This was a surprisingly decent for a movie that is essentially: "guy mercilessly beats everyone to solve his problem".
This was a surprisingly decent for a movie that is essentially: "guy mercilessly beats everyone to solve his problem"
WTF user, I was about to post the same thread
It's absolute kino.
stupid premise since how they get him arrested
This is a better grindhouse movie than all the big budget ones Tarantino has made from Kill Bill onwards.
ya just keep posting this.
Its likely the worst fight scene ever filmed.
That's like the most vanilla action scene in the movie.
At one point he kicks a guy's head off into a literal shit hole
The editing and choreography was pretty bad at times, but overall the fight scenes where satisfying enough to look past their faults. Also: Bradley is supposed to be a tank on legs.
Wow...There wasn't a single punch that looked remotely believable in that webm.
it's unironically bad on purpose tho. It's an exploitation film.
You looks out of shape and he had no muscle or tone when he got his clothes off.
How was he so tough to take damage and he was breaking bones just throwing punches?
>implying those aren’t the best kinds of movies
Are you trying to say it's unrealistic to kick someones head off?
>overall the fight scenes where satisfying enough
hold on to your butts - dat SUSPENSE!!!
>webm cuts before it gets good
This. I was confused by everyone acting like he looked impressive.
> we're talking OSCARS here, fellas
What am I supposed to find so bad about this?
Is anyone else glad that his boss didn't turn out to be the villain? That cliche has been done so many fucking times now I was genuinely surprised that they didn't go with it.
>What am I supposed to find so bad about this?
Stopped watching halfway through. Why should I care about King Cuck fighting for his mega roastie wife?
>First prison yard fight scene
>He just grabs a guy under the arms and the movie plays audio of four celery sticks breaking at once
So he hugged the guy so hard his entire ribcage broke?
This natty?
Yeah, I actually really liked when his boss was even willing to kill for him and his wife.
Yeah he was based as fuck, I thought the old creep and gook were going to get away.
>that cut
I enjoyed this fight scene for what it was. >inb4 >just shut your brain off
I enjoyed it a lot when I watched it happen during the movie. What's actually wrong with it?
My only problem too. It was kind of justified since it showed him adhering to his principles, but these same principles should have stopped from getting into the drug business in the first place, so there's that.
It's a testosterone fueled movie, which you clearly lack little virgin neet lmao
>It's a testosterone fueled movie where you're supposed to root for a literal cuck
I think you meant estrogen, lmao
To be fair the guy is like 6'4, so even a body like this is pretty ok on a frame that tall.
Literally what. Did you even watch the movie?
I unironically loved this fight scene, especially the choreography
stop confusing 'unrealistic' with 'shit', it's not that kind of kino
>using /r9k/ lingo to form sentences
I consider you a lower being than the dog shit I stepped in last week
>That sound when the guys face was dragged across the floor
Torrent when?
It's out, lad.
Lol loser
This shit was kino tho?
>The skin catching on the floor
The way every punch looks like it's happening in slow motion and has 0 weight put into it.
It was smart of Vince Vaughn's character to disguise a dummy to take his place. But why didn't they show him sneaking away afterwards?
>He didn't notice that Vaughn was the black guy all along
>those last few punches at his guard
this is a good body, he is just pale and has some weird blue lighting
My favorite part is how the film is so racist, but it gets away with it. Probally why it didnt go to theator.
>nigga is the friendly term
What was so racist about it? There were even three blacks that were sympathetic to Bradley.
The film wasn't racist at all. It has characters from major ethnic backgrounds and it doesn't make an overt reference to them at all. There wasn't a hint of pandering.
It was Vince Vaughn's character who was probably racist.
The scene where Bradley stomped on the Latino man's head, then looked directly at the camera and said "This is what happens to you fucking border-hoppers, and Dreamers too. Get the fuck out of my country, hail Trump!"
I thought it seemed a little tacked on.
can't unsee
Scripts co-written by Raimi should probably be proof-read a couple of times.
Vince Vaughn looks like Rich Piana
Something about the dialogue in this movie really lingered. He knew when to keep silent, and it's like he always kept people from feeling guilty, like the small exchanges with his co-workers at the start when he got fired.
The guy in the cell next to him in block 99 was based. What do you think he was serving time for?
this is unironically a kino yet people here will shit on it through a fight without context. the fight u witness it because vince is a boxer and the guard is a boxer in the inmates program. it's a respectful fight and it looks dumb for that reason. ya a bunch of a fucking retards.
>make him eat his friend
He was a sick fuck.
Probably ate a bunch of kids or whatever
The fight scenes were great and anybody that says otherwise is a stupid, stupid asshole.
Why? That's just funny.
>How was he so tough to take damage and he was breaking bones just throwing punches?
Try not being a manlet for once in your life.
Every single bad guy is a foreigner.
Boo fucking hoo.
>stupid, stupid asshole
Nothing dude stop taking what autists on here say seriously
>autists on here
where were you when mineral water had a sexual orientation?
realistic bruiser. a cut physique wouldve detracted
So, why did he have that tattoo?
Because he wanted a cool tattoo and his mom let him get one.
I feel like this movie shouldn't be scrutinized too much. It's not realistic but a cool movie to watch
This movie had impeccable pacing.
As someone who didnt watch a trailer the movie escalated in stunning fashion.
It's been a long time since brutality was tastefully done.
I feel bad for people who wont like this movie because the choreography is shoddy at times. It's not a karate movie.
Also, there were seemingly no weak characters, everyone fit perfectly.
>This movie had impeccable pacing
It's a fucking grindhouse/exploitation movie. Only an absolute retard would be critical of it beyond that.
>dude just turn off your brain lmao
He has the same dadbod as Tyson Fury who would destroy any ultra ripped actor with one solid punch.
>use your brain*
At least you tried bro
Kek even I could kick such a fat swine's ass.
so he went to the super security prison to kill someone, but when hes there the guy doesnt exist and he doesnt have to kill anyone anymore?
>that asian guys face after trying to kung fu vince
that was pretty brutal.
also is korean abortionist literally Sup Forums the character?
Yeah the beaner just fucked him over
It was a trap to fuck Bradley over.
>also is korean abortionist literally Sup Forums the character?
No that would be his cell neighbour. I wonder what he was gonna use that taser for.
So they were going to maim the baby no matter what?
Self defense against bugs.
if Eleazar had connections with Redleaf why did he need Vince Vaughn to find and kill that guy?
I guess they were just fucking with him, but they could have done that in more satisfying and direct ways.
There was no guy, they just wanted him to get moved to maximum in order to get revenge.
Why the fuck did he shoot at those two retards instead of running/swimming away?
He's a patriot. He has two flags. One above his door.
It was stupid but he had principles and wanted Trump to build a wall.
There isn't a single punch that looks even remotely believable in the whole film.
Just watched. meh/10
Yeah the fighting is kind of wonky, but it was a lot of fun to me. The way he was basically a tank was so much fun to watch. I love characters like that. Like Fisk in Daredevil.