ITT: The EXCACT moment you dropped a show
ITT: The EXCACT moment you dropped a show
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>dropping a show on one of the highlights of a season
Do people really drop shows because their religion is different or it doesn't have one?
hi plebbit
Yes religious people also bomb newspapers for drawing funny looking people with turbans and entire wars have been fought over slightly different interpretations of the same deity. Religion was a mistake.
>character has a god complex
>character hypocritically prays during crisis but then says god isn't real when he's safe
>Sup Forums is absolutely and utterly buttblasted by this, so much so that they forced a meme and refuse to admit liking the show because of it
Not op but it's how pretentious it goes about it. Then again does the same to Nihilism.
Nihilism is more not worrying or caring about religion/the purpose of life, to the point of not even arguing with others because it's a pointless venture to even pursue the argument.
Nihilism isn't *BURRRPP NOTHING MATTERS WE ARE ALL BY ACCIDENT GOD ISN'T REAL WAKE UP GOYIM''. while telling everyone around you about it.
Yes. Because somethings are more important than a mediocre cartoon, user.
>disregarding religion means you're plebbit
Do you not feel any sense of shame going into an existing culture and trying to change it to fit your model? Sup Forums has always been anti-religious.
Do you realize this Rick is a "toxic" form of Rick and is grossly exaggerated as a plot point not as a method of preaching a message? It's also a cartoon, it shouldn't be taken too seriously in the first place.
>Sup Forums has always been anti-religious.
yes it was
Sup Forums has always been the home to fedora tipping neckbeard virgins, yes. Did the anime not clue you in?
never dropping this show its so funny
Fuck that show. I used to like it before it went full reddit
Dropped STD last night. For some reason, a pair tortured and starving inmates manhandling a crew of armed Klingon warriors was the last straw amongst all the sjw and retcon bullshit.
>projecting this hard
because after the season recap, my full realization of how dumb the show was took a few minutes to kick in
Rick and Morty wouldn't say goyim that's too edgy for them
posting memes will not change the fact
The ABCs of Beth. A boring, unfunny slog of two of the most unpleasant characters in the entire show have a mutual masturbation session about how great they are and nothing bad they do is wrong because they're so smart. I know Rick isn't meant to be a nice guy, or a model for fans, or anything like that, but in S3 he's being presented that way and it's fucking weird. What happened to the old episodes where everyone called Rick out on his shit?
ah yes, Winston Wolf
No. Just being honest. And the reality is you know I'm right. You're just too proud to admit it. That's the best thing about this place, though. When you get btfo nobody link you to it (unless you are a tripfag).
You can be nihilistic about one thing but not another. Nobody said Rick is completely self-consistent. He can feel life is pointless but not that his science or adventures are pointless. He could be trying to create meaning from his adventures because he feels that there's no point otherwise. He would argue and tell others around him about it if he found meaning in argument. I think the meaning is to make himself feel superior to others. He's a dick.
Also, making your own meaning in a meaningless universe is part of philosophy just as much as raw nihilism.
I gave up on Orange is the New Black after Season 3, and House of Cards after Season 4.
I think they just overstayed their welcomes from me, especially the latter with how much they were pushing for Claire to take over (which I guess finally happens in 5).
>reddit and memey
Get the fuck out.
Do we wanna talk about what's been done in the name of communism?
I drop any show that has racemixing
This shit
Rick and Morty is a pretty good show as far as adult cartoons go. It definitely deserves the praise it gets.
People think people with Rick and Morty tattoos means that people who likes Rick and Morty are retarded. When in truth, what it means is that people that get tattoos are fucking retarded in general. No tattoos look good ever.
I also have never met anyone who has said that they think Rick and Morty is a show for "intellectuals". This is a retarded meme started by retarded redditors and who Sup Forums probably copied. I have however seen people who think they are "too intellectual" to watch Rick and Morty.
Sup Forums used to be anti-religious ten years ago.
All the young newfags are now unironically christian, just to be contrarian in the new post-conservatism western world. But back then, being atheist was the contrarian thing.
Sup Forums basically just does the opposite of what's popular. They don't actually care about God, or understanding their place in the universe, or self actualization. They just want to be seen doing whatever it is the "normies" are not doing.
Just the major races, or do you care if an Irish and Italian hook up?
>herp derp do i fit in yet guise
>post-conservatism western world
m8 have you been asleep the past 3 years
The moment this superhero team-up became evident
Having them all ride away on a dragon was the cherry on the top
Bad pussy
I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal savior, son of God who sacrificed himself for our sins and fills us with the Holy Spirit.
Now excuse me, I'm off to fap to MILFs getting double penetrated.
But there really isn't any meaning.
>Beth, Morty, Summer: Wow Rick you're so cool
>Beth, Morty, Summer: Oh wow what a fun adventure we love Rick
>Other character: I don't like Rick
>Beth, Morty, Summer: BOO, RICK IS GREAT
>*massacres more innocent people*
It's a show about a serial killer only literally nobody cares about his victims at all.
>inb4 it's a zany sci-fi show just turn your brain off bro
That ship sailed when Rick tried to kill himself while tryhard sad indie music played after his ex sent him a pseudo-deep letter. It's trying to sell itself as serious, you can't have it both ways.
Really should have dropped it long ago. I just didn't have the guts to soldier through it anymore.
I can't wait for the Reddit backlash once God inevitably shows up in the last episode.
Eastern Europeans and Latinos on Sup Forums were always religious, they just didn't step-out and admit it because Western white fedoras controlled the narrative during the early years.
Top tier taste
Not him but
>herp derp
Fuck off newfag
Irish and Italian isn't a race, idiot
>b-b-but my ebin cartoons
Go away, manchild.
Just the major ones
Found the subhuman Mick and/or Wop.
woah are you mad virgin? all I'm saying is we chads run this place now. you get 2 options you walk out that door and you say goodbye to your happy go lucky "chinas cartoon board" or you accept it, you accept that despite all you effort to be counter culture and pride yourself on being "not like the normies REEEEEEEEE" you are nothing but just another brick in the wall. you are just another nail in a board and just another worthless human being. *inhales* HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH did you get that? THIS IS OUR BOARD NOW. now ill let you stay here cuck but only when you accept full defeat.
>watching people have sex
>not fucking a hooker
It tends towards atheism but militant atheists are so common, disgustingly autistic and loud everywhere on the internet that a significant minority of contrarians became religious out of spite
No, but they are recognizable sub-phenotypes of Caucasians.
Ancestry and 23 & Me are able to pinpoint them, because geneticists can literally tell if people have Irish, etc. genes or not.
Found the subhuman Englishman.
Irish and Italian still aren't a race bro
Sup Forums is basically almost all atheist. They were just militant atheist as teenagers and now they're living in shame of how cringy they acted back then and have therefor started to defend everyone of all religions now not to be associated with the kind of cringe they used to spread
they are of course doing all of this, unknowing of how much of a fucking limp dicked cuck it makes them look like now.
I dropped Bojack Horseman during the gun control episode in season 4
>feminists start buying guns to defend themselves from evil (white) men
>le evil old white men in the government don't want women having guns
>so they ban all guns
>wow, we passed sensible gun legislation
>" I can't believe America hates women more than it likes guns" (actual line from the show)
There was nothing funny or interesting about it, it was just strange. Like I was watching a campaign ad from an especially left-wing Democratic congressman. It reminded me of the show's weak opening episodes in season 1. Also I never really liked the whole Hollyhock plot anyway.
I actually agree with this guy. I still like R&M, but season 3 is the weakest season for me so far, precisely because they went and spoiled the tone of the second series. They tried to make it a serious character study and go dark with Rick's character, only to go back to wacky zany adventures next season.
This show needs to decide what it wants to be.
on this scene of American Gods
shame, because I like the actress that plays Easter, I wanted to see her
should have dropped earlier though, their slow mo for no fucking reason was annoying as fuck
>Implying I don't hate commies
This, Rick & Morty is the show we deserve. We've got more fedora virgins than reddit and tumblr together.
What nobody is mentioning here is the context of the scene: Rick has removed the toxic parts of himself, and those things manifested in the Rick that goes super edgy nihilism in this scene. So, yeah, it’s part of his character, but the show isn’t implying that that’s a healthy mindset. In fact, this scene seems to confirm the opposite.
Definitely. I wish Sup Forums could stop with all this memery and just fucking embrace the show. They'd love it if they actually watched it.
Still not an argument also i'm Norwegian but keep telling yourself that Irish and Italian is a race.
What you just said was literally covered in the Pickle Rick episode though
A lot of teens like to delude themselves into thinking conservatism is contrarian
This is how you spot underaged users btw
It's meaning to Rick, you autist. It doesn't have to have meaning to you. Their adventures mean something to the character even if you don't care. You can tell by reading the character's emotions. If you have problems doing that, there's also many times Rick has said one thing while meaning another. So you may have not picked up on that either. Also try watching the show instead of watching clips on youtube. You obviously have no context for the video you posted. And you absolutely can have comedy and drama in the same show. Lots of shows do it. It's not a binary choice. You sound super autistic.
Isnt that the end?
Did you drop it 2 minutes before it ended?
>Isnt that the end?
It's when I decided not to bother watching any S3 if it comes out
Literally, unironically this. It was too stupid for words, and I hear that it only got worse.
fuck off nazi punks
>paying money for pleasure
>The moment this superhero team-up became evident
That was by far the least dumb aspect of that sequence. Where the hell was the editor, pointing out the plot holes in that?
Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't.
>Eastern Europeans and Latinos on Sup Forums were always religious
fuck off shitskins
When the walking dead got a 6th season when it should've ended at the 3rd or 4th.
Haven't watched a new episode ever since.
I keep watching because there is a faint glimmer of quality in each episode, but each season just piling on more and more garbage
Gyp Rosetti?
My reddit theory concerning Rick and Morty is that Rick is actually God and isn't just some smart scientist. The series finale will reveal this.
you dropped twin peaks s1e1 during its opening theme?
Read the books. They're worth it. Every abysmally stupid thing in the show is absent in the books.
Riverdale when they found the 'misogynist' fuck list.
You know that was the toxic part of him right
After the first episode of the third season. Something didn't feel right, which turned out to be the SJW writers who came on board
Fiona is a whore bitch in season 6
im fairly sure rick and morty have only had "god doens't exist" jokes in there like, two or three times? among episodes with literal supernatural beings and rick himself questioning the existence of god
wait lol did that plot twist actually get to somebody
you should've known the walking dead was never going to have a cure in it, it's literally the point
Season 5 was even more of a let down. The show peaked at season 4
not to mention the episode where he literally meets the devil
it was a really boring opening
When Lena's Dunham showed up on American horror story.
That's what made you drop the show? After all the cringy loathsome shit in that show it was "God might not exist" that made you lose interest?