I find it progressive that after 5 shows the network decided to take a major risk by putting a white guy in the captain's chair. An old white guy at that, yuk!
Great going, CBS! You had one job.
I find it progressive that after 5 shows the network decided to take a major risk by putting a white guy in the captain's chair. An old white guy at that, yuk!
Great going, CBS! You had one job.
Saved the show desu
captain lorca did nothing wrong tho.
>blows up his own ship
>doesn't go down with it
>absolute madman
Let's hope he pulls the same on the Discovery.
>white guy
>hispanic guy from southern america played by a jews
He's Jewish.
They'll kill him and make the black chick captain. Don't worry it's coming
The black chick isin't even in /star fleet/ the cadet would sooner be the captain.
Every character in this fucking sucks.
>He's Jewish.
I'm shocked that I'm not shocked.
>Every character in this fucking sucks.
Shut you're mouth
Still white.
That's fucking awesome!
WTF I love CBS now
>pimple face maggie
>people who don't originate from europe are white
>I find it progressive
kys faggot
>Still white.
t. jew
My trick to bearing with the STD is assuming that they're Section 31.
These are both Jews.
jews are "white" when its convenient for them