Good show or is it racist?

good show or is it racist?

How the fuck so i know, i don't watch that show.


those kids really look like his father

it was racist pandering garbage,

It was awesome. them two brothers were pointless though. Show got better when it got focussed more on mom she is better than that fat chigger

why is it cause they're asian, fucking racist

I couldn't really relate to most of the humor. I imagine it's different for asians?


The show could be really good if they just got rid of the kid it's about.

I liked how it started out as a show based around the oldest brother and how he dealt with his family but quickly shifted to focus more on the family since he was the most boring part.

This, the mother is easily the best part of the show

what exactly? racist


they're not related

Vehicle for easy low-hanging fruit comedy. You can only play with the same few stereotypes so many times before it gets old, but there are enough imbeciles to make it profitable so it stays on the air. No reason to watch unless you're retarded. Every joke the show has made, you could've made yourself.

it really forces you to think

Would nut inside the mom, and make some asian fusion.



>that kid's face

so changalang it chingachongs

>Be in 1800s
>Be Virginia
>Be the most populated state
>Have the largest slave trade industry
>Decides which president US will have every election because of popular vote


Racist, but not for the reasons you may think. Show creators wanted asian experience authenticity.

Show people gave interviews saying they purposefully avoided creating/casting an Asian daughter because they didn't want to have to have a white male/asian female couple on the show.

too late


Wh*tes literally can't handle the banter.

Would watch this porn desu if they stay in character of show.

>Claim to be a democracy.
>Let a minority of hicks tell the majority how to live.

>Let a minority of hicks tell the majority how to live.
God Bless America.

which episode is this?

did they fuck?

i'm native american

>/ss/ into vanilla

What's it about? What makes it racist?

I didn't care if it was an Asian family. I enjoyed it as a show about growing up in the 90s. Yet it wasn't too over the top and blatantly of the decade like Goldbergs.

>show about an Asian family
>three sons
>no daughters

Everything is racist, everything is sexist and you've got to point it all out.