Star Trek /Discovery/ General
I made this thread earlier :P
which you want use? we not get use the op image yet in other
You're starting to like the show. Admit it
He should use yours. He's just angry about /DIS/ not catching on.
we switch up now and then, it not matter to me either way.
Discovery doesn't have any waif-
STD looks like poopoo doodoo lol
Actually I hate it more with every passing scene. It's a train wreck I can't look away from. Imagine being given the opportunity to run a beloved television property and then for every decision you make, it's the wrong one. That's STD.
Won't Voq's cover get blown when he gets examined by the doctor?
why is there not a single hot waifu in this show?
>original #1
>Nurse Chapel
>Yeoman Colt
>Yeoman Rand
>Martha Landon
>Green dancing slut
>Councillor troi with big tits on display
>Milf crusher (especially if you were a fan of Dune)
>Tasha yar (from yesterdays enterprise)
>Jadzia the whore
>Ezri the qt
>sleepy kes
>T'pol the big titted
>Super charged Carol Marcus
All STD has is a spotty fat ginger and a pissed of black girl and something that might resemble a robot.
Star Trek used to be about the sexual awakening of the teenage male.
What happened?
How did Lorca know how to pilot a Klingon ship?
The Episode 5 is unanimously appreciated.
See pleb
>DISCO shirts
So the crew is all promoting the Disney Company?
>not wanting Tilly
coming out doesn't count if you do it anonymously
He studies war
>Actually I hate it more with every passing scene
It gets better and more Star Trek with each episode
Waifu in Star Trek are never hot. They are cute, beautiful, smart.
Yeah. It's spreading.
I swipe left to everyone in this picture
Guys why didn't they just name her Michaela?
It's a catchy show
What do you mean?
Who's the top?
Maybe the next best doctor and for the first time since TOS, just a normal human doctor
what if has 2 dicks like the klingons do now?
/Disco/very General*
>for the first time since TOS
>for the first time since TOS
What are you even going on about?
They're both switches.
It's an interracial relationship. You already know the answer
Who has after effects installed? That webm needs some correcting.
Ho i forget TNG but not a very memorable doctor.
Is that future Congresswomyn Wu?
yeah Bones was a bigoted piece of shit. I'd hardly call him normal
Is this season going to have an episode where the Klingons try to force gay conversion therapy on the doctor and the crew of the Discovery will have to save him from the "social injustice"?
>not memorable
explain the mushroom drive to me... in context of other ST lore.
mainly, why isn't it used more?
So is this guy, you heard the way he spoke about Tellarites.
Give me one thing memorable about her. (don't speak about her body)
homo says what
Bashir was also kinda normal. Minus the autism superforce episode and the gay part.
She had sex with a ghost.
We don't know. Presumably they fuck it up somehow rendering it inoperable, or it becomes a top secret never to be used thing.
Species 7*** ate all the mushrooms.
she was a normal human doctor
He was literally a super genius GMO.
Gave birth to the captain of the next Star Trek series after STD flops.
Don't even fucking joke about shit like that.
>don't speak about her body)
Fuck you
So much fucking better and so much more fucking star trek, right?
Still waiting to see this hot waifu you promised
I could buy the Federation banning its use, but what of other races? Keep in mind, the records of Fed/Klingon war are up there, the Disocvery is ALREADY famous. Not to mention all the alien-of-the-week/ancient races.
I like this.
>Dude who definitely isn't Klingon: Is that font Bank Gothic? How can you wear that shirt with a straight face?
>Autist: Fucking agreed. Hello, I'm Tilly
Yes episode 5 had normal Star Trek writing
Guess it can hang around to use after this one unless it gets deleted.
>another alien species/the Borg/the Dominion discovers the mycelial plane
>on the eve of a total invasion of the federation, they collapse the network
calling it now
why are they the only ones wiht the shirts?
In fairness he does definitely know, this is signalled to the viewer. Its not like James Bond leaping into a random form of transport and instantly mastering it intuitively.
Nice stuff in that scene actually, everyone is shitting on it so hard they didn't notice Saru identified the captain was in the ship from his own heightened empathy for things chased by predators.
Merch is out! Get it while its hot!
not bad
haven't considered the network could be collapsed although it's a basic sci-fi trope
you're probably on point
were probably exercising together or something
>Its not like James Bond leaping into a random form of transport and instantly mastering it intuitively.
well it sure as hell comes off that way because where would he get all this klingon flight training yet the federation wouldnt be using cloaks and adapting them onto their yeast infection powered ships?
why the fuck is it being filmed like an episode of The Office just keep the fucking camera steady aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
The words of every Star Trek "fan" every single time since tOS ended.
There is actually more than one documentary about just how much Star Trek fans hated TNG when it came out.
You've made yourselves irrelevant.
Anyone else fucking HYPE when they
>engage spore drive
>The words of every Star Trek "fan" every single time since tOS ended.
ehhh this is kind of different noone hated literally everything about the other shows. This show people slay on the visuals, uniforms, characters, there is nothing untouched.
ehhh no. The barrel roll is silly.
wait so that Klingon Captain
was that the one helping the Albino, or did they just decide to save on money by having the same actress in the same makeup and costume but with red tips play a different character?
ENT and VOY mostly got hate each episode. Both beloved by fans now, btw.
it's not Bank Gothic, it's Bank Sans
Can't wait for the next "the captains" style documentary. We can have Kirk, Picard, Sisko, Janeway, Archer and now Michael all sit round and talk about how comparable their experience was on trek.
Whacking it to 7's waistline isn't exactly the same thing as 'beloved'
i still cant get into VOY so I dont know wtf your talking about. I keep trying though to watch it when its on.
So how do you guys rate Saru's command performance
>completed his objective with no casualties
>uncovered an alternative to making the Spore Drive viable
>earned the respect of his crew by getting shit done
is the font for STD mostly bank sans?
ENT>STD is something I see often in those threads.
I liked it.
this looks 100 times better than it did in STD, dam jews do ruin everything even basic workout routines, das fucked up yo!
concentrate on 7
You're wrong about that. The creators themselves say it took until "Best of both worlds" aired (S3E26/S4E1) too get any acceptance at all. They had ratings but basically nothing but hate mail. They know to just ignore the fans, arguably this went too far in Enterprise where they should have listened earlier.
this, Seven's ass really makes the show more tolerable
That ending was really spoopy.
he was 100% on point, including all the tiglodyte(sp?!) related shit
Yes the storyline seems great for 7 that is a high point. I hear the doc has a good story later.
On VOY i do like Paris and Kim and the vulcan Tuvok but they dont really seem to do much with Tuvok or Paris/kim
they should have filmed an ending to that series
Janeway > Picard.
he still has to apologize to Micheal
thats bait!
for fucking what?
They casting actual aliens? Ayy lmao!
have you watched the show?
you haven't seen either show, have you?
should be Eurostile but they seem to be using Bank Gothic/Sans interchangeably. the R gives it away (top is Bank, bottom is Eurostile)
Mrs. Eaves small caps for the Klingon subtitles.
It doesn't come off that way, he knows the details of the display at a station he isn't even operating. They are making it very explicit he for sure knows, this will not be an accident and its good writing, its telling you something.