained path; in contrast to K, when he becomes aware of his nature, decides on his own which path to follow.

Another one

>Luv doesn't want to just kill K, if that was true then she wouldn't kiss him, she wouldn't say "I'm the best" Luv was the exact mirror of K, and her relationship to Wallace mirrors K's relationship to both the LAPD and the Resistance. For K, his identity is formed wholly by his role as blade runner for the LAPD. Within his role, he had purpose and his whole identity is forged by it as an external force. For Luv, her identity is wholly formed by her role as Wallace's "best angel." K is satisfied in his fantasy with Joi, which Luv doesn't have, and he is subsequently able to evolve and channel his fantasies through her ("You're special," etc) whereas Luv's specialness is all from Wallace.
>She simultaneously fears him and can't leave him because he gives her purpose and she relishes being The Best One. While she is clearly upset and traumatized by his actions, he is the only thing that gives her identity, same as the LAPD. Luv is a reflection of what K would be like without Joi. Wallace is all Luv has, for better or worse, and that's her whole world. She struggles against it the entire movie while K feels comfortable within his fantasy as an outlet.
>When Luv destroys Joi, it's possibly out of jealousy for what K has that she lacks. At that point she is fully reaffirmed in her identity, while it shatters K. This is why the Resistance helps form his identity as well as that of a free replicant. The choice is his to remain a slave to his fantasy and former life, or become a slave to a movement where he loses his sense of self. Within the resistance they all had his dreams, they all think they're special like K. Ultimately he is allowed a choice, and goes with an alternative to both. Luv never got the choice at all, and where she frees K by breaking him down with killing Joi, this is what ultimately locks her into her own identity and sense of self for good. She fully becomes Wallace's best angel despite her dissonance with him.


I fully read this every time its posted.

You're welcome

Yh they also post cunny, bane, pickle rick and party rocking

Where should I get my blade runner poster?

Wow user if someone wants to make a thread about a movie you would think they would google the title and use the first image right? Or use a popular poster or screencap from the limited images available before torrents? Even the camrip pictures have been used multiple times for threads? And there is only a 3 minute trailer omg they must be viral marketers constantly using the same meme images the public has access to?

BR2049 is Rick and Morty for people who think they're too smart for Rick and Morty.


Wheres the webms, kid?

I knew this was Peterson-inspired.

Good work.


This doesn't showcase the cinematography like your grid is supposed to

You have exactly 30 minutes

There is no BR out, he couldn't make webms anyway.

You still haven't seen the movie and have been anti shilling for months.

Having fun?

Theres a camrip out and he should be able to show me what the best camera work is based on his shilling of the grid and constant use of it to prove he knows what good cinematography is
You now have 24 minutes, "anti shilling" cancer and I wouldn't ask you to post the best ones which contain a spoiler if I didn't already see it.

t. Razorfist

How are the ticket sales, still in the negative? I heard this one bombed at the box office.

>comedy cartoon
>boring scifi
Don't like either, don't see your point.

this didn't occur to me before but is this a perfect example of the classical form of tragedy? i'm going to go read aristotle's poetics for the first time just to figure it out. i've been putting this off for too long.
>mfw reading Pale Fire and not sure if it's supposed to illuminate the symbolism in BR49 or not or to what extent but enjoying it anyway
>mfw reading the 'cells' section in context
>mfw the commentary on that section is just one sentence about how striking the imagery is
>mfw this might mean that it's all just there in the film to have an effect based purely on aesthetic force
>mfw it might just be a tool to alienate the audience by alienating the character
>mfw it might be the key to K's entire character
>mfw I don't have a literature degree and I'm used to reading science fiction so I don't know

Only for america, its doing great everywhere else. Not surprising really.

I mean the cinematography is undeniably good, I thought it was the pretentious fans/tone people had a problem with?

>Sup Forumsedditor is a numale runner fan
of course

you just know this kid would NEVER watch a singaporean new wave film

This thread
Good for screencapping.

true, I'm waiing for the blu ray.